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Homework Policy Encourages Self-Motivation In A Fifth Grade Classroom

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A1. In scenario two, Mr. Collet permits his students to develop homework assignments during class. This homework policy encourages positive social interaction in a fifth grade classroom by fostering teamwork and collaboration. Students have an opportunity to bond with their teacher and peers through interpersonal communication. During this time they can ask questions, provide input, or request clarification concerning their homework assignments. This policy will also prove beneficial to students that struggle with social exchanges with their peers. It will provide a comfortable and structured environment in which to engage the other students. It will increase the overall achievement of the class by elevating their self-awareness and confidence. The Educational Broadcasting Corporation states that collaboration promotes a deeper understanding of homework content and inspires a higher motivation to remain on task (Wnet Education, 2004). Most significantly, this homework strategy …show more content…
In Scenario 1, Ms. Smith writes down the homework assignment for her students on the whiteboard and they are responsible for recording the information, completing the assignments, and turning them in on time. This homework policy encourages self-motivation in a fifth grade classroom because it teaches students discipline. Students will know what is expected of them and they will learn how to be responsible and accountable for their grades. According to research it is important that teachers set high but realistic expectations for their students to develop intrinsic motivation by providing early opportunities for success (Davis, 1999). Fifth grade students will be motivated within themselves concerning this homework procedure because they will discover the benefits of being responsible for their work. This will result in better grades and an enhanced understanding of the lesson. They will acknowledge that success in class is contingent upon developing proper study skills and

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