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Hot Coffee Case

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The documentary we had to watch for this week’s discussion called “Hot Coffee” directed by Susan Saladoff was mind-blowing. The movie talks about 4 different cases; the first one being the public relations campaign which was about a 79-year-old woman who got burnt by the coffee sold at McDonald’s. Everyone thought she was money hungry and filed this lawsuit to make millions of dollars, people even assumed she spilled the coffee on herself to make a lawsuit out of it. The second case was on caps on damages, which means that there was a limit to the awards a plaintiff can receive from damages. This talks about a mother who was pregnant with twins and the OB/GYN failed to notice one baby was not getting the nutrients and was used for malpractice. …show more content…
The trial court system is for the plaintiff to bring a case against someone and they go through the legal process to get a fair hearing on their case and the jury will ultimately rule for or against the plaintiff. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) on the other hand is a practice involving several methods of resolving conflicts and disagreements to the satisfaction of all parties without using the court system” (McWay, 2016). ADR describes a variety of form to resolve a conflict which consists of mediation, arbitration, negotiation, and settlement. Court litigation is known to be more expensive and a longer process compared to ADR, so it makes sense why organizations are moving towards ADR. I don’t believe corporation and individuals have the same set of standards when it comes to redressing alleged civil wrongs. After watching the documentary it’ clearer to me large organizations run court litigations and ADRs, they have the upper hand compared to a normal citizen in this world. This is due to them controlling and buying court seats in each state to make sure whatever rules they want to be passed goes as expected and lower compensation given to the individuals who sued the big corporations. I don’t believe both parties have equal bargaining

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