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How Does Social Security Threat Affect Our Society?

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As with everything in this world, if the need or want of something can be thought of, there will forever be a way of obtaining it. This is more evident in today’s society than in any period of time before. The need of information is one of the main drives of most hackers, terrorists, idiotic school kids, etc. This information can be about anything from a birthdate or a Social Security number to ruining a child’s school year or the next terroristic threat to our lives. In response to the data breach suffered by Verizon in 2009, nearly 92 percent of all compromised records were linked to organized crime and 93 percent was financial information (Verizon, 2009). Though 74 percent of the breaches were initiated from external sources, 69 percent was discovered by third parties. Also, 99.9 percent of the stolen information was comprised directly from servers and applications. These percentages are extensively staggering because most of the breaches could have been avoided by being compliant with all laws and regulations, and simple monitoring practices. …show more content…
Hacking a victim’s computer via viruses, malware, etc. seems to be very easy these days as people are becoming more and more lackadaisical and unthinking in regards to their banking habits. In the past, security gurus advised not to purchase items over the telephone as the bad guys could tap a phone line. After that scare, no one should [purchase anything over the Internet. Now, people should not use their phones to purchase anything, pay bills or even check a bank balance as hackers are breaking into their

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