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How Did Anu Change Mesopotamian

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In the ancient city of Mesopotamia, the great God Anu, God of the sky, became extremely incensed and impatient with the people. When he looked down from the sky he saw the people of Mesopotamia standing around doing nothing and playing. What got him the most frustrated was that the people were not working. He immediately thought he must put an end to this slacking off.

Anu rushed around his kingdom, looking for one of his servants. “You, come over here” he said in a firm voice. The servant, Thelonius, rushed to Anu’s side and said in a low and helpless voice, “How may I assist you sir?” “Mankind is spoiled, lazy and greedy and they should be eliminated from this land forever.” Anu continued, “if things don’t change around here, I will step in and put an end to this behavior.” Thelonius knew that Anu’s changes would be drastic and that he must warn the people of Mesopotamia. The word spread and pretty soon all of the Gods and citizens found out about Anu’s plans to rid his kingdom of these lazy …show more content…
Anu explained the purpose of the gathering and his disgust with the people and asked each of them to come up with ideas to improve Mesopotamia. Anu was very anxious to hear all their thoughts. Enki immediately stood up and spoke to the group. He insisted the people needed to have more responsibilities to keep them occupied while at the same time making improvements to the city. He suggested working on a new river branch to improve irrigation systems. Ea, God of Rivers, agreed and added this idea would greatly improve agriculture and that Mesopotamia would flourish with a surplus of crops. Anu was pleased with this idea as was all the other Gods, and soon they came up with plans for creating a new waterway using the Euphrates

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