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Immigrant: A Case Study

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Historically, Europe was the source of a large body of emigration in the 1800s and early 1900s, when people left their home countries, often plagued by unemployment and political conflicts, and ventured for New World countries such as the USA, Canada and Australia. The picture has changed in the post-World War II era and the European Union (EU) is now receiving a net influx of immigrants since the mid-1900s, with an estimated 20 million migrants having arrived in the past 15 years. Worrisome to the public health authorities is that migrant groups often have a higher seropositivity for infectious diseases as compared with the host country citizens. Assessing the correct prevalence figures for newly arrived migrants is no easy task, and it is …show more content…
Immigrants are known to be a marginalized and vulnerable group who experience a range of social and psychological issues, including but not limited to unemployment, low income and feelings of alienation and detachment from the host country population. More alarming is the fact that 61% of migrants from five EU cities have reported being approached by drug dealers,1 demonstrating that this is indeed a targeted group that is at risk for an increased drug, alcohol and tobacco …show more content…
It has been estimated that in 2010, the 27 EU countries enumerated six million immigrants of Arab origin, the majority of whom were from North Africa (NA). This number is expected to rise as a direct result of natural growth, and it is estimated that migratory influx may reach 12–18 million by 2030.6 In some EU countries (France, Spain, Italy) inhabitants of NA origin represent up to 5% of the population.7 In 2003, the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany received 83% of the net inflow of migrants,8 demonstrating that immigration into the EU does not results in an equal distribution of incoming migrants, and that some countries are effectively receiving a higher burden than others. The result is a changed profile for certain EU member states, where some have up to 12% of their total population composed of immigrants. A distinction can be made at the most general level between the core Maghreb countries (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia), which have been firmly integrated into the Euro-Mediterranean migration system, and Egypt, which is predominantly connected to the Gulf migration system and other Arab countries. Moroccans and Algerians are most likely to migrate to Spain, Belgium, France and Italy, though Tunisian migration mostly targets France and has also become more

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