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Human Services Worksheet


Submitted By dianitarojas
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Human Services Professional Worksheet

BSHS 355
September 16, 2014
University of Phoenix Material

Human Services Professional Worksheet

Select three agency types from the following list:

|A drug and alcohol treatment program |A hospital rehabilitation center (A physical rehabilitation center) |
|A homeless shelter |A crisis intervention center |
|A day treatment drop-in center for teenagers | |

Complete the table for the chosen agencies by providing a 60- to 85-word response in each column. An example has been completed as a guide.

|The agency |Description of the agency |Who they serve |The professionals involved with the |The professional’s role |
| | | |agency | |
|A domestic violence program|A domestic violence program provides |As mentioned, this program may |In many residential programs, |The role of the professional working in a|
| |protection and resources to |provide protection for individuals,|counselors provide advice and |shelter is to help program participants |
| |individuals treated violently by |but it may also provide protection |counseling. They assist residents |cope with losing their home and community|
| |their spouses or partners. These |for children in the individual’s |living away from their abusers. |and with the abuse. This is often a |
| |programs can have many components. |care. There are generally a large | |traumatic time for the victim. |
| |Shelters are available for |percentage of young children who |Victims in the program wishing to move| |
| |individuals needing protection from |are in need of protection in |on with their lives, away from the |Often, victims come to the shelter with |
| |violence. Additionally, some services|addition to the individual seeking |perpetrator, will find advocates |nothing, and they need help putting their|
| |provide resources to individuals once|help. These programs generally do |available to work with them. These |lives back together. The role of the |
| |they leave the shelter to help them |not provide service for males, as |advocates help program participants |professional is to help with emotional |
| |regain independence. |outpatient services are offered for|find work, housing, legal support, and|recovery, finding work and shelter, and |
| | |violators of the female population.|other services in the community. Some |rebuilding their lives. |
| | | |shelters can provide some form of | |
| | | |legal assistance. | |
|A drug and alcohol |A drug and alcohol treatment program |Drug and alcohol abuse treatment |In an inpatient drug and alcohol |The period of care and treatment varies |
|treatment program |provides inpatient help to clients |programs focus mainly on the abuser|treatment program, the attending staff|but is usually an average length of stay |
| |who have substance abuse or |itself but will often times |is comprised of a multidisciplinary |of three to five days. Inpatient drug and|
| |dependency issues. A full continuum |incorporate the family as well. |group. This group will usually consist|alcohol treatment programs provide |
| |of care within a drug and alcohol |Involving family members has proven|of board-certified psychiatrists, |structured, secure detoxification for |
| |abuse, treatment program is helpful |to have outcomes that are more |licensed clinical social workers, |adults with substance abuse disorders. |
| |for a full recovery and lifelong |favorable. |registered nurses, and expressive | |
| |sobriety. There are full service | |therapists. |Staff is dedicated to developing flexible|
| |treatment facilities that provide a |Because drug and alcohol abuse can | |strategies for achieving treatment goals.|
| |variety of treatment options. |afflict anyone no matter their |Having a highly trained and |Both professional care and self-help |
| | |background, specialized treatment |experienced team is essential because |approaches are integrated into treatment |
| |Inpatient programs offer a variety of|varies among this field. There are |it is more likely to provide rapid and|models. Treatment facilities draw from |
| |services including inpatient |treatment facilities for clients of|accurate diagnosis, thorough treatment|both staff expertise as well as mental |
| |detoxification and 24 hour medical |many different age groups, |planning, after-care planning and |health services. |
| |monitoring. |religions, gender, sexual |quality care tailored to each | |
| |Partial hospital services are for |orientation, and beliefs. |individual’s needs. | |
| |people who have a substance use | | | |
| |disorder and have already completed a| | | |
| |detoxification program. Treatment for| | | |
| |the mentally ill whose substance | | | |
| |abuse is complicated by psychiatric | | | |
| |illness is available through | | | |
| |educational and group therapy | | | |
| |sessions (Roger Weiss). | | | |
|A homeless shelter |A homeless shelter is a designated |Homeless shelters are provided for |Typically, these shelters are either | The professional role of a homeless |
| |place where a displaced person has |those that fall on hard times and |non-profit organizations normally |shelter volunteer or worker varies |
| |the opportunity to get a roof over |need refuge. Generic homeless |associated with churches or federal or|depending on their concentration in the |
| |his/her head. This type of facility |shelters are many times a |state governments. They are designed |field. However, the overall goal is to |
| |provides temporary shelter with |"one-size-fits-all" model. This |specifically to be temporary homes |help create a safe, caring, supportive |
| |sleep-in facilities for person with |means that any person of any gender|providing for those that have fallen |environment for homeless shelter guests. |
| |nowhere to go. These facilities are |is allowed. These types of shelters|on hard times an opportunity to get |This is accomplished by providing |
| |set up in hopes of providing |can sometimes be dangerous for the |back into the workforce. |assistance to staff & giving informal |
| |protection for those without shelter |elderly and single mothers | |support to shelter guests Treating |
| |whom are vulnerable and exposed to |(Skolnick, 2077). |In church ran or non- profit shelters,|others with respect and dignity is |
| |society and weather conditions. | |good Samaritans often times volunteer |essential because many homeless struggle |
| |Reducing the environmental impact on |However, there are specialized |their time and expertise to assist |with self-esteem issues and have lived a |
| |the community is also a big reason |facilities and organizations, which|those in need. Homeless shelters may |rough life. |
| |why such places exist (Skolnick, |provide separate shelter systems |be composed of professionals with a | |
| |2077). |for families, women, and youth. |wide range of skill sets such as | |
| | | |cooks, counselors, social workers, | |
| | | |teachers, and much more. | |
| | | | | |
| | | |The people running these facilities | |
| | | |often offer a variety of services | |
| | | |including job training, rehab for drug| |
| | | |addicts, and soup kitchens. | |
| | | | | |
|An outpatient mental health|An outpatient mental health center |Depending on the agency, an |Psychologists and counselors provide |The professionals involved with the |
|center |provides expert care and relief. On |outpatient clinic can be either |guidance and support to those |agency must keep in mind that the |
| |site staff, provide counsel and |general, providing to all, or |struggling with mental illness. |client’s cultural, ethnic, and religious |
| |guidance through the most frightening|specialized to meet the needs of a |Facilitators host therapy groups where|orientations are as diverse as their own.|
| |and difficult steps and decisions a |specific population. |the clients can speak of their |It is important for the professional to |
| |person may be facing. There are | |ailments with others whom may be |keep this in mind in order to be |
| |specialized clinics that meet the |Outpatients, mental health centers,|dealing with the same symptoms. Coping|effective in the wellness of the client |
| |client’s specific age, diagnosis, and|will often times offer a wide range|skills are taught to learn how to live|and the upholding of legal rights. One |
| |socioeconomic group. |of help and support including but |successfully with certain disorders. |must provide solid support, every step of|
| | |not limited to individual, group, |These professionals may also offer |the way, recognizing each client’s |
| | |and family psychotherapy are often |family therapy to help the client’s |efforts to change, stabilize, and grow. |
| | |offered along with medication |loved ones cope and understand the | |
| | |monitoring (Turning Point). |situation. In many cases, medication | |
| | | |is needed. Medication is prescribed | |
| | | |and monitored by psychiatrists. | |


Roger Weiss, M. (n.d.). Alcohol and Drug Abuse Inpatient Program. Retrieved from McLean Hospital:
Skolnick, J. a. (2077). Crisis in American Institutions. Boston: Pearson Allyn and Beacon.
Turning Point. (n.d.). What We Do. Retrieved from Turning Point:

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