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Dental wax in many forms is one of the most common used materials in dentistry. Waxes used in dentistry are composed of natural and a synthetic wax, gums, fats, fatty acids, oil, natural and synthetic resin and pigments (RG Craig, 1965). Many different types of waxes are used and each one is specially designed and prepared for a specific purpose for which alone it can be used (Tafe Queensland 2013, p.25). There are 3 different natural waxes, Paraffin wax, Beeswax and Carnauba. Paraffin wax is used in inlay & modeling wax, it is relatively soft, low melting range 50-70℃, obtained from refined crude oil. Beeswax is used in most waxes because of the flow property at oral temperature, it is brittle, imparts flow, immediate melting …show more content…
Patten Waxes are used to form models of a restoration or appliance, including Inlay pattern Wax, Casting Wax and Base plate Wax.

Inlay pattern wax is used to form a pattern for inlays, crowns and bridge where the wax is required to be burnt out of a mould at high temperature and replaced with molten metal. This process is called the "lost wax" technique. Inlay wax is supplied by the manufacturer in various colours in the shapes of rods or sticks (Tafe Queensland 2013, p.25). It has 2 different types of wax, Type I is a medium wax employed in direct technique. Type II Inlay wax is a soft was used indirect technique for inlays and crowns (Ban, 2013)

Casting wax is used for a similar purpose as inlay wax but it is much softer, it composited paraffin, ceresin, beeswax and resins. It is used for making patterns for removable metal framework of partial dentures. EG: Cobalt Chromium dentures. Casting Wax is supplied by the manufacturer in various colours in sheets, ready-made shapes or in blocks. The sheets may be supplied in smooth or stippled surfaces of various thicknesses (Tafe Queensland 2013, …show more content…
Waxes with a lower melting temperature have greater stability at any given temperature than those with a higher melting temperature. When heated slightly at high temperature (27C to 43C) wax will become pliable and moldable; on further heating (70℃↑) they melt, become fluid and can be poured as a liquid. The wax thermal coefficient of expansion is high; it means that at high temperature of contraction or expansion occurs for a small change in temperature. Therefore, errors involved in thermal dimensional changes may be quite high. Wax can be adapted to model surfaces, whose negative shape they will retain when the wax is chilled; they exhibit flow and distortion due to the release of stresses incurred during the temperature is

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