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Honor Roll: A Personal Analysis

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myself as a smart, dedicating, and a nice person. To be smart, I believe that I need at least about Honor Roll. I need good grades to look smart. To be nice, I believe I will treat everybody, in a respectful way. Then I will hope they treat me with the same respect that I give to them. Now I know that I am a dedicated person. I believe I can do anything as long as I put my mind to it. Like my family and I. I would like to keep a good relationship so I would dedicate myself to the family, because I love and care for them. That is how I would describe myself so far.

My survey said something that had described me. It says that I have verbal abilities, to form perceptions, clerical perception, and a general learning ability. It said that verbal ability was my highest percentages. When I look …show more content…
I believe that my parents worked hard for the house that I am in right now. I want them to live in a bigger house and have a stress free life. I am trying to get scholarships and go to college. Then try to chase for doctoral degrees and head on studying to become a doctor.

Going to the college I want, it is going to cost a lot. So trying to get a scholarship might help me out. But if I do not get scholarships for the college it is going to cost more plus the house I wanted for my parents. I would say about over $600,000 is needed to be saved. If I get scholarships, I would say the amount of money needed to be saved is two times less than the amount right now.

Like mentioned before, since the amount of money is going to be really high, being a doctor would be beneficial. But if I don’t be a doctor, I would try to be an accountant. Since I am chasing for a doctoral degree, it can be up to seven years. I need scholarship money to help me out. Also, I would need to work as a doctor or as an accountant, to live how I want to live. Being an accountant might be easy for me because one of my top intelligences is logical

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