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How Did The Gold Rush Affect The Economy

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Pages 4
There were many impacts during the gold rush. Before the Gold Rush, America was home to the people that wanted to be free from Britain. As explorers began to discover the western side of the country, people began finding gold. The discovery of the gold was kept a secret until a man named Sam Brannan brought proof to the people that believed the gold was a rumor. From this point forward the Gold Rush would start to improve the country. The Gold Rush impacted the economy, political views, and society, because it created new ideas, wealth, and introduced different races that would shape the state of California to become the state that it is today. The Gold Rush impacted the economy, because it brought in more wealth. Once people found out that they could make a fortune on the gold that was found in California, people quit their jobs and moved there. These men caught “gold fever”, because of all the wealth in California. As people began making more money, towns began to develop. The article stated that “537 liquor stores and 46 gambling houses” (69) were constructed. It also stated that San Francisco burned down three times, but the miners had enough wealth to rebuild the city better each time. A railroad system was also being constructed in …show more content…
The Gold Rush improved the economy, because people were buying and selling more supplies. The Gold Rush also brought in different people from around the world to America. Without the immigrants, there would not be different races in our country. Majority of the miners who traveled to California ended up becoming richer. James Marshall who first discovered the gold did not gain lasting wealth during the Gold Rush. Overall, the Gold Rush added as much as $500 million to the nation’s wealth. The Gold Rush created new ideas, wealth, and introduced different races that would shape our country to what it is

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