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How Does Kate Middleton's Huge Affect Women?

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Words 410
Pages 2
The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, is creating a huge impact on women all over the world using her brain and positivity to be successful as both a hardworking mother of three and a princess with royal duties to perform. She is a very successful women with a great background. Her work is a great influence and so is her antecedent.
Kate middleton created a lot of things and with all of those creations she created another; a great influence on women. (Source 2) Another thing she has created is a cool but formal fashion line (Source 4). Kate’s fashion has blown up quite a storm on the internet. One website stating “On the 30th of April 2016, Kensington Palace announced that Kate was to star on the cover of Vogue magazine!” (Source 5) Which

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