...process and at any point in our lives we need some sort of education. First of all, Education starts at home. When we are born, we start to learn from our parents on how to speak, walk, and eat and so on. Eventually, we learn to stand up on our own and not to depend on others. I believe that education is the ability of learning new concepts or ideas and when or how to apply them. We learn things by seeing, touching, smelling, tasting, and hearing. Education is a process we go through daily because everything is learnt with time. I believe that the purpose of education is to learn so as to become productive persons. Education involves both teaching and learning. We learn by seeing or hearing and we do not necessarily need someone to instruct us how to do it. For instance we learn language by repeating words. However things like mathematical equations we need someone to show us how to solve them. In order for me as a teacher to communicate what I know I need a guide. This is where the curriculum comes into place. The curriculum consists of mathematics, science, English, history, and other courses. These all help students to choose a career. I believe that as a teacher I should be a role model, that is, someone students may look up to when they have any doubt, a person that can guide and help them. As a teacher I must enjoy showing students what I already know. I believe that one of the biggest qualities I can have as a teacher is to do my job with love and enthusiasm showing...
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...differences, sexual minority, religion, political affiliation, skills, and abilities or disabilities. All of these characteristics listed make the world diverse. Through out the years the United States has become more and more diverse, which means that many different cultures and backgrounds are helping our communities and neighborhoods function. Growing up in an environment that has diversity creates cultural richness within our society. It allows for people to have a better understanding...
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...could possibly learn. Taking standard tests and learning the normal things I can learn. Now I don’t remember the laws or regulations for the district and state. I do, however, remember being held back in first grade because I couldn’t read. Now that I have children of my own, I’m very concerned with how the government has gotten involved with the way children learn, and I do not think it’s right. In 1965, the government got involved with the way children learn. The Elementary and Secondary Education act of 1965 is where it begins. Now this act was designed to help the United States schools to perform better and to see the flaws in teaching and the schools in general in every state. I, being a mother, see no problem with that. If it is to improve the way the teachers teach their student’s, I’m all for it. In 2001, this law was revised and a proposal was set forth on January 23rd 2001. No Child Left Behind was the new name, and it was signed into law on January 8th 2002. This new revised version of the Elementary and Secondary Education act of 1965, now known as NCLB, is not helping our children at all. The act wants schools to meet a certain standard, which I think is impossible. Every child learns differently. All students across the U.S. in certain grades are given a basic skills test if their school receives federal funding. The standards are set for each individual state. To me, that is wrong. In all areas every child learns differently and the law makers do not take it into...
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...Martin, Danielle TOK Mr. Dunn Prescribed Title 12 December, 2014 How is knowledge gained? Knowledge begins at birth, knowing you are hungry, tired, hurt, cold etc. This is transmitted via crying and interaction. From inception you bond with your mother and know her scent, her touch, her feel and thus you begin your journey of knowledge. As we continue to grow older in age we learn new things in our daily lives, whether it’s learning how to walk or a new language that relates to our culture and religious beliefs. We are always growing and learning new things increasing our knowledge in different ways to help us advance and develop our brains more which will then help us mature and develop ourselves. We also learn from books, and television or music created by other people but the only way to understand and process this new information and knowledge from them we would have to already know how to understand and interpret information. No matter what we do in life we always need to look for new ways to expand our knowledge and increase it by making it better with the new things that we learn. As an example increasing our knowledge in a certain area such as science we can learn new things about the brain and body so we can advance in a career and become a doctor or therapist, or maybe become a nurse. By advancing our knowledge we learn a better understanding of particular ideas and things, and we gain a better skill and a greater intelligence in that particular area. Knowledge...
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...My access When I begin to think about community service I think that what good I can do for others. I have always loved helping anyone out in any way. If I had to think of a community service in order to graduate I would pick anything. It wouldn't matter which one I picked and these are my reasons why. To begin, my whole life my family have taught me that I need to learn how I can be helpful to others. My church has taught me as well, we do service for other without them telling us they need help. My church would go around see anyone who may need help with raking their leaves or help putting things away. With no cost to it. I loved to help people out because it makes me feel better about myself. It helps me become closer to others. The...
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...How do you feel about a later school start? All these ways can make students healthier and make it easier to learn, the information will stick in their brain when they are learning, if they are more awake. Schooling should be the most important thing to kids nowadays because it all depends on what the future is going to look like. If I could plan my ideal school, I would start school later in the morning, keep a long summer vacation, and teach career based- information. People go to school so we can learn how to make decisions when we get older to get jobs and have a family. We go to school to go to college to see all the knowledge we have, then we use that knowledge to get employed. The ages I think, to start and end school should be begin...
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...learning style? Why is it important? Every day we interact with the world around us, and as we do we are constantly learning. Recently I have begun to pursue my Bachelors Degree. Our first college course is designed to help us achieve that goal by providing us insight to the type of student we are and how we learn best. We have been focusing on learning styles and our motivation to learn. Using examples in the next few paragraphs I will attempt to show what I have identified to be my motivation and learning style for pursuing my degree. First lets cover motivation. "Motivation is the force that draws us to move towards something" (Connor 2004). Motivation can play a very large part on how we learn. If you are motivated, you are more likely to learn faster because you find the subject fun or interesting. There are many reasons on why someone might be motivated to learn. For example my motivation to learn is to change my life and the type of work I do, while still providing for my family. Recently I have come to the realization that I am bored in my current career. My parents always taught me that since we have to work most of our lives, choose something you enjoy and if you no longer enjoy it make changes because doing what you enjoy leads to a more happy fulfilling life. So I have decided to change career fields. In order to enter my new chosen field I must have the basic knowledge and understanding of that field, therefore I must learn. This is my own personal internal motivation...
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...What is a responsibility? A responsibility is something that is your job to do something about, or to think about. It is something that affects our lives and other people's lives. Some of our responsibilities • to follow the rules at home, at school and in the community - after all they are there for our safety and to protect our rights and the rights of others • to stand up for our rights and the rights of others as much as we can • to be the best person that we can be • to take care of our own bodies as best we can • to respect the rights of others • to look after our own belongings and respect the belongings of others • to learn as well as we can • to care about others who are not as strong in some ways as we are. What happens when people don't accept responsibility? When people don't take on their responsibilities... • Other people lose their rights, eg. people could be bullied, treated unfairly, abused or feel unsafe. • It's unfair because other people have to do a job that is another person's responsibility. • There could be consequences at home, at school or in the community, eg. people might be punished or harmed in some way. • People could become less successful and happy than they might have been, eg. they might give up trying or keep away from people. • People could feel unsafe or unhappy, eg. they could be hurt or teased • People could be selfish and uncaring. They might not ever know the...
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...Children and Chores. Children and chores are, in my opinion, a good thing. There are several advantages to learning chores throughout youth. Children that learn to do chores growing up have an advantage for later in life. While children are young they can learn to do chores for after they move from their parents home. Chores such as; laundry, yard work and housework can prepare a child for life on their own. Laundry is a great chore for children. It gives them the opportunity to learn how to separate clothes into different loads such as; a white load. One would want to teach them that only white clothes go into that load. Otherwise you could end up with all pink clothing if a red sock were to get mixed in. It would bleed throughout the load and tint all the white clothes. It also gives them the chance to learn how to use the washing machine and the dryer. They can be shown which settings to use for the different loads. Using the dryer, then having them fold the laundry or hang it up will help when they are own their own at college or when they get married. Yard work is also a great chore for children. It gets them outside for exercise also. They can learn how to mow the lawn by learning to work the lawnmower. They can maybe help in a garden or flower bed by pulling weeds. In the fall, they can rake leaves into piles and put them into yard bags. Snow shoveling can be done in the winter, in addition to doing it for a chore they could...
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...Step one re-learn re-learn by: Shifting Perspective Define The problem Understand your ambitions Challenge your assumptions Research case studies Building Knowledge Get out and look around Map the customer journey Identify barriers Find The Root of the problem Learn from experts Build Personas Understand customers expectations Customer SWOT Competitor Analysis Map the Problem Structure Insight re-learn Define the Problem re-learn re-think re-define launch Define the problem The first thing to be done before attempting to solve a problem, is to have a common definition of what problem the team is trying to solve. Ask yourself these questions 1. Why do we have to solve this problem? _______________________________________________________ 2. What are the benefits to be gained? _______________________________________________________ 3. What do we don’t understand? _______________________________________________________ 4. What isn’t the problem (What is working)? _______________________________________________________ 5. Do we have enough information? ______________________________________________________ re-learn re-think re-define launch Define the Problem: re-learn Understanding your Ambitions re-learn re-think re-define launch Understanding your Ambitions “We need to start with the end in mind”. We need to think within the context of a positive outcome. This will give a sense of direction to our thoughts ...
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...Debate topic: HOMEWORK IS A WASTE OF TIME. Introduction: We all hate homework, but is it really important that we do it? Is doing homework good for us or is it simply a waste of time? This debate sets out the arguments on both sides .Homework is an assignment that students are given to do at home. It might be a continuation of classwork or a new piece of work. It may also be preparation for the next class. The amount of homework school students get varies a lot not only from country to country, or from school to school, but often from day to day. For most the amount of time spent on homework gets longer as we go through our school lives. At the start of primary school we get almost no homework but it is often several hours a day by the time we finish secondary school. The most important thing in this debate is not so much how much time is spent on homework but whether that time is wasted. If it is time well spent then having a lot of homework to do may not be a bad thing. The debate should therefore consider what else school children would do with that time. Another angle would be to look at whether school could replace homework with something that makes better use of time. For example in Britain the education secretary (the member of the government who controls education across the whole country) wants schools to scrap homework and instead have longer days in school. The affirmative: Homework teaches us to learn on our own The main aim of education is to prepare us for the...
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...frustrations. He discussed how he was upset that he was always getting pulled from the game. After he was done expressing his anger, I said to him “Do you know why he does that?” He replied saying “no.” I said, “He does that because he sees how great you can become.” I never heard anything more from that player the rest of the season and that experience has always stuck with me. As you start moving up to higher levels of competitive athletics, the “everyone plays” mantra starts...
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...their career, or ruin a family when they make that decision to shoot, not only to shoot but what to do with their junior service men under their charge. Every decision that is made has an ethical part of somebodies life. You can follow the rules or break them and ruin everything around you and the junior service men under you. How they have learned to make these decisions is by a lot of training, and intelligence they get from other people. Is that person going to cause them harm, is that person going to cause somebody else harm? These are factors that a military person has to take into effect before making that ethical decision to take somebodies life in a war. For them to make these ethical decisions, they have had to learn them from somewhere, some of these things are almost natural, but most ethics are learned over a period of your life. You learn your ethics from your parents, teachers, friends, and family, anybody that has a big influence on your life, also TV and video games have an influence to a point on a person’s life of ethics. People don’t realize the things that people learn from TV and video games have a big part of how they act in life. “Whatever we decide concerning the foundation of ethics, one thing must at least be clear from common experience: ethical behavior is greatly dependent on the formation received. The basis of ethics in this particular sense, we owe, in other words, to...
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...Leading like Madiba: Leadership Lessons from Nelson Mandela Posted on August 17, 2011 by Martin Kalungu-Banda The world is in dire need of great leaders, ones who inspire people not through words but by serving them. The cutting edge in leadership discourse is the old fashioned idea of leadership through service. The whole human race, we could say, desperately needs these servant-leaders who really attend to others and are beacons of hope in our search for a world society where justice, fairness, care for the weaker members of our communities, and love flourish. The call for leaders who genuinely serve their people is obvious in social and political communities. We can see it equally in the economic sphere, in business organisations or corporations. The high turnover of staff in many work places suggests that people are looking for what Lance Secretan, a Canadian guru on leadership, calls ‘soul space’[1] – an environment where they will not simply be cogs in the wheel of production but can live full and happy lives. In my book, Leading Like Madiba: Leadership Lessons from Nelson Mandela[2], published in March 2006, I have attempted to present through stories the type of leadership that will take our world a higher ground.[3] What is so extraordinary about Mr Mandela’s style and practice of leadership is that it crosses the boundaries of culture, gender, race, religion and age. Madiba (as he is fondly referred to in his home country) has done so in a society that was once...
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...Should Students Live on Campus or Off? As we all know, many college students are live at dormitory. There are two, three, four, or even more students live in a room. They share one room, the electricity, balcony, and they almost share all the equipment except their own beds. It is not convenient for college students who have a lot of free time and have different classes or things . In my opinion, college students should have more freedom to live off campus, but it should close the campus. Living off campus make us more independent. They need to taken care of by parents at home and by roommates at dormitory. I think it is difficult for us to be independent for a teenager, but we can not escape and no one will take care ourself forever. One of a new college student rose to fame in the Internet because of his 14 boxes of luggage. He was called "Well Prepared Brother".His parents doted on him so that they prepared almost everything for him. I wonder how he can be independent and take care of himself. In dormitory, his roommates had to help him. I think he should carry normal luggage and live off campus, and learn to take care of himself by himself. We must consider everything by ourselves when we live off campus, and only by this way can learn how to independent. Tara Bryant, one of the student at the University of Kansas said “ Now I’m about to start my junior year, and just moved into an apartment that’s actually closer to my classes than Hashinger Hall was.” From Tara’s...
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