...The media as a whole has many hidden messages or ideas that the entertainment world wants to get across. The media uses subliminal messages through radio, television, and advertisement. “A subliminal message is a signal in the form of a picture or sound that is designed to pass the normal limits of perception,” which means when people receive images or ideas consciously they also receive it subconsciously in their mind (Subliminal Messages in Movies and Media). There have been many controversial issues concerning the usage of this technique (Subliminal Messages in Movies and Media). There were rumors stating that Bush has used subliminal messages in some of his campaign speeches in order to deliver hidden messages to the world (Subliminal Messages in Movies and Media). One example of this would have been when; “A similar accusation was made against a promotional film of the Liberal party of Canada, where after dissecting their ad, one could clearly see a gun being fired at the viewer” (Subliminal Messages in Movies and Media). The Bush promo is rumored to be filled to the brim with subliminal images of a disturbing nature: fire, explosions, terrified children, mutilation, ghost-like figures and several acts of violence” (Subliminal Messages in Movies and Media). In the manipulation of many viewers, it was first to be just a tested experiment that could determine the facts of subliminal messages (Subliminal Messages in Movies and Media). A movie theatre in New Jersey did an experiment...
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...MySocLab Social Explorer Map: Income Inequality by Race (located on the student website) as a reference: • Select 1 racial group from the list below: o African American o Asian American o Arab American o Hispanic American/Latino o White/Caucasian • Write a 150- to 300-word summary of the economic, social, and political standings of that group. Use additional resources if necessary, from the University Library or your textbooks. Provide citations for all the sources you use. Response: Well, there could be numerious reasons why Hispanics are not doing good. From prior experience in the Interactive Scenario’s city, in that area where education isn’t a prime, it is obvious that people will not get a great job or a legal job. Being that there’s such a small community of Hispanics in the area and that of it being a legitimate worker or a cut above the the average person in Philadelphia, it’s small. That, and being the jobs are scarced already in the area where they could pay good enough money that doesn’t just make ends meet. Part II Answer the following in 50 to 150 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What is racism? In what ways does racism affect diversity? Answer: Racism is where you discriminate against other people based on racial profiling. That means that if a person of another race does not like another person by race to the point of where actions cast their belief and judgement. Racism affect diversity...
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...Media Influence on African American Males Keana Noyd California State University, Northridge PAS 325- The Black Male in Contemporary Times May 12, 2014 Abstract If a black man is mentioned in the news, newspaper, magazine ads, television shows, or internet blogs, it is usually related to a negative, stereotypical thought of black men as a whole. The media constantly produces images of black men as sexually-instable, violent, and unintelligent. Such portrayals ultimately influence the nation when it comes to what black men are thought to be like. If the media gave honest and positive portrayals of black men, less racism would exist because people would be able to see the black men of this world for who they really are. In this paper, I give examples of how black men are negatively portrayed in the media and suggest how such misrepresentation can be stopped; by positive portrayals of black men in the media. Over the decades, the media has become an extremely influential power tool when it comes to making assertions about certain groups of people. African-Americans are one of the media’s many victims of false generalizations that influence the world beyond the television screens. Black men are constantly depicted as sexually-instable, angry, uneducated criminals throughout the media, in which, has an ultimate effect on how these men are represented throughout this society. Such depictions are one of the reasons why racism and stereotypical beliefs continue to exist throughout...
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...Mass media messages and effects Heather Gilliland BSCOM/268 06-06-16 Mabelle Reynoso Mass media messages and effects Introduction The mass media is in the business of steering your thoughts about subjects and controlling how the public thinks. The press, the television, and the radio play an important role in society. The mass media informs, educates, and entertains the public. They also influence how society looks at the world and can often alter that view. Mass media shapes public opinion on many different matters. When you want to see the most current events, read about the news or listen to get the latest gossip on celebrities, or learn the latest fashion trends, members of society usually turn on the television, the radio, or access the internet through your computer or smartphone. Mass media has developed a technology to reach the vast majority of the population. The mass media is constantly changing and growing as new technological advances are being made. The public is exposed to vast amounts of content in the stories they read and the news they listen to, and even though we depend on mass media for almost everything we listen to, all the stories may not be very ethical. There are many undependable sources of mass media out there, but there are also true, dependable and reliable sources that we are exposed to as well. As the public depends on the media to such a great degree, it is important to know which sources to trust, and which to disregard as unreliable...
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...Mukherjee For centuries now, racism was one of the main reason of violence in America. According to the documentary “Violence in America”, violent acts repeats itself constantly. This is known as the “cycle of violence” which means to repeat any dangerous acts due to retribution or revenge. White Americans looks at colored people as less than humans because whites do not accept blacks as intellectually equal. Does racism impact the violence in America? Racism is the key issue that has taken over America impacting violence in many ways. Going back in history, white Americans had formed deep violent traditions of taking over land and cutting off noses and ears as punishment. Christopher Columbus had led other white Americans to take over the land of the Indians. In the documentary “Violence in America” stated by the year of 1542, about 250,000 Indians were exterminated. Over the years whites had continued the violent act of killing and taking over the Indian tribes. By 1890 the Indian population numbered down from 2 million to 300,000. Soon after this America became the first country to have gun power. Gun power was also known to the white Americans as the alliance of freedom because it was use to defend themselves, so that no one else is able to take control. Over time the media had begun to play an important role. The media was obsessed with white criminals and portrayed them as heroes. The documentary “Violence in America” mentioned how the media had overstated the crimes these...
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...It is said that one of the best ways to learn about the present is to look to the past. History does indeed tend to repeat itself and thus, we look to the past as a guide to the future so as to choose the correct course of action. Oftentimes, literature depicts circumstances in which one can extrapolate meaning and relate it to life. Such is the case in Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In the book, Twain expertly illustrates the character of Huck Finn as well as southern society. Through his storytelling, one can find lessons that are vital to society today such as the consequences of being dishonest, the negative impact of the prevalence of racism, and the importance of choosing your own morality. Lying – it is something so innate to us humans that many of us do not think about it at all. Odds are every single one of us tells multiple lies each day, no matter how small. The con men of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the Duke and the Dauphin, are two pathological liars who use their craft to beguile unsuspecting victims for monetary gain. Again and again, the pair of con men performed the play “The Royal Nonsuch”, a performance that was advertised by them as being something worth seeing but in actuality was a scam. They narrowly escaped persecution on several occasions due to luck being on their side. Ultimately, Twain shows how there was consequences of the repeated deceit of the Duke and the Dauphin with them being tarred and feathered. In taking...
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...Media is one of the greatest influences on an individual of all time, using ideological messages that are interwoven into society. Many refer to ideology as the study of ideas, it is defined as a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy or a particular way of thinking and seeing the world that makes the existing organization of social relation appear natural and inevitable (Grossberg, 193). In more simple words, it is commonly referred to as “false consciousness,” originally from politics, ideology refers to the way people think about the world and their ideal concept of how to live in the world. A very board term that has different branches and can relate to many different parts of media; it is a system of values, attitudes and beliefs that are important to an individual, group or society. All forms of media can have a great ideological influence on their audience and most media portrays a dominant message that can define the values and beliefs of an individual or society whether in a positive or a negative way. Dominant ideologies are ideologies that are used very commonly by the media that are sometimes mistaken for reality. They are always reflected in the media, and reflect dominate social relations and support dominant social groups. If those in charge of our society – politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television – can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They...
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...Racism, Does it Still exist? Keira Garner Liberty University Online Abstract Many people today believe racism doesn’t exist and is a term that existed in times before the 1960’s. Racism is hidden in modern society and it brings separation, hatred, war, and at times social injustice. When most people hear of racism they refer to “slavery”, but many different cultures are discriminated against and faced with racism. Throughout society multiculturalism can be referred to racism. Some cultures are trying to work together to build a better life. Throughout this paper I will discuss how racism can be institutional, learned, cancerous, dangerous, but not accidental. Furthermore, this paper will bring awareness that ethnicity and racial association can determine an individual’s worth personally and their identity. In addition comprehending that racism is yet present in many cultures. Multiculturalism allows one to think that all cultures are equal regardless of one’s moral views. According to Stewart (2012) racism can be defined as speaking, acting or thinking negatively about someone else solely based on that person’s color, class or culture (p. 466). In our society today it is suggested that racism was deleted after the Civil Rights era. The truth is racism is very much present today. Throughout society multiculturalism can be referred to racism. Racism can be known as institutional, learned, cancerous, dangerous, but not accidental. Society tries to portray that racism...
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...Abstract: This dissertation examines the intersection of Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric with racialized nationalism and the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward immigration in the United States. This research seeks to answer the following question: How does the immigration discourse articulated by Trump through racial and nationalist lenses become magnified in media representations, and what does this have to do with political polarization and public opinion? Based on the comprehensive review of prior literature, this research explores how Trump's rhetoric on immigration has perpetuated a racialized, exclusionary political discourse that shapes both public attitudes and partisan alignments. By means of selective exposure...
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...Whether observed through the perspective of the media or within a historical context, women at a national premise have a greater awareness in the struggle of gender equality and female identification. Feminism looks at how the social, economic and political structures affect and shape women at the individual level. Accordingly, feminist theories analyze the relationship between gender differences, gender inequality and oppression. The idea of ‘waves’ in Canadian Feminist movements have been both diverse and dynamic in the act of coalition to obtain specific goals and broader changes in society. At the beginning of the 20th century, industrialization and nation-building came attached with a gender ideology that prescribed the public/private division between male and females. In modern-day Canada, issues concerning equal rights in the public and private sphere of women have become more relevant to the female community. In contemporary Canada, the discussion of sex work and the ‘entertainment industry’ is a controversial subject to many women. The traditional view is expressed to view these workers as individuals who have chosen this path as ‘immoral criminals’ or ‘victims’ of aggression. There is not much sympathy for these women as they are degraded to be invisible within Canadian society. Given the blind eye, these sexual deviants have historically served as an representation to regulate women of the public sphere. However, it is necessary to make distinctions of the ‘hierarchy’...
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...Iqnambir Singh ENG 1s Brian Lewis Feburary 3rd, 2015 HIP HOP: MORE THAN JUST A MOVEMENT. In our everyday lives, we always see art in some form, which involves our senses. For example, we see visual art by using our eyesight. Another famous form of art, which involves our sense of hearing, is music. Music is vast that it has so many genres and subgenres. One genre, that is quite popular in today’s world, is hip-hop. Most people view hip hop as a movement, but i consider that its more than just a movement. Hip Hop is a median to express yourself. The shared ideology of Hip Hop is that it is a platform to portray art and beliefs through lyricism, abstract art, clothing, etc. Hip Hop is a subcultural movement, which was formed in the 1970s in South Bronx, New York. African Americans mainly started this movement, but now it is diversified. It has various components, such as “DJing”, rapping, graffiti art, and break dancing. Hip Hop gained a lot of popularity for its fashions. Its authorial power and influence highly impacts the fashion world. Many rap artists have successful cloth lines, which are quickly adopted by the followers. Language, in Hip Hop, plays a vital role. Slang terms gained its popularity after it was being used in raps. Some say that rap is the modern day poetry. Rapping also known as “MCing”, is basically a mixture of rhymes and beats to produce a meaning or even a message. Many rappers incorporate historic events or figures in their raps...
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...moved to Portland Maine about a year ago, I was surprised to learn there were many African Refugees that new to the United States; they had moved to moved for better benefits. They are presented in their African clothing, which are brightly colored somewhat sheets that they wrap around their bodies and heads, which is very appealing. When it was hot outside, I could not figure out how they could stand the heat. I then remembered that they are from Africa, and their clothing style is very important to them like it is here in the United States with our catchy styles and brand name products, we are very similar and the same, wanting to look fashionable. Learning that coming from a White Irish racial background, in Ireland there are two groups of Irish people. The Southern Irish people are Protestants and the Northern Ireland (ie Belfast, Donegal, Derry) are Catholics and have been many battles and bloodshed over this religious conflict that still although not in the same intensity as today, however, it is still going on and major issue. Irish people have a tendency to like to drink a large amount and know how to enjoy themselves. They are very kind giving as the expression says "they would give the shirt off their back". The weather in Portland Maine is very similar to Ireland, cold, and damp with a slight short summer. There is also many farm land here in Portland Maine, and you could smell the fire places burning just like they burn peet in Ireland. In 2050 , trends and immigrations...
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...Study Guide, Fall 2015 Media/Society, Ch. 6: Social Inequality & Media Representation · Comparing Media Content and the “Real World”: four issues raised by this comparison (pp. 188-189) o First – literature in media and cultural studies reminds us that representation are not reality, even if media readers or audiences may sometimes be tempted to judge them as such. § Representations are the result of process of selection that invariably mean that certain aspects of reality are highlighted and others neglected. § All representations re-present the social world in ways that are both incomplete and narrow. o Second – the media usually do not try to reflect the “real” world. o Creators of media products use entertainment media to comment on the real social world. Readers and audiences develop at least some sense of the social world through their exposure to both entertainment media and news media. · Third – Concerns the troublesome term real. o The concept of a “real” world may seem like a quaint artifact from the past. o Social constructionist perspective. § No representation of reality can ever be totally “true” or “real” because it must inevitably frame an issue and choose to include and exclude certain components of a multifaceted reality. o Fourth- Seems to imply that the media should reflect society. o For many people, media are an escape from the realities of daily life. o Therefore, how “real” media products are is irrelevant...
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...the Native American culture. To go and generalize these people into a sports team that have nothing to do with who they are, is being very prejudice, misleading, and in many ways wrong. Native Americans deserve the right to be heard and understood that their names, tribal figures, and beliefs are theirs. Mascots used to define them bring nothing but racism, shame, stereotyping, and generalization. Many sports teams, schools, and universities in the US have adopted some incarnation of the Native American warrior as their mascot. However, many people, of Native American heritage as well as non-Indians, believe that the portrayals of Native Americans in this manner is a harmful, racist aspect of our culture, and one that we should take strong measures to prevent. It is not wrong for one to say that racism all around the world needs to be put to an end. We as Americans hold ourselves to high standards of being accepting to all ethnicities. It is hard to understand how we are unable to relate to Native Americans and understand the point they are making when disapproving of their name as mascots. It is also very hard to understand how we pride ourselves on being a “Melting Pot” country yet; we do not accept and respect the beliefs of the people who were here before us. Any person out there would be frustrated if their name was taken and used as a mascot, with no prior...
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...Visual Culture of Crime Kristina Ezhova 260454703 April 9, 2015 “Monster”: Misogyny, Racism, and Popular Culture Kanye West is a prominent figure in popular culture nowadays and his reputation is quite complicated and conflicting. West is acclaimed as one of the best rappers of this era, and is celebrated as a successful entrepreneur and fashion designer. However, he is also frequently condemned for his outspoken personality and offensive attitude. From numerous acceptance speech interruptions to questionable interviews and statements, Kanye West has created a contradictory image for himself in the media and is often characterized as a misogynist. The music video for his single “Monster,” in which he collaborated with Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Bon Iver, and Nicki Minaj, was released in 2011 and almost immediately became known as deeply controversial: the six-minute clip, which depicts dead women hanging from ceilings and scantily clad in lingerie, was banned by MTV for its violence and explicit content toward women (Vassar). Undeniably, the misogynistic theme runs throughout the video, however, West has defended himself by stating that “the concept of models hanging or people being eaten alive or [other] type of visuals for a horrific video was purely artistic” and addressed the ignorance of misogynistic accusations by claiming that “they [women’s rights activists] couldn’t understand how a rapper can have a taste high enough to do something like that without being misogynistic”...
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