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Who Is To Blame For Duncan's Death In Macbeth

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When characters meet their plans in Act 2, action replaces anticipation; as a result of the monumental events that take place, the very fabric of their world unhinges. When Macbeth enters Duncan’s chambers to kill him, Lady Macbeth waits outside. While she waits, she announces, “It was the owl that shrieked, the fatal bellman, / which gives the stern’st good-night. / He is about it (2.2.5-6). The owl cries out to announce Duncan’s impending death as Macbeth murders him. The night no longer represents a time of anticipation: characters go “about” their plans and actually achieve them. However, they must face consequences: the cry of a "fatal bellman" announces not only the death of Duncan, but also the death of Macbeth's morals. The darkening

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