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Hormonal Replacement Therapy Research Paper

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Makkah Abdur-Salaam
Mr. Dymond
H. Anatomy
10 April, 2015 Hormonal replacement therapy is used to help transgender people, making sure that they have the right hormones to fit their new bodies. It also helps with treating some forms of cancer, making sure that the cancer doesn’t come back after surgery, and helps stop or slow growth. Hormonal replacement therapy also plays a big role in menopause treatment. Overall what hormonal replacement therapy does is replace female’s hormones when she can no longer produce them naturally or more particularly after women go through menopause. The two main hormones involved are estrogen, which triggers women’s release of eggs during her period, and the progesterone hormone, which safeguards the lining of the uterus. However, the main purpose of the progesterone hormone is to prepare a women’s womb for potential pregnancies. There are many benefits of hormonal replacement therapy, which I will now refer to as HRT. Women going through menopause, systemic estrogen which comes in many forms like pills, creams, gels; can help with the symptoms of menopause like hot flashes and night flashes. Systemic estrogen can also help with the vaginal discomfort that comes with menopause such as dryness, itching, or burning. Estrogen can be prescribed for bone loss illnesses such as osteoporosis, though doctors …show more content…
Many people are for it and many people are not. As said previously: everyone is different; which begs the question should everyone invest in HRT? No, because everyone is in a different state of health and that wouldn’t make sense, especially for people who can’t afford to take the types of risk that comes with taking HRT. More importantly, talking to your doctor or going to see multiple doctor and seeking the best opinion for you is the wisest choice when thinking about going through Hormonal replacement

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