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How Is Humor Used In The Pardoner's Tale

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In The Canterbury Tales Chaucer, lets the characters interpret the New Testament to fit the character’s lifestyles. Chaucer was familiar with the middle class, and he was raised middle class with his family wanting ultimately to participate in the upper-class society. Chaucer wrote about what he knew, at that time the influence in Chaucer’s life would have been the Catholic Church. A large part of the clergymen comprised the church’s institutional practices, and it brought doubt among the middle class. During this period, people were beginning to think for themselves, starting to question the authority. Chaucer uses humor when writing about the numerous clergymen being unethical, with the characters like the Summoner and Pardoner. Chaucer’s

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...Canterbury Tales AUTHOR · Geoffrey Chaucer TYPE OF WORK · Poetry (two tales are in prose: the Tale of Melibee and the Parson’s Tale) GENRES · Narrative collection of poems; character portraits; parody; estates satire; romance; fabliau LANGUAGE · Middle English TIME AND PLACE WRITTEN · Around 1386–1395, England DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION · Sometime in the early fifteenth century PUBLISHER · Originally circulated in hand-copied manuscripts NARRATOR · The primary narrator is an anonymous, naïve member of the pilgrimage, who is not described. The other pilgrims narrate most of the tales. POINT OF VIEW · In the General Prologue, the narrator speaks in the first person, describing each of the pilgrims as they appeared to him. Though narrated by different pilgrims, each of the tales is told from an omniscient third-person point of view, providing the reader with the thoughts as well as actions of the characters. TONE · The Canterbury Tales incorporates an impressive range of attitudes toward life and literature. The tales are by turns satirical, elevated, pious, earthy, bawdy, and comical. The reader should not accept the naïve narrator’s point of view as Chaucer’s. TENSE · Past SETTING (TIME) · The late fourteenth century, after 1381 SETTING (PLACE) · The Tabard Inn; the road to Canterbury PROTAGONISTS · Each individual tale has protagonists, but Chaucer’s plan is to make none of his storytellers superior to others; it is an equal company. In the Knight’s Tale, the protagonists...

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