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The Great Wall Street Bailout And The Boom Bust Cycle

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In the year 2008, the government helped create the Housing Bubble, the Great Wall Street Bailout and the Boom Bust Cycle. All of these crises were seen coming and could have been avoided. After causing these problems, the government tried to fix them. This only ended up making things worse. The Fed pushed off all financial problems, which made the blowup worse when it happened. The Housing Bubble began at the end of 2006. The prices of houses inflated quickly and then dropped just as fast. This was because the banks wanted more people to buy homes, so they gave mortgages to people without a credit check. This resulted in people buying houses despite the fact that they were unable to payout their mortgages. Since so many people were buying houses the prices shot up which ended up leading to foreclosure. ***This caused the bank to lose money and own a lot of homes and nothing to do with them***. Therefore, to get rid of these houses, they had to sell them for very low prices. …show more content…
At this time, the banks started selling these mortgages to the secondary mortgage market. Two examples of these are, the Federal National Mortgage Association also know as Fannie Mae and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Freddie Mac. These companies also made these mortgages available to investors through mortgage-backed securities. Now these mortgages were in the hands of these companies. If there were to be foreclosures on these houses, the mortgage associations would lose the money not the

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