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Arundel Partners: The Sequel Project

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TO: Paul Kagan Associates, Inc.
FROM: Yixin Liu
SUBJECT: Arundel Partners: The Sequel Project
1. As you had assigned me the task of investigating a possibility of investing in the sequel rights in the US movie industry, I have made some analyses and recommendations as well.
2. The US film industry is on an upward growth after successful first films, thanks to creativity and growing thriftiness in the movie business.
3. Major studios finance film projects, which may or may not be successful in the US and the global market. However, experienced players always invest in independently financed films and the returns are good.
4. A lot of money is involved in production, distribution, and exhibition of films, which eventually …show more content…
Besides financial performance, it is necessary to use discounted cash flows to make informed decisions. In Exhibit 6, estimates of financial performance are provided for the six major studios that helped in computing discounted cash flows. It can be seen that for the first film in 1991, the US theater rentals and other revenues were $63.7 million while the distribution fees/expenses as well as negative cost were $51.9 million. Compared to the hypothetical sequel, the US theater rentals and other revenues came to $48.4 million while the distribution fees/expenses and negative cost were $48.6 million. This shows that the expected profitability of the hypothetical sequel was low, a …show more content…
One, the revenues from the hypothetical sequels for films released in 1989 were always much lower than the revenue earned from the first film. Furthermore, the negative costs associated with the hypothetical sequel were much higher than the first film. Even though the distribution fees and expenses for the hypothetical sequel were lower compared to the amount spend in the first films, the pre-tax profits were dismal. As observed earlier, the pre-tax profits of films released in 1989 were $11.8 million. However, the hypothetical sequel shows that the studios would make losses of up to $200,000 in sequel rights.
Two, as shown in Appendix I-IV below, the pre-tax profits for the hypothetical sequel will be higher compared to the previous years 1990 and 1991. However, this is a long period that makes it difficult to project revenue growth and stability of expenses in order to generate profits. Hence, it is highly unlikely that the hypothetical sequel would register any profits looking into the diminishing

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