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Immigrants In Detention Centers: A Case Study

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and the lack of adequate telephone access, visitation hours, ventilation, food, clean quarters, and functioning showers and toilets have long been documents, and verbal and physical abuse have also been common.”(Kalhan). Having county jails used as Detention Centers can add to many of these problems as most of them can be attributed to overcrowding. Beyond this, recent inspections have found that there are many problems with the system, reported even by the Department of Homeland Security. The Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General released a statement saying, “We identified problems that undermine the protection of detainees’ rights, their humane treatment, and provision of a safe and healthy environment.”(DHS qtd in Shoichet). …show more content…
The easiest of the three options would be to include immigrants in alternative to detention programs in the quota. This would alleviate some of pressure on ICE to consistently have 34,000 people in beds in detention centers. However, it wouldn’t make a big difference because the alternatives to detention is a very small percentage of the number of people in detention centers. Lowering the quota would be more helpful because it would alleviate more of the pressure on ICE and lower the cost to taxpayers as there would likely be less people in detention centers. It would also be fairly easy to do as it is changing a regulation, however there could be backlash from people who favor tough immigration laws. The most effect option would be to increase over time the use of alternatives to detention. They are proven to work in the penal system and the current program has a high success rate. Expanding this program would be extremely beneficial to both the immigrants awaiting hearings and the general public. This program allows immigrants to stay with their families and be able to continue to support them. It also keeps the immigrants away from the inhumane treatment that occurs in detention centers. The program would also save the United States a lot of money as the cost of alternatives to detention costs from 17 cents to 17 dollars compared to well over one hundred dollars per person per day that detention centers cost. It would logistically be difficult to get the program up and running at a large percentage of detainees. However, if the program is incrementally increased the large financial savings would outway the costs of getting the system running. Even those who still would be sent to detention centers would be better off because more money could be spent on things like medical treatment because there would be such a large amount of savings from the program.

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