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John Hayes

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One of the biggest problems facing those who want equal rights and fairness, in how the law deals with male domestic abuse concerns the social stigma that men should not be seen as weak. John Hayes, looks at this theory by stating ‘society, although aware of the male victim treats him as a joke. In reality he is a man in fear, isolation and stigmatised as weak…he does not conform to the stereotypical male image.’ He believes that domestic violence is not a gender issue but a social one, and there is hardly enough support in order for men to step forward and bring a claim . Furthermore, Hayes’ argument confirms the fears men have, where the response of the authorities can be ‘you must have done something terrible to her to deserve this,’ ‘look …show more content…
At a young age boys are taught it is unmanly to cry, so in adulthood the idea of a man being vulnerable or scared is unthinkable especially if they are being physically abused. Due to this, men often do not report the abuse they receive, they feel that it is in their power to handle the situation therefore feeling ‘less of a man’ if they go down a legal route . To understand the situation fully, the opinions of male victims needs to be looked at. In Theo Mertz article, he spoke to a victim who said ‘It’s a long battle to change people’s perception. People are used to the idea of domestic violence being something men do to women, but when it happens the other way round, they can’t get their heads round it. ’ Moreover, if men don’t recognise domestic violence then it becomes even harder to report it and raise awareness. Mertz pointed out that one of the victim’s had hot drinks poured over him and plates smashed on his head throughout his 17 year marriage, but he never felt he was abused until his children copied his wife. To combat this, there must be changes in the law where men aren’t felt to be like ‘second class’ victims, if they do take up legal action then they must feel secure enough to not be scrutinised and must be reassured of the arrangements for their

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