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How Does Christianity Respond To Evil

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How does Christianity respond to the issue of evil? This issue, the issue of evil, is something that many people have tried to understand. They have tried to understand why it exists. However evils existence then leads to the question, if there is a God, why does evil exist? Why does an all powerful, all knowing and all mighty God allow evil’s presence on earth, why isn't it being prevented? These questions have been answered by Christian philosophers of the past and present in an attempt to reinforce their beliefs legitimacy and to oppose one of the strongest argument atheists have against God's existence. In order to fully understand how Christians responds to the issue of evil, we must understand the types of evil that exist and their effects. Only then can we explore how philosophers of the past and present have answered the issue of evil’s presence. …show more content…
Both branches of evil have negative effects on humans but in different ways. Moral evil is suffering caused by humans acting in a way that is considered morally wrong e.g., bullying, murder, rape, theft or terrorism. On the other hand natural evil is suffering caused by events that have nothing to do with humans, and which are to do with the way the world is, e.g., natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, floods or earthquakes. Although these two branches may seem as if they never cross paths, more times than not moral and natural evil work together. For example, the suffering caused by an earthquake or people looting can make floods worse. Moral and Natural evil presence is what philosophers have tried to answer, each with their own set of ideas. These answers are known as

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