“Homie the Clown” is the fifteenth episode of the sixth season of the extremely popular show “The Simpson’s.” It was written by Matt Groening, directed by David Silverman, and developed by James L. Brooks. The episode first aired in February 12, 1996 (Miller, n.d.).
The episodes plot begins with one with one the show’s side characters, Krusty the Clown, who has gained a lot of fame or fortune through his profession. However, unfortunate events come down upon Krusty as his miss use of his money through unnecessary spending and bad gambling, he is now in danger of going bankrupt while owing a debt to the mob. In a desperate attempt to replenish his finances, he opens up a clown college in which he would personally teach students of his ways of comedy and entertainment. The show’s main character, Homer Simpson, spots a billboard for the college and becomes one of the first students to go there. In the process, Homer graduates and become the bona-fide “Krusty” of his hometown. Meanwhile, mob and its members have grown tired of wait for their debt to be repaid and decide to go hunt and kill Krusty. However, they spot Homer first and end up mistaking him for Krusty due to Homer now having Krusty likeness. At the mob’s hideout, the mob boss decides that he’ll spare Krusty’s life if he can perform one of his famous tricks, while still not knowing that the clown is actually Homer. The true Krusty shows up out of nowhere gets into the middle of accidently, and is forced to perform the trick successfully for his life as well as Homer. They end up performing a better version of the trick together, impressing the mob leader enough to spar their lives; Krusty still has to pay his debt. Krusty pays more than what he owned and gets his change back (Miller, n.d.).
I am one of those people that never really got into The Simpsons.