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Violence in America


Submitted By caridadm
Words 879
Pages 4
Violence in America
Zuhaylee Marroquin
Bronx Community College English 11 Fall 2015
Professor Mukherjee

For centuries now, racism was one of the main reason of violence in America. According to the documentary “Violence in America”, violent acts repeats itself constantly. This is known as the “cycle of violence” which means to repeat any dangerous acts due to retribution or revenge. White Americans looks at colored people as less than humans because whites do not accept blacks as intellectually equal. Does racism impact the violence in America? Racism is the key issue that has taken over America impacting violence in many ways.
Going back in history, white Americans had formed deep violent traditions of taking over land and cutting off noses and ears as punishment. Christopher Columbus had led other white Americans to take over the land of the Indians. In the documentary “Violence in America” stated by the year of 1542, about 250,000 Indians were exterminated. Over the years whites had continued the violent act of killing and taking over the Indian tribes. By 1890 the Indian population numbered down from 2 million to 300,000. Soon after this America became the first country to have gun power. Gun power was also known to the white Americans as the alliance of freedom because it was use to defend themselves, so that no one else is able to take control.
Over time the media had begun to play an important role. The media was obsessed with white criminals and portrayed them as heroes. The documentary “Violence in America” mentioned how the media had overstated the crimes these criminals did. This documentary also mentioned how they viewed the whites as celebrities and treated them as if they were. This may have given others a more reason to create the violence they’ve encountered.
Moving forward in time, slavery had come into play. Slavery was the white

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