...ID Number: 20102149 Name: Theodore Chidiac Topic: How has technology made our lives easier? Outline I – Introduction: A – Technology B – Definition of Technology C – Thesis Statement: 1 – Communication 2 – Transportation 3 – Sharing of Information II – Communication A – Explanation B – Evidence: 1 – Example: from letters which needed days to arrive to text messages which needs seconds 2 – Fact: No one can live without possessing a cell phone III – Transportation A – Explanation B – Evidence: 1 – Fact: Most essential need for all humans is the car 2 – Example: To go from a place to another took days, now will only take a couple of minutes IV – Sharing of Information A – Explanation B – Evidence: 1 – Example: The internet enables us a infinity of information at high speed and low cost 2 – Personal Observation: All people have access to all information V – Conclusion A – Restatement of the thesis C – Statement Essay The explosion of the new century has been technology. It has taken the focus of the new generation with all its forms. Technology has made life easier, faster in many domains. Three of the most important technologies are Communication, Transportation, and the Sharing of Information. To start with, the first face of the technology is communication. It’s divided into many aspects, cell phones, internet, and others. Now people can communicate to whoever...
Words: 614 - Pages: 3
...Paper In a recent survey of young adults ages 18-24, 90% of them said that the new innovations in technology has made their lives easier. Technology is the backbone of society and without it our lives would be so much harder. Certain transportation advancements would’ve never been made and many people would be out of jobs. Imagine how tired everyone would be if we needed to walk everywhere and hand write everything. Technology helps society because it makes our lives easier, creates jobs and helps with transportation. Technology is making our lives so much easier. For example entertainment is a whole new ballgame. An author states that “the entertainment media has progressed because of advancements in technology. Movies, songs, and games are just a few clicks away”(Oak). This quote shows that technology is booming and we have come so far. Another way that it makes our lives easier is that communication is simpler. Oak (2014) suggests that cell phones are widened and more convenient for long distance and mobile use. Letters are no longer modern and text messages and emails are the simplest means of communication (Oak). This quote tells us that technology has made communication more modern, thus, making our lives easier. Technology has also created jobs for people. Author Niki Denison said explained that in 1991 the fall of the Soviet Union left many people without jobs and how tens of thousands of people are making a living by selling cell phone minutes on the streets to...
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...How technology has affected our everyday lives The explosion of the new century has been technology. It has taken the focus of the new generation with all its forms. Technology has made life easier, faster in many domains. The world of technology has grown by leaps and bounds in the last ten years. The development and improvement of technology has greatly improved our lives. It has made our life far better, easier, safer, longer and comfortable. Technology provides us a better knowledge, faster ways of locomotion and communication. The computer is one important feature of technology, which is very used by people in order to increase their knowledge. Books are no longer the main way to improve the understanding of a specific matter. Universities are acquiring more and more computers to facilitate the student's life, and to provide faster information. Students are using the Internet for acquiring knowledge instead the of going to a library which save their time. For example, a person needs to do a research about a matter, and then instead of going to the library, this person could gather good and diverse information using the Internet. Consequently, he\she would finish his\her research faster than doing it in the library by hand. Thus, technology, which created the computer, has definitely helped the universities and the students to get a better knowledge. The rise of the internet technology has improved our daily lives in very many ways. The world business and...
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...|“DOES TECHNOLOGY MAKE LIFE DIFFICULT?” |1 | “Does technology make life unnecessarily difficult? How much is too much?” Kameron A. Green ITT Technical Institute Some people might find it hard to believe that there was once a time when people didn’t rely on technology to do everything for them. As the world advances in years, the use and implementation of technology becomes more and more relevant. Today, people use technology for everything from checking up on their social media, to paying bills and running businesses. Technology has made it possible for anyone to find anything they need or get anything they want with little to no effort being put into it. While it may seem like that is a good thing to be able to do all of these things from some device or computer, there is also a side to it that everyone seems to let pass over their heads… how complicated everything has become. In the world we live in today, the use of technology has become almost as required as the need for breathing air. Think about how many times a day you go around checking your social media, or looking down to your phone for a text message, or even playing games on your cell phone. Today, people use technology for everything from checking up on their social media, to paying bills and running businesses. ““Ok – what’s so bad about that?” you may ask. “Why waste those little...
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...The Role of Technology in Education Freeman Dyson, an American theoretical physics and mathematical, once said, “Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it’s perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It’s the mother of civilization, of arts and of sciences.” The role of technology in education in this world is increasing day by day. There are a lot of ways technology helps with improving education, but combining technology with education is the most important and effective way. Technology plays an important role in developing the education, and at the same time it made the process of learning and teaching easier and more enjoyable. Technology has changed the way of education in the last twenty years; it has made students’ lives easier, and increased knowledge more than in previous eras , but at the same time it has increased students’ opportunity for cheating. To begin with, technology has made students life easier. Twenty years ago, students had to carry heavy books and a pile of notebooks to class, and the class was just about listening to the teachers and using pens and papers. Now, students can use more than a pen and paper to learn and express themselves; they can use a software to create projects and make presentations, which makes learning more enjoyable for them. Besides, students can carry iPad instead of big fat books and a pile of notebooks, which is easier for them and even healthier for their bodies, so their back won’t hurt because of carrying...
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...31 March 2011 Digital Technology What is Digital Technology? Digital technologies are tools which utilize a discrete method to convey information, such as letters or numbers. Its alternative is analog which utilizes a continuous method to convey information “soyouwanna.com”. According to the 3rd edition of understanding technology pg.2, “Digital technologies permeate our daily lives”. High-definition televisions (HDTV’s) display amazingly clear and colorful images of sports events, reality TV shows, and other popular programs. Electronic coffeemakers, digital alarm clocks, and cell phones quicken and simplify daily routines. Automobile manufacturers use computerized robots to build cars and trucks. Those are just some examples of digital technology, but how does it affect our daily lives? Growing up in a Samoan cultural community, there were not that many technologies around. I mean, back then there was no electric stove. Men and women would prepare food in the umu “An umu is the traditional method used by Samoan’s for cooking food. A fire is built and stones placed on it. When the fire is down to the embers green bananas, breadfruit, taro, fish, and lu’au are placed on the stones. When everything to be cooked has been placed on the umu, it is covered with banana fronds and left to cook “samoasention”. It was really hard and difficult back then. Now technology has provided us with electric stove for baking and cooking. It has made life a lot easier then it was before. I think...
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...Technology. Com/156 1/14/2012 By: Raymond Price I. Introduction In today’s world technology has come a long way in helping people: examples of these ways are phones, medical, internet, science, machines, engineering, computers, and social media. Technology has made the world much easier place to live in. Not only has technology made the world easier to live in, it is now much safer and more comfortable than ever. The technology field is always making challenges for us to do as we grow towards more on a everyday basis. Technology has change us many ways too. The question to ask is. Why is Technology is so important us around the world? The phones that we use in our everyday life has become a lot smarter and become more easier to use in our home or we just out and about. We use this technology over a radio link or a wave and by this we move around a wide spread geographic area. There are some variety of service and some examples of these are text messaging, emails, sending pictures, and the last one is the best part of this is having internet access. The smart phones know days come with some software and application on them to use such as some examples of this are GPS navigation, MP4, MP3 playback, and the last one is a video recording. Why would you ask question to yourself is? How come this company’s are making the cell phones smarter for to use is to help us out if a problem that came up in our life such as example having wreck with your car. There are...
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...Abstract Our technology helps us every day to complete tasks more efficiently and allows us to connect and reach out to the world around us. While it has made our lives more comfortable it has left some people complacent and has opened up more issues in our personnel lives. Some of our advancements have robbed us of basic skills that we need to retain. Teens have become so reliant on calculators that most colleges have banned them for placement tests. Some people have become so dependent on the technology around us that they will knowingly follow it and get themselves in a life or death situation such as with Global Positioning System. With the internet in almost every home and now on our cell phones we have been introduced to new issues to think and worry about. From hackers to viruses designed to break into your home computer or a company’s computer system just to get your personnel information. The internet has made it easier for thieves to steal your identity and ruin you financially taking years to fix. Our teens spend a lot of their time on internet and in most cases social media websites, which has made it easier for pedophiles and bullies to targeting our children putting them in danger. Yes, technology is a great thing but with the advancements also come a new set of problems when we get too reliant and complacent with the technology we us. As a society we have become way too reliant on the technology around us that help...
Words: 1922 - Pages: 8
...Wireless Technology BIS/221 Wireless Technology Technology has greatly evolved in the past 10 years. There was a time when a paper back book was more common than a cellular or wireless device. Today, however, wireless device are more and more common and are pretty much a must have. Wireless devices simplify how we perform daily task by being easier to access because we can carry these items with us. A few wireless devices that have made my life easier are my wireless printer, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a few wireless household products. Wireless technology has also allowed disabled individuals to enjoy activities that they normally cannot enjoy. The use of a wireless printer has made it easier to print documents either from my wireless computer or my cell phones. I no longer have to go into the computer room to complete these task. I honestly no longer need a computer room; because I have a wireless computer and printer I no longer have to be in a designated area to complete homework or perform task on the computer. I can now do those things from anywhere in my home. Wi-Fi has also made in possible to surf the web on my computer from anywhere there is a Wi-Fi connected. The use of Wi-Fi has eliminated the need to use cellular data in turn lowering my cell phone bill. The use of GPS has also made it easier to navigate to unfamiliar places by enabling me to easily get direction either from the GPS on my cell phone or a dedicated GPS device...
Words: 537 - Pages: 3
...beginning of time people have made advances in technology for the sake of convenience. With the advancements of knowledge in our ever changing world inconvenience has become a thing of the past, or has it? In almost every aspect of one’s life we deal with technology. It is how we deal with that technology decides whether it is useful or not. In this essay, I will address the ways technology has affected my life and the lives of my friends and family through my own observations, experience and actions. Thinking of both convenience and technology in terms of comfort, it can work for us or against us. Technology has taken us away from the discomfort of everyday life that is now a thing of the past. Presently, people no longer know how to be self sufficient; technology has made us incompetent and unable to function without it. The convenience of technology brought us the remote control, so we now no longer get off the couch. Striving for comfort has removed us from the dinner table and into a fast food drive-thru. This quick and easy route has taken us away from quality time spent with the family. Technology has made us lazy, overweight, and unprepared. We have let technology take over our lives with and create a demand that if taken away would topple our society, so much so that people involve every aspect of their life, from their business and their children, with the technology. Now more than ever inventions are being made to make life easier, and make people more comfortable...
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...debated whether technology is good or bad. Many people believe that technology can only cause harm to their lives and to the society, while many others strongly defend the technologies which have made their lives much more leisurely and enriching than it could have been with the absence of technology. In my opinion, both of these views are correct to an extent, but I also believe that what should be examined is not whether technology in its self is good or bad, but rather how we decide use it. Household appliances have greatly evolved in the last century. Refrigerators, gas and electric ovens, microwaves, vacuums, dishwashers....the list goes on and on. All these things have made housework much easier than it would have been about 100 years ago. This results with both positive and negative effects. It has given us easier ways to get jobs done, leaving more time for other things, but the bad part of this is what is chosen to do in this extra time. In many cases, this extra time is spent doing leisurely things, which might make us happier, but also has an effect on our health. Lately we have become aware of the dangers of heart disease and the health benefits of exercise. We would have gotten most of this necessary exercise 100 years ago just from doing our daily chores but now aren t getting enough because we don t have to work as hard to do those same chores. This can be blamed on technology, but again, in fact it is our own fault because we chose to use the technology and spend the...
Words: 513 - Pages: 3
...dictionary definition, “A gadget is a small tool or device that has a specific useful purpose and function. Gadgets tend to be more unusual or cleverly designed than normal technology.” Our lives were changed by technology since the 20th century. Many gadgets that were invented back then were now forgotten or disregarded. All gadgets were created differently. In fact most gadgets are built on the newest technology. Devices fall into four categories: mechanical, electronic, programmable, and application. Mechanical gadgets include the wheel, the pulley, the bicycle, the sail boat, and the sort. Followed by electricity, gadgets were improved and taken to a new level as inventors discover a different uses of newly applied electricity. The television, radio and quartz watch are some of the examples of electronic devices. After electricity, inventors toyed around with electronic information via microprocessor where begins the age of programmable devices such as computers, and later, MP3 players and the iPhone. Application gadgets include iTunes, Microsoft Office, and other computer applications that customize our experience in programmable devices. In today’s generation, modern technology has improved people's lives in many fields such as medicine, work, industry, and especially in education. This helps not only the professionals but also the children and students at the very young age. Way back then where technology does not still exists, student starts to learn through reading books...
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...Have you ever considered how different our lives would be without the continued advancement in technology? Technology today has become such a big part of our lives. When you are out in a public place, for example the mall, and you look around almost everyone has cell phones, tablets, ipods, or some portable game system. Today I am going to tell you about how technology impacts our lives through education, medicine, comunication and business. New technologies have transformed education, everything from smart phones to smart boards. These tools have enhanced communication, research and literacy. Technology has helped to make it more convenient for almost anyone to attend college and obtain degrees from the comfort of your own home. The convenience of being able to take classes online without having to step foot in a traditional classroom can be very appealing. It has made it possible for many people to continue their education, people who otherwise would not be able to fit college into their busy lifestyles between work and other family obligations. Also, students can instantly purchase books they need for their course in electric format. Digital education lets people learn from home or anywhere they have access to a computer and the internet. Electronic textbooks and media make delivering education easy and convenient, and the technology has brought more education to rural areas where colleges are miles away. Teachers have changed the way in teaching, so have doctors,...
Words: 825 - Pages: 4
...How Technology has Changed Our Lives Technology has allowed people to connect with other people at ease, and has made life and simple tasks so much easier. From computers to phones, the world today allows people to communicate with anybody whenever. From listening to music, to surfing the internet, technology has made everyday life more convenient. Texting on phones and connecting on social networking sites requires very little effort. Technology has changed all of our lives and made it much easier to function throughout the day because of it. It is far different from how it was 10 years ago, everything is so much faster and smaller. At one time, every adult had one of those Nokia phones that could withstand a nuclear bomb. With all of the new technology that was coming on to the market, it was difficult to see what else the technology world could do to help improve lives. Yet, things like the iPhone have been created, which has completely evolved today’s society into a cyber-society. People live through phones, but it is not the most important technological creation. In the last couple of years, technology has done things that people could have never imagined in the 1990’s, even at the turn of the century, more people used to do things by hand and face to face. Now, computers are everywhere, even in your local McDonald’s, with internet that works at incredible speeds. Phones answer questions, and also do many other tasks that people never thought possible. Now there is...
Words: 417 - Pages: 2
...Technology has really made our life very easier and has made a greater place to live. Technology in the recent century has grown tremendously we have mobile phones, airplanes and off course computer which had made our lives very simpler. Its very difficult to imagine a world without mobile phones and computer. I do really think the technology has really made our lives very simpler. Alexander Graham Bell who has invented telephone in the 19th century would have never thought that his invention would be so much advanced now. Earlier phone was just used for communication between persons but now it has become a part of our lives. The innumerable application which comes with mobile phones has made our lives very simpler. How often we have seen the advertisement in the television that never get lost when you have the mobile phone in your hand. Gone are the days where we would ask for directions to go to a particular place. Computers I think was the greatest invention, it helps us to do almost everything. How often do we use a dictionary or a encyclopedia to find out a details of a particular thing nowadays. How often do we visit a bank or pay the telephone\electricity bills by going to the respective offices. Gone are the days of queue and waiting. It has made our world closer and our near and dear ones even much more closer through internet. I do really think that technology has made our life very simpler and made the world a better places to live, even if technology is being...
Words: 334 - Pages: 2