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John F Kennedy Jfk Assassination Analysis

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The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States of America has generally seemed very cut and dry. One man acted alone, and shot him while Kennedy was in a motor brigade. However, things aren’t always as they seem. Many Americans have speculated that not everything the so called “Official Report” tells us adds up entirely. Many have have pointed to the unusual amount of turns and windows along the route. However, there may be something even more suspicious than turns and windows going on.
The Official Report
On Friday, November 22, 1963 president John F. Kennedy was publicly assassinated on a motorcade through Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was struck with two bullets. One of which was a fatal headshot. Governor of Texas, John B. Connally JR who was in the car with Kennedy was also shot, however, he survived. The Official Report, or The Warren Commission, claims three bullets were shot. This horrifying act was caught on tape by Abraham Zapruder. This film was dubbed, the Zapruder film. This allowed for frame-by-frame analysis. The shooting occurred from the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository. Right along the path of JFK’s motorcade. The official ruling of the Warren Commission was that a man named Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone with no real motive. …show more content…
Prior to the assassination, Oswald had been in Russia where he attempted to denounce his American citizenship. Oswald had a history of violence. In the marine corps he became qualified as a sharpshooter with the M-1 rifle. He was under FBI surveillance, but strangely, local FBI agents did not inform the secret service about

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