...Table of content What is socialization? 1-2 Statement of problem 3 Review literature 3 Socialization over the course of life 4 Childhood 4-5 Adolescence 6-7 Adulthood 8-9 Old age 10-11 Death and dying 12 Conclusion 13 Bibliography 14 What is socialization? Socialization is the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture. It is also the process by which individual acquired social skills, language, behaviors to socialize with each and everyone in the world. In this entire situation, we will be gaining social experience from others. Social experience is also the foundation of personality, a person’s fairly consistent patterns of acting, thinking, and feeling. It is weird to say that we start socializing from children. We started learning things from others when young and most people continue their social learning throughout their life unless they are mentally and physically disabled. These might affect their social process when they begin to develop their skills. Socialization is also a matter of nurture rather than nature. Through socialization, individual also can understand other people and us as well. In contrast, socialization is a complex, lifelong process. There are six well known researchers that have made lasting contributions to the understanding of human development: Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, Carol Gilligan, George Herbert Mead, and Erik H. Erikson. There have...
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...Developing a productive rapport with China and Chinese business is tantamount to modern economic success. For both parties it is a new experience; China emerges from a 24-year Communist hiatus and the US deals with individuals and social norms that are entirely different to those of the western world (Baldinger, 6). As both countries fight naturally xenophobic and insular ideological tendencies, it is interesting to observe compromise and acceptance and the cultures mix, particularly on the organization and professional levels. Whether one will prevail over the other on a broader political and economic level is a question for a different time, but the same battle rages in meeting rooms and corporate discussions on both shores. Indeed as the nations battle over complicated economic concerns, it is up to individual businesses to function coherently and productively to create a profitable and stable situation. Where US culture puts high demands on profit targets, formal industrial organization and structure, employee satisfaction and corporate responsibility, the same priorities are not comparable in China. Certainly, conversely, Chinese values of manners and cordiality, production efficiency and personal trust and respect hold different places in the American industrial psyche. The discussion herewith will not be a discussion of merit, but an examination of how these factors complexly intermingle and the ways by which individuals and business can most constructively develop a coherent ideological...
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...proponents of the big data argue that the big data is advantageous, and the 21st-century generation benefits more from the big data and predictive analytics than the harm that the big data poses to their lives. The bottom line of the matter, however, is that, big data interferes with human’s privacy, ethics, and any unauthorized third party can access the personal data for evil purposes or their benefits. The definition of the big data takes the “3V” form; High-volume, high-variety and high-velocity information that demand the innovative forms of processing, cost-effective for improved insight and decision making. This technological definition does not encompass the societal aspect and. Therefore, it can be argued to be one-sided definition. To incorporate the societal aspect, the definition needs to be viewed in a broader manner so that the aspect of data analytics can come in. In this regard, the two terms can work together so that a meaning of full terms big data/ data analytics can denote the cloud collection and storage of the information (including personal data) in large data sets and in which interferences and predictions can be made. Ethical Impacts One of the adverse implications of the big data is the corruption of the ethical values in the society. The big data have corrupted human values that the society once held dearly such as privacy, identity, free choice,...
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...context | * Written during the reign of Elizabeth I and ironically, both Rosalind and Celia would have been played by men * Appealing nature to both lower and higher classes * Used as a model of social critique | * Set in Houston, Texas during the 1990s * Occurred during the Gulf War * Follows the sexual awakening of Jasira (an American-Lebanese girl) | * Set in Australia | Identity One’s sense of belonging is built upon their exploration of self and the confidence they establish through their own identity. | Identity is explored most obviously with Rosalind’s disguise as Ganymede. This concealment of her true identity allows Rosalind to discover whether Orlando truly loves her. It also allows Rosalind to gain a deeper understanding of herself. This is seen through the use of dramatic irony, this enhances the audience’s connection with the characters and adds to the humour of the play. “Nay, you must call me Rosalind”. Ultimately, it is when her actual identity is exposed that she is capable of loving and being loved by Orlando. | Jasira is essentially undergoing an identity crisis. Her parents are divorced and Jasira struggles to understand the changes that occurring in her body. Jasira struggles to comprehend what is wrong and what is right, and what her role as a daughter and as a woman is. Throughout the film, she is...
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...child to his father’s second wife. When Freud was four years old, his family shifted and settled in Vienna. Although Freud’s ambition from childhood was a career in law, he decided to enter the field of medicine. In 1873, at the age of seventeen, Freud enrolled in the university as a medical student. During his days in the university, he did his research on the Central Nervous System under the guidance of German physician `Ernst Wilhelm Von Brucke’. Freud received his medical degree in 1881and later in 1883 he began to work in Vienna General Hospital. Freud spent three years working in various departments of the hospital and in 1885 he left his post at the hospital to join the University of Vienna as a lecturer in Neuropathology. Following his appointment as a lecturer, he got the opportunity to work under French neurologist Jean Charcot at Salpetriere, the famous Paris hospital for nervous diseases. So far Freud’s work had been entirely concentrated on physical sciences but Charcot’s work, at that time, concentrated more on hysteria and hypnotism. Freud’s studies under Charcot, which centered largely on hysteria, influenced him greatly in channelising his interests to psychopathology. In 1886, Freud established his private practice in Vienna specializing in nervous diseases and soon afterwards got to his fiancée Martha Bernays, who came from a well-known Jewish family in Hamburg. In 1888, Freud started using hypnotism in his practice. But, later he dropped it and started...
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... Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2 Park Square Milton Park, Abingdon Oxon OX14 4RN © 2006 by Lois Tyson Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business Printed in the United States of America on acid‑free paper 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 International Standard Book Number‑10: 0‑415‑97410‑0 (Softcover) 0‑415‑97409‑7 (Hardcover) International Standard Book Number‑13: 978‑0‑415‑97410‑3 (Softcover) 978‑0‑415‑97409‑7 (Hardcover) No part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data Tyson, Lois, 1950‑ Critical theory today : a user‑friendly guide / Lois Tyson.‑‑ 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0‑415‑97409‑7 (hb) ‑‑ ISBN 0‑415‑97410‑0 (pb) 1. Criticism. I. Title. PN81.T97 2006 801’.95‑‑dc22 Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the Routledge Web site at http://www.routledge‑ny.com 2006001722 I gratefully dedicate this book to my students and to my teachers. I hope I will always have difficulty telling you apart...
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...dialogue and debate — to generate rather than terminate discourse — they rarely lend themselves to a single appropriate response. So, while we’ll try to clarify what we had in mind when framing a few of the knottier questions, we won’t be offering you a list of “right” answers. Instead, regard this manual as your personal support group. Since the publication of the first edition, we’ve had the chance to learn from the experiences of hundreds of instructors nationwide, and we’d like to use this manual as a forum where we can share some of their concerns, suggestions, experiments, and hints. We’ll begin with a roundtable on issues you’ll probably want to address before you meet your class. In the first section of this manual, we’ll discuss approaches to Rereading America and help you to think through your class goals. We’ll examine some options for tailoring the book to fit your interests and the time constraints of your term. We’ll also take up some pedagogical issues. We’ll offer advice on how to broach particularly hot topics in your class. We’ll explore in some detail how to get the most out of journal assignments and learning logs. And...
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...Development through the life stages Name: Fatimah Al_Asadi Teacher name: Ms John What is this unit about? This unit enables learners to gain understanding of the different life stages and how people grow and develop. It requires learners to reflect on the importance of a variety of factors and major life events on the development of individuals, and to consider the nature-nurture debate. This unit will also allow learners to gain an insight into the aging process and to understand both positive and negative perspectives of ageing. Learning outcomes: * Understand human growth and development through the life stages. * Understand how life factors and events may influence the development of the individual. * Understand physical changes and psychological perspectives in relation to ageing. P1: Describe the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development through the life stages. The main life stages of human development are: * Conception * Pregnancy and birth. * Infancy * Childhood * Adolescence * Adulthood * Later adulthood. The holistic development of an individual involves them developing physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. All humans go through the following things: * Growth: an increase in some measured quantity, such as height or weight. * Development: complex changes including an increase in skills, abilities and capabilities. * Maturation: when development...
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...Дневник читателя READER’S JOURNAL Ernest Hemingway. The Old Man and the Sea (1952). Joseph Heller. Catch-22 (1961). Tennessee Williams. A Streetcar Named Desire (1959). Iris Murdoch. The Black Prince (1973). Jerome David Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye (1951). Michael Ondaatje. The English Patient (1992). Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451 (1953). Ken Kesey. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1962). Edward Albee. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962). Arthur Miller. Death of a Salesman (1949). ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Ernest Hemingway. The Old Man and the Sea (1952). ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- FULL TITLE · The Old Man and the Sea ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR · Ernest Hemingway ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- TYPE OF WORK · Novella ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- GENRE · Parable; tragedy ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- LANGUAGE · English ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- TIME AND PLACE WRITTEN · 1951, Cuba ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...of new learnings in this course, write at least 400–600 words on the following: * What have you learned from others' responses? * What were the most compelling points from the interaction with your fellow students? * How did participating in this discussion help in your understanding of the Discussion Board task? * What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information in the students' networking? * What is still unclear after the discussion with your classmates that needs to be clarified? During week ones discussion board assignment, we discussed the different types of health insurance billing and reimbursement methods. This discussion board assignment required taking the time to research the history of health insurance and how it has evolved over the years to the system that we know it as today. By utilizing the discussion board portion of this class, I was able to learn many things from my classmates’ postings. I learned the many different methods of healthcare reimbursement that is still currently used today. I learned the history of health insurance, and why it was developed for the patients in the first place. I also learned many different views and opinions of my classmates that allowed me to reconsider and further educate myself on the views of the future of the healthcare industry. The most compelling points that I absorbed from reading my classmates postings was reading every ones ideas and opinions regarding the future of the healthcare...
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...narrator is Robert Walton, who, in his letters, quotes Victor Frankenstein’s first-person narrative at length; Victor, in turn, quotes the monster’s first-person narrative; in addition, the lesser characters Elizabeth Lavenza and Alphonse Frankenstein narrate parts of the story through their letters to Victor. climax · The murder of Elizabeth Lavenza on the night of her wedding to Victor Frankenstein in Chapter 23 protagonist · Victor Frankenstein antagonist · Frankenstein’s monster setting (time) · Eighteenth century setting (place) · Geneva; the Swiss Alps; Ingolstadt; England and Scotland; the northern ice point of view · The point of view shifts with the narration, from Robert Walton to Victor Frankenstein to Frankenstein’s monster, then back to Walton, with a few digressions in the form of letters from Elizabeth Lavenza and Alphonse Frankenstein. falling action · After the murder of Elizabeth Lavenza, when Victor Frankenstein chases the monster to the northern ice, is rescued by Robert Walton, narrates his story, and dies tense · Past foreshadowing · Ubiquitous—throughout his narrative, Victor uses words such as “fate” and “omen” to hint at the tragedy that has befallen him; additionally, he occasionally pauses in his recounting to collect himself in the face of frightening memories. tone · Gothic, Romantic, emotional, tragic, fatalistic themes · Dangerous knowledge; sublime nature; texts; secrecy; monstrosity motifs · Passive women; abortion symbols ·...
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...“Her good nature wore out/ like a fan belt./ So she cut off her nose and her legs/ and offered them up.” This quote from “Barbie Doll”, by Marge Piercy, refers to a young girl who wishes to change her character and her appearance in order to live up to society’s expectations. In fact, instead of being complimented or admired for whom she truly is, people would rather criticize and condemn her for whom she isn’t. As a result of endlessly trying to alter her portrait, the “girlchild” eventually “wore herself out”. This poem suggests that unrealistic societal demands are destructive for a woman’s self-esteem and well-being. When comparing oneself to an idealistic notion of female beauty and behaviour, one can only expect to feel demoralized, discouraged and devalued. Indeed, "Barbie Doll," the title of the poem, symbolizes society’s view of a perfect woman; the way society expects every woman to be. In fact, by using “Barbie Doll” as the title to her poem, Marge Piercy wants the reader to compare and contrast the adolescent’s appearance to that of a Barbie doll. Stereotypically, Mattel’s Barbie dolls have tall, thin yet curvy bodies, with symmetrical, perfect facial features, blonde hair and blue eyes. This, in turn, leads to the protagonist’s void of self-confidence. Additionally, living up to such standards - all the while being a housewife who must clean the house, raise the children and please her husband - is very demanding on the female gender. Moreover, the doll is symbolic...
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...Examination Paper Semester I: Organizational Behaviour IIBM Institute of Business Management IIBM Institute of Business Management Semester-1 Examination Paper MM.100 Organizational Behaviour Section A: Objective Type (30 marks) This section consists of Multiple Choice & Short Notes type Questions. Answer all the questions. Part One carries 1 mark each & Part two carries 5 marks each. Part one: Multiple choices: 1. It is the degree to which a person identifies with a particular organization and its goals, & wishes to maintain membership in the organization a. Job involvement b. Terminal value c. Attitude d. Value a. Job involvement 2. _________ means moving information from the hidden area to the open area a. blind area b. unknown area c. public area d. self disclosure d. self disclosure 3. An approach in which the goals of one party are in direct conflict with the goals of the other party a. Negotiation b. Distributive bargaining c. Stress d. None Ans. Negotiations 4. The measure of a person’s ability to operate within business organizations through social communication & interactions a. Transactional analysis b. Interpersonal skill c. Life position d. Johari window Ans. b. interpersonal skill 5. Where the source of power is in person’s control over rewarding outcomes, that power is called a. Coercive power b. Referent power c. Legitimate power d. Reward power Ans. d. Reward power Examination...
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...the dominant ideology of the traditional nuclear family. Functionalists Roles of the Family – Parsons The Functionalist Talcott Parsons sees two main functions that the family performs these are: • The primary socialisation of children Parson argues that every individual must internalise the norms and values of society. He said it is the family that moulds the child’s personality to fit the needs of society, producing children who are committed to shared norms and values and who have a strong sense of belonging to society • The stabilisation of adult personalities Adults need emotional security, which is given by partners in a marriage, and they also need a source of release from the stresses and strains of daily life, which they get from being able to indulge in childish behaviour when playing with their children. This ‘stabilisation’ is often referred to as the ‘warm bath theory’. Other functions of the family; • The family is an important agent of social control. It defines what is socially acceptable behaviour. The family also allow...
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...the dominant ideology of the traditional nuclear family. Functionalists Roles of the Family – Parsons The Functionalist Talcott Parsons sees two main functions that the family performs these are: • The primary socialisation of children Parson argues that every individual must internalise the norms and values of society. He said it is the family that moulds the child’s personality to fit the needs of society, producing children who are committed to shared norms and values and who have a strong sense of belonging to society • The stabilisation of adult personalities Adults need emotional security, which is given by partners in a marriage, and they also need a source of release from the stresses and strains of daily life, which they get from being able to indulge in childish behaviour when playing with their children. This ‘stabilisation’ is often referred to as the ‘warm bath theory’. Other functions of the family; • The family is an important agent of social control. It defines what is socially acceptable behaviour. The family also allow...
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