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Alcohol And Drug Abuse In The United States

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The use of alcohol and illegal drugs is very common around the United States. Although both alcohol and illegal drugs have serious side effects people still use them to gain the feeling of satisfaction during parties, reunions, or any other social event. Both alcohol and illegal drugs cause many damages to our society and the individual. For these reasons alcohol and illegal drug abuse classes should be mandatory at all high schools at some point. Alcohol is a gateway drug in the United States. This means that alcohol can be considered the first step to be involved in any other illegal drug. The abuse of alcohol or drugs has very serious side effects. As any other substance that is taken without a proper control alcohol and drugs can become …show more content…
While the individuals are under the influence, and their brain does not work properly, people tend to take wrong decisions and may act aggressive or in instance do things they might not regularly do while they are in their 5 senses. “At least one-half of all violent crimes involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, the victim, or both.” ("Publications & Multimedia | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)." U.S National Library of Medicine.) Since the individual is not thinking correctly he or she might find an attack to a person much easier than it would be while sober. Another crime that is very known to be committed under the influence of drugs and alcohol is rape. “75% of all acquaintance rapes involve alcohol and/or drugs.” (Alcohol Research: Current Reviews | Social and Cultural Contexts of Alcohol Use: Influences in a Social–Ecological Framework." U.S National Library of …show more content…
“Drug [or alcohol] abuse puts a lot of stress on parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents—anyone who is part of the home.” (Alcohol Research: Current Reviews | Social and Cultural Contexts of Alcohol Use: Influences in a Social–Ecological Framework." U.S National Library of Medicine.) A drug attic or alcoholic most of the time will not accept the fact that they need professional help, and that may end up in constant arguments with family members. Loss of job, constant mood changes, and the urge to find more supply can lead to losing the individual’s family members. Another way that drug attics and alcoholics destroy families is by causing their own deaths. “Heroin, cocaine and other drugs continue to kill around 200,000 people a year, shattering families and bringing misery to thousands of other people….” (Alcohol Research: Current Reviews | Social and Cultural Contexts of Alcohol Use: Influences in a Social–Ecological Framework." U.S National Library of Medicine.) The constant deaths of the individuals destroy families and can cause serious internal conflicts among the family. They bring depression, economic instability, and in cases even phycological

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