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How Did Jefferson Davis Influence The Civil War

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Jefferson Davis: Efforts on Reconciliation and its influence.

Naomi Tessema Mr. Aronson History 10 HH 20 March 2024 The Civil War, a four-year well-fought conflict, included two strong and powerful politicians, resulting in both weak and brilliant times for both sides. Although historians and textbooks tend to mainly focus on the winning side's president, Abraham Lincoln, it is important for historians to understand the significant decisions and resolutions made by the Southern side’s face of the war, Jefferson Finis Davis. Jefferson Davis, the only President of the Confederate States of America, had a greater impact on the war than historians may realize. “Jefferson Davis endeavored to build a spirit of Confederate nationalism’....but …show more content…
He made several appreciated efforts, directing surveys for the railroads and building up the US’s coastal defenses. (Cooper 103) He was also a very strong supporter of the Gadsden Purchase. Soon after, Jefferson Davis returned to the Senate, advocating for state rights in 1857. He also urged for negotiations and to resolve the conflicts. Beringer 125. During the presidential election of 1860, he supported the Southern Democratic candidate, John C. Breckinridge who wanted slave protection for slave territories and owners. He opposed the Northern Democratic contender, Stephen A. Douglas. Even when South Carolina succeeded, Davis was against secession. He also believed that Lincoln would help both sides compromise and they would eventually restore the union. Consequently, after Mississippi succeeded from the union, Jefferson withdrew from the Senate on January 21, 1861 after making a moving speech urging for peace between both sides. Soon, he returned to his plantation and was chosen to be a general to lead and prepare Mississippi’s military (Cooper 118). Shortly after receiving this role, he was chosen to be the temporary …show more content…
Approved May 21, 1861. 1861. The. Ballard, Michael B. - "The 'Boys'" A Long Shadow: Jefferson Davis and the Final Days of the Confederacy. Brown Thrasher Books, 1997. Bonekemper, Edward H. The Myth of the Lost Cause: Why the South Fought the Civil War and Why the North Won. New York: Routledge, 1998. Regnery History, 2022. Cooper, William J. Jefferson Davis and the Civil War Era. Louisiana State University Press, 2012. Davis, Jefferson, and J. William Jones. The Autobiography of Jefferson Davis: “Original Text and Punctuations.” 1890. Davis, Jefferson, et al. The Papers of Jefferson Davis. Louisiana State University Press, 1992. Davis, Jefferson. Andersonville and Other War Prisons. Filmed by the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, 1975. Davis, Jefferson. A Short History of the Confederate States of America. Sea Raven Press, 2020. Davis, Jefferson. Indian Policy of the United States. North American Review, 1886. Davis, William C. Jefferson Davis: The Man and His Hour. Easton Press, 1996. Escott, Paul D. After

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