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50th Ward Essay

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The 50th ward is a middle class neighborhood. They have people above and below the poverty line but most people are right in the middle. This is reflected in the public assets that they hold. The 50th ward is home to one public high school, Mather High school is one of the better schools in CPS. It still has its problems with gangs and underfunding, like most CPS school but, by community consensus and comparatively to other CPS schools, it is still a decent school. It is a pretty big school that contains an estimated 2,000 kids from West Ridge and the surrounding area. The real story hear though is with the private schools in the area. There are a great number of people who dislike CPS and will do anything they can to avoid it so people with the means to do so usually choose a private school. There are 8 private high schools located in the 50th ward. The great cultural diversity that West Ridge holds is reflected in their private schools. There are a handful of schools that preach the Jewish faith in West Ridge, which personally, I had no idea existed in that magnitude. The rest of the schools are catholic schools which one of them is an all-girls school. The education that is provided to the surrounding area of the 50th ward seems adequate …show more content…
There are over 17 parks located within its boundaries and by the looks of them, they are well maintained. The park district plays a big role in the community by providing an abundance of activities to bring together its citizens and offer them something fun to do in their free time. One of the prime examples of this is Warren Park. Being one of the biggest parks in the 50th ward, if not the biggest, Warren Park offers everything from golfing, batting cages, sledding, ice-skating, tennis courts and running trails along with hosting a myriad of activities organized by the park district. Warren Park is the central hub for community building and fun within the 50th

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