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Submitted By azka6006
Words 371
Pages 2
Homelessness, a small word compared to the impact it has on the lives of millions of people across the globe. Homelessness is a situation where one does not has a shelter. Going deeper into the meaning of the word it does not only defines being roofless. Rather it has vast meaning. People are homeless if they have housing but it is not proper or adequate. That is it poses risks to their health and safety. Access to safe and secure housing is one of the most basic human rights. Housing is a basic human need, yet the statistics of United Nations Commission on Human Rights in 2005 notes that, an estimated100 million people -one-quarter of the world's population- live without shelter or in unhealthy and unacceptable conditions. Over 100 million people around the world have no shelter whatsoever. The health consequences of this level of homelessness are profound. Homelessness’ is much more than ‘houselessness’. Most of us don’t just think of our home as merely a place of shelter. Usually, a home represents a family, friendships and social connections with other human beings. In some cases, the experience of homelessness can be disturbing and longer term. Some people, usually those without family or social support, may find themselves stuck in homelessness. Some may become rough sleepers; sleeping on streets and roads while others may cycle through a range of inadequate and short term accommodation arrangements. There are a range of factors which can lead to a person becoming homeless. Generally it is a combination of these factors that result in a person becoming homeless. For example, if someone cannot afford proper housing. This may result from a number of different experiences, including long-term or short-term unemployment, debt and other financial pressures, and housing market pressures, such as rising rental and house prices and the lack of public

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