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Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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In the following report, my colleague and I have discussed the topic of tomography and its application in the form of MRI’s. Now, you may ask what is tomography or what is an MRI? Well tomography is the imaging of an object via sections that are cut up by any kind of penetrating waves, and it truly brings together mathematics with biology and technology. The example of tomography that we will be discussing are MRI’s. Now MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging, which is a noninvasive diagnostic technique that produces computerized images of internal body tissues via the vibration of protons caused by released radio waves. This is possible because magnetic fields are used to align protons in the body for our radio waves to hit them. Once the …show more content…
Brain tumors can either be malignant (contain cancer cells) or benign (do not contain any cancer cells). When a doctor suspects you have brain cancer, they will order a head MRI and or a brain fMRI to check for any tumors. A head MRI uses magnetic fields, radio frequency pulses and a computer to produce detailed pictures of organs and soft tissues. This MRI provides detailed images that can detect brain abnormalities such as tumors and infections. A brain fMRI (Functional magnetic resonance imaging) is a new procedure that uses MR imaging to measure the tiny metabolic changes that take place in the active part of the brain. When used for brain tumor diagnosis, this test is performed to evaluate areas in the brain related to language and muscle movement. It is also used to monitor the growth and function of tumors as well as assessing potential risks of surgery or other invasive treatments. During an fMRI diagnosis, the patient is asked to perform a specific task, such as recite the alphabet, while the scan is being done. The fMRI then pinpoints the exact location of the functional center in the brain, allowing physicians to plan surgery or other treatments for that particular disorder of the brain. These types of MRI’s show visual “slices” of the brain that can be combined to create a three-dimensional picture of the …show more content…
Since MRI’s use

electromagnetic fields, minor signal errors of these magnetic fields can disturb the imaging process and may produce inaccurate clinical images. One way to prevent these discrepancies is through the Bloch equation. “The Bloch equations are a set of macroscopic equations that are used to calculate the nuclear magnetization M = (Mx, My, Mz) as a function of time when relaxation times T1 and T2 are present.” The Bloch equation is used as a way to identify where the MRI signal is coming from and eliminate any source that can alter its signal frequency. The Bloch equations is as follows:

In an MRI, this process is known as the resonance process. The position of the magnetisation vector at the end of the resonance process is determined by the duration of the RF field. This equation overall uses the two sources of connectivity that may alter the MRI signal: the one connected to the static magnetic field and the one connected to the RF field using the angles of the signal, the duration of the RF field, and the positions of the signals. The equation then calculates the overall magnetisation of the MRI signaling, thus, eliminating any faulty signals that may alter the accurate image of the

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