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How Does Alcohol Affect The Human Body

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It is very important to learn about the psychological and physiological effects of substance abuse on the human body to prevent substance usage, and to discover if there is a possibility of reversing harmful effects. In many cases, substance abuse starts with misinformation, or miscommunication. A person who does not know the negative effects a substance can have on the body is more likely to start abusing said substance. In order to properly inform, and warn the public of the effects that harmful substances can have on your body, one must first learn about it themselves. It is also imperative to know specifically how different substances affect the human body in order to potentially reverse harmful effects. The most commonly used addictive substance in the United States is Alcohol. According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 1 in every 12 adults have problems with alcohol abuse. Because, it is the most commonly used, it is important to know precisely how alcohol can affect the human body. Not only does alcohol affect the human body, but it also heavily damages the economy of the United States, and to ease this burden it is important to know how to reduce these effects. The …show more content…
It has many harmful effects on the brain and nervous system. This substance leaves many parts of the nervous system vulnerable, however, the limbic system, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex are most affected by alcohol's toxins. Damage to the limbic system will impair a person’s ability to monitor complex tasks such as emotion and memory. Loss of balance, stumbling and affected emotional responses are a result of damage to the cerebellum, the area in the brain that controls these skills. The cerebral cortex controls the ability to plan, think, interact socially, and behave intelligently. When the cerebral cortex is damaged, the ability to learn, solve problems, and remember will be

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