...environment in a more positive than negative way, because of its impact on other industries, e.g. through smart buildings, smart grid, intelligent transportation and reduced transport as a result of electronic communications” (p. 39). Legislation at both the national and European levels is pushing for alterations to reduce risk by promoting improvements in recruiting, loyalty, brand differentiation and innovation. A more even complete CSR engagement would encompass a connection between social and environmental execution and financial execution. Vogel (2005) noted in his book that corporate social responsibility (CSR) should be about “more than going beyond compliance; it must also include efforts to raise compliance standards” (p. 171). Host Europe has managed to effectively take on the role of CSR by improving its energy efficiency, environmental performance, building an eco-efficient data centre and company nursery school, switching to renewable energy supplies and making a commitment to the community through its philanthropic activities (Hahn,...
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...REDES DE AREA AMPLIA Tarea #4: IPv6 Abraham Rodrigo Díaz Mendoza. Mtro. Ing. David Rivera. Técnicas de transición de “IPvX a IPvY” (IPv6 a IPv4) Hay definido tres principales técnicas de transición. La primera (1) es la de doble pila de protocolos, un enfoque muy sencillo de implementar que requiere que los hosts y los routers soporten ambas versiones de IP y, por tanto, servicios y aplicaciones tanto IPv4 como IPv6. En estos momentos, este enfoque de doble pila es un mecanismo fundamental para introducir IPv6 en las arquitecturas IPv4 actuales y se prevé que siga siendo muy utilizado durante el próximo futuro. Para aquellos casos en que haya insuficientes direcciones IPv4 se ha definido una combinación del modelo de conversión y de doble pila de protocolos, conocido como DSTM (Dual Stack Transition Mechanism). La segunda (2) técnica se basa en tunneling, que permite, por ejemplo, interconectar las nubes IPv6 a través de un servicio IPv4 nativo por medio de un túnel. Los paquetes IPv6 son encapsulados por un router de extremo antes de ser transportado a través de la red IPv4, siendo des encapsulados en el extremo de la red IPv6 receptora. Los túneles pueden ser configurados estática o dinámicamente como “6to4” o “6over4”. Además, se ha propuesto TB (Tunnel Broker) para gestionar automáticamente y facilitar el proceso de configuración de las peticiones de túneles de los usuarios. ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol) es un nuevo borrador Internet que...
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...usuario para la web habilitado el acceso generalizado y dio impulso para su uso. 4.3 Usted puede obtener la lista de servidores raíz por medio de ' dig.NS ' , como los servidores raíz de zona están autorizados. 4.4 Los servidores raíz no admiten búsquedas recursivas, ya que deben desactivarlas con el fin de ayudar a evitar la carga excesiva. Además de eso, deshabilitación de las búsquedas recursivas (junto con la expedición y cualquier otra función que les permita dar respuestas en caché) reduce sus posibilidades de almacenamiento en caché y propagar información incorrecta. . 4.5 La mayoría de los resolutorias ordenan los registros de recursos devueltos por los servidores de nombres, para que las direcciones de la misma red; que el host de la emisión de la consulta aparece primero en la lista devuelven a la aplicación que llama a la función librería de resolución, en la premisa de que les van a prestar a una más eficiente la comunicación. 4.7 4.10 Entrando nslookup sin argumentos se abre una sesión interactiva y proporciona la dirección IP del servidor DNS. Capítulo 5 Soluciones * 5.2 a. French PM | | Chinese PM | Translator (F------E) | | Translator ( E------C) | Telephone | | Telephone | TELEPHONE LINE | Los PMs hablan como si estuvieran hablando directamente entre sí. Por ejemplo, cuando el primer ministro francés habla, se dirige a sus...
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...Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla Reporte de Práctica Asignatura: Microprocesadores Nombre del Profesor: Casimiro Gómez González No. De Práctica: 5 Nombre De Práctica: Servidor/Cliente Multihilos Nombre del Alumno: Oliver Franco Vega, Ana Michelle López Hernández Objetivos: Diseñar un servidor/cliente multihilos en Python que se conectan mediante sockets, intercambias cadenas de texto y cierran la conexión. . Marco Teórico: Socket designa un concepto abstracto por el cual dos programas (posiblemente situados en computadoras distintas) pueden intercambiar cualquier flujo de datos, generalmente de manera fiable y ordenada. Un socket queda definido por una dirección IP, un protocolo de transporte y un número de puerto. Para que dos programas puedan comunicarse entre sí es necesario que se cumplan ciertos requisitos: * Que un programa sea capaz de localizar al otro. * Que ambos programas sean capaces de intercambiarse cualquier secuencia de octetos, es decir, datos relevantes a su finalidad. Para ello son necesarios los tres recursos que originan el concepto de socket: * Un protocolo de comunicaciones, que permite el intercambio de octetos. * Una dirección del Protocolo de Red (Dirección IP, si se utiliza el Protocolo TCP/IP), que identifica una computadora. * Un número de puerto, que identifica a un programa dentro de una computadora. Los sockets permiten implementar una arquitectura cliente-servidor. La comunicación...
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...Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – F.R.C Redes de Información (RIN) ENRUTAMIENTO ESTÁTICO BAJO LINUX OBJETIVOS: • • • • • Repasar los comandos configuración básica de red. Interpretar las capacidades de enrutamiento estático embebidas en la Minidistribución de Linux desarrollada por el Laboratorio de Sistemas de la UTN FRC. Diagnosticar, detectar y corregir problemas de conectividad en un entorno de red con rutas. Afianzar la capacidad de entendimiento y parametrización de la tabla de encaminamiento. Aplicar los lineamientos teóricos de encaminamiento estático en un entorno concreto, manipulable y tangible. NOTA: • • • • Lea atentamente el enunciado de la práctica, realice los pasos sugeridos, intente razonar sobre el resultado y complete el cuestionario. Al finalizar la práctica, cada grupo deberá entregar el cuestionario resuelto al docente responsable de la práctica. En algunos casos, se requiere participación inter-grupal para solucionar los requerimientos Cada grupo deberá rotular de manera no invasiva el/los equipos que administre de manera tal que pueda ser rápidamente identificable por los restantes grupos INTRODUCCIÓN Deberán configurarse equipos a fin de obtener el entorno de red expuesto a continuación como escenario. Para ello tener en cuenta que cada grupo será responsable de la configuración de un router y una PC en cada una de las redes en las que dicho router participe. Asimismo, deberá coordinar con el resto de los...
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...dominio Roles y Características Una vez instalado Windows Server 2008 y configuradas algunas opciones básicas de Windows Server 2008 desde el Panel de Control o desde el Administrador del Servidor, las siguientes tareas a realizar es configurar la función o rol que debe desempeñar el servidor dentro de nuestra infraestructura de red. Un solo servidor puede realizar la labor de varios roles o funciones, pero dependiendo de la calidad de servicio, número de usuarios, cantidad de tráfico en la red, etc., puede ser necesario la instalación de servidores especializados, como pueden ser servidores de archivos, servidores de impresión, servidores web, etc. ¿Qué es un Rol? Un rol consiste en una función principal de un servidor, en un servidor se pueden instalar una o varios roles según decidan los administradores del sistema. Cada rol puede incluir uno o varios servicios o elementos de instalación opcionales. En Windows Server 2008 están disponibles los siguientes Roles: 1 2 Para acceder a la gestión de roles, debemos ejecutar el Administrador de Servidor, en el apartado roles, haciendo clic con el botón derecho de ratón nos permite agregar, eliminar roles etc. 3 ¿Qué es una característica? Las características son programas que aunque no forman parte directamente de los roles, complementan sus funcionalidades, independientemente de los roles que estén instalados. Por ejemplo, la característica de Cliente Telnet nos permite comunicarnos remotamente a un servidor...
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...• La LAN1 N-EAST (Northeast) necesitará 4000 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN2 N-EAST (Northeast) necesitará 4000 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN1 SE-BR1 (Southeast Branch1) necesitará 1000 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN2 SE-BR1 (Southeast Branch1) necesitará 1000 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN1 SE-BR2 (Southeast Branch2) necesitará 500 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN2 SE-BR2 (Southeast Branch2) necesitará 500 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN1 SE-ST1 (Southeast satélite1) necesitará 250 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN2 SE-ST1 (Southeast satélite1) necesitará 250 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN1 SE-ST2 (Southeast satélite1) necesitará 125 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN2 SE-ST2 (Southeast satélite2) necesitará 125 direcciones IP de host. • Sección de red West • La LAN1 S-WEST (Southwest) necesitará 4000 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN2 S-WEST (Southwest) necesitará 4000 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN1 NW-BR1 (Northwest Branch1) necesitará 2000 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN2 NW-BR1 (Northwest Branch1) necesitará 2000 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN1 NW-BR2 (Northwest Branch2) necesitará 1000 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN2 NW-BR2 (Northwest Branch2) necesitará 1000 direcciones IP de host. • Sección de red central • La LAN1 Central requerirá 8000 direcciones IP de host. • La LAN2 Central requerirá 4000 direcciones IP de host. • Los enlaces WAN entre cada uno de los routers requerirán...
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..._Authentication____, ___Authorization_____, and _Accounting_. 11. A(n) _security audit__ is a thorough examination of each aspect of the network to determine how it might be compromised. 12. A(n) __security policies___ identifies an organization’s security risks, levels of authority, designated security coordinator and team members, responsibilities for each team member, and responsibilities for each employee. 13. In general, information is _confidential____ if it could be used by other parties to impair an organization’s functioning, decrease customers’ confidence, cause a financial loss, damage an organization’s status, or give a significant advantage to a competitor. 14. A(n) _proxy server__ is a software application on a network host that acts as an intermediary between the external and...
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...Introduction (1) Since 2015, Europe have been experiencing an unprecedented influx of refugees. On account of continuous political persecutions and terror attacks caused by Islamic State, an extremist religious organization, a large number of innocent people have become victims. In order to find a shelter and a better life, many of them are risking their life to cross into European countries such as Germany. According to Eurostat (2015), European Union(EU) member state have already received more than 1.2 million asylum applications in 2015, which is a number more than double of the previous year. This essay argues that European countries should keep sheltering the refugees from the areas affected by Islamic State. With a great number of migrants, European countries are suffering stress from both economic and social aspects. However, those negative impacts are short dated and can be eased by proper solutions. 2. Economic aspect (2)...
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...Historically, Europe was the source of a large body of emigration in the 1800s and early 1900s, when people left their home countries, often plagued by unemployment and political conflicts, and ventured for New World countries such as the USA, Canada and Australia. The picture has changed in the post-World War II era and the European Union (EU) is now receiving a net influx of immigrants since the mid-1900s, with an estimated 20 million migrants having arrived in the past 15 years. Worrisome to the public health authorities is that migrant groups often have a higher seropositivity for infectious diseases as compared with the host country citizens. Assessing the correct prevalence figures for newly arrived migrants is no easy task, and it is...
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...Reason for the Large Scale of Immigration 3 4. Policy and Regulation 4 5. Problems 7 5.1. Illegal Immigration 7 5.2. Religious and Cultural Conflicts among Immigrants and Natives 9 5.3. Social Unrest 11 5.4. Affecting the Education System 12 6. Solutions 14 7. Concession 17 7.1. Alleviate the Pressure of Aging Problem in EU 17 7.2. Boost the economy in Europe 18 8. Conclusion 19 9. Bibliography 19 1. Introduction The issue of immigration has been the hot debated topic in the European Union for a long time. And there is obvious evidence that the upsurge of immigration into the Europe will not be calmed down within a short time. The European Union has developed its competences in the fields of policies and regulations regarding the immigration issue. But the problems still exist and more things need to be done for creating a better balance. The report will first quickly go over the history of human migration and reasons for the recent large scale of immigration into Europe will be analyzed. After, the policies and regulations implemented by nations of Europe and the European Union will be introduced before going deep into the problems brought up by immigration. Then some solutions as to how to settle the current problems will be provided and concessions will be made to maintain a balanced and objective knowledge of the influences of immigration. 2. History While there is no doubt that migration has been there for hundreds of thousands...
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...a sharp reduction in workforce, rapid adaptation of new technologies, and begun to focus in driving up profits and shareholder's value, the Telefonica began to grow and allowed the business to expand globally. 2. Why Telefonica did initially focused on Latin America? Why was it slower to expand in Europe, even though Spain is a member of European Union? * As Telefonica looking for a growth, they searched first the Latin America and it seemed that the nation is the perfect fit for them because the Latin America also experienced the rapid deregulation and privatization across the region. So, telefonica initially focused on Latin America because the similarities in the development of the market, language and culture. Also, Latin America markets were increasing the adoptation rate and usage not just traditional fixed line telecommunications services, but also include the internet connections and mobile phones. * Even though Spain is a member of the European Union, the Telefonica had been an implied agreement between the national telecommunication companies that they would not invade each other's market which result for Telefonica to slower their expansion in Europe. 3. Telefonica has used to acquisitions, rather than Greenfield ventures, as its entry strategy. Why do you think this has been the case? What are the potential risks associated with this entry strategy? * Telefonica has used acquisitions...
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...paralegals (over 12 million illegal immigrants in the country). No country has yet faced such a pace of immigration. Immigration can be defined as the phenomenon of entry into a host of individuals or non-Aboriginal population of individuals, usually to find a job or with the intention of settling there in the prospect of a better quality of life (Collins English Dictionary , 2012). The history of settlement in the United States is inseparable from that of immigration. The real national minorities are indigenous (Amerindian, Inuit and Aleut). Since the arrival of European settlers in the sixteenth century, more than 50 million immigrants settled in the United States. Vast majority of immigrants came from Europe. First Anglo-Saxon immigration widened in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the countries of Mediterranean Europe (especially Italy) and Central Europe. More than 23 million immigrants streamed between 1880 and 1920. A new form of immigration developed after the Second World War. It was mostly political refugees from Eastern Europe, and anti-Castro Cubans. Today, immigration comes mainly from third world countries: first Hispanics (mostly Mexicans) and Asians (Koreans, Filipinos, Vietnamese, etc.). In the 1990s, a new wave of migration has evolved from the former communist countries of Europe. Moreover, illegal immigration has probably become more important than legal immigration. It has increased since 1990 due to the economic crisis in Latin America, as...
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...can get opportunities for a better future for themselves and their families, many people decided to migrate from lower developed countries to developed countries. Nowadays, migration is one of the hottest news around the world, and recently, the world is experiencing a migration issue more than anything it has seen in decades, the refugees’ crisis in Europe. The violence and brutal civil war in Syria that began in March 2011, and since it is really difficult and dangerous to get aid for people in Syria, it forced millions of people fled Syria to other countries, carrying the hope of getting to another place to live a better life. Many refugees have been arriving to Europe, then trying to reach countries like Britain or Germany. According to news.xinhuanet.com, France and Britain offered to welcome combined 44 thousand refugees over the next 5 years, Germany and Austria expected to receive 800 thousand refugees and migrants this year and the United States have decided to take 10 thousand refugees in from Syria. United Nations Secretary, General Ban Ki-moon, has stated that the large majority of people arriving in Europe are refugees fleeing war and violence, who have a right to seek asylum without any form of discrimination. Obviously, migration has its bright and dark side. The bright side of migration is that legal migrants will have a better life and better living conditions for both adults and children. Moreover, migration also enriches the countries’ cultural...
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...In reference to the Telefonica case set out in the text book (and referred to above) QUESTION 1: What changes in the political and economic environment allowed Telefonica to start expanding globally? QUESTION 2: Why did Telefonica initially focus on Latin America? Why was it slower to expand in Europe, even though Spain is a member of the European Union? After being a stated opwned monopoly until 1990s, Telefonica started an aggressive international expansion in the late 1990s due mainly because of a wave of deregulation and privatozation processes aroun d the world. This expansion process was mainly focus in Latin Amrica because its cultural ties with the region and the deregulation and privatization processes that where occurring in the region, similar to the one made in Spain that brought Tleefonica to be a private com-pany. The expansion didn’t start in Europe, mainly due to a tacit agreement between te;lecommunication companies in Europe, that stated that they shouldn’t invade each other’s market. ( Youngs, R 2000 )“ The single market had opened the floodgates to EU investment to come pouring into Spain. In order to survive, Spanish companies were obliged to begin looking for new markets. Few companies in Spain were competitive enough to prosper in other parts of the EU, needing easier markets elsewhere [CEPAL, 1997: 92]. This was a more robust explanation of Spanish FDI trends than those predicated on cultural factors. While frequently alluded to, the role played...
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