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Joseph Stalin's Influence On Fascist Dictators

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Fascist dictators have been around for many years. Many want to have full power and control over a nation or multiple nations. Sometimes, they do this by using extreme violence and discriminating propaganda. In the Populus Leader Project, the fascist techniques of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Donald Trump are revealed. The section I worked on was about the leader of the USSR, Joseph Stalin. Joseph Stalin had an extremely rough childhood. He lived in poverty and was spiteful at the government for this. He also got arrested many times. As soon as Lenin fell, Stalin jumped in and seized power of the USSR. He supported and had many extreme ideas such as killing all capitalists. One statement he said stated “When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use” ( Extreme ideas like this lead to violent killings and eventually the mass murder of 6 million people, including his own citizens. He firmly believed that “death is the solution to all problems. No man- no problem.” ( Ideas like this created the largest man-made famine in history. He used methods such as propaganda and a secret police force to try and get everyone on his side. …show more content…
This gave all privately owned farms to the government and industrialized the USSR greatly ( Food production in the country reached the highest amount ever! The downfall of this, though, outweighed the success. The people working on the farms were sometimes being forced to work, similar to a German Concentration Camp. The people on the camps died of famine because they had no food and could not take the crops. Stalin’s strict regime did not allow for the farm workers to receive much food and instead gave most of it to workers in the factories. Still, the workers ate pitiful amounts because of how many had to eat. Killing millions of people through war, propaganda, and famine was not worth the economic

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