...of Old Masters Painting & Modern Art | Spring 2012History of World and ArchitectureSubject Code: GED 302Semester: 6thSection: 01Submitted To: Selima Quader ChowdhrySubmission Date: April 4, 2012 | Submitted By NAME: SHAIKH KHADIJA NO ID: 102011058 | “Evolution of Old Masters Painting & Modern Art” Index: Subject | Page No | I. Introduction | 03 | II. Italian Renaissance | 04 | III. Comparison between the paintings of the Italian Renaissance artists | 05 | IV. Modern Art | 08 | V. Comparison Between The Old Masters Painting And Modern Art | 09 | VI. Conclusion | 11 | VII. Reference | 12 | Introduction I am a student of “history of World Art and Architecture”. In this subject I am learning about analyze and evaluate the major movement, and trends in the visual arts of “Western Civilization”. For this reason, In 29 February, 2012 my classmate and I went to Bangladesh National Museum with our course teacher. It was a magnificent experience in my life. The 3rd Floor decorated with Pictures of International politicians, artists, scientists, famous pictures and three international galleries- Korean, Iranian and Swiss. We had a class on the Western arts gallery. The “Western Arts” gallery is enhancing with many famous artists painting. They all are reproduction of original work. (http://www.quiltindex.org/~quilti/wiki/index.php/Bangladesh_National_Museum) In the museum I saw many works of art of many artists and came to know about...
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...Medici. In 1550 and then in 1568 he wrote a multi-volume book, The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. Vasari’s art historical narrative, seemingly a record of the lives of certain Renaissance artists, is the account of how art gradually achieved perfection, by building upon the achievements of the past in order to ultimately attain that perfection at the beginning of the 16th century. A process Vasari himself confirms in The Lives when he says, Having very carefully turned all this over in my mind, I have come to the conclusion that it is inherent in the very nature of these arts to progress step by step from modest beginnings, and finally to reach the summit of perfection.” Vasari’s work was the first systematic history of art, and, as such, it represents an important milestone in the history of Renaissance art. It is important to recognize the structure he gave his book, for it is revealing about the kind of historical narrative that he wanted to create. Vasari wrote biographies of individual artists, thereby acknowledging the distinctive achievements of each. He then organized these separate lives into three distinct periods, introduced by prefaces in which he described the common characteristics of their artworks and also placed their work—as he sees it—into a larger narrative about what happens to art over time. Vasari’s method for compiling this history of artists—by writing biographies of individuals, in which he describes their personalities...
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...journey, on our trip we will go to many far away periods, including the Italian Renaissance, the Early 20th Century and the Indian Civilization. Time travel can be dis-orienting. This is also what it is like to appreciate works of art from different periods. As your tour guide back into time I have prepared this book to prepare you for the tour. The first three chapters of this book, prepares travelers for their journey and will help them remain oriented. The information provided in the first three chapters provide a frame of reference that can reduce the dis-orienting effect of visiting later periods of art history and cultures one may be unfamiliar with. We will ask;" how is the work of art we are observing "attained". Getting a proper orientation of architecture or a visual art is similar to taking a tour of a college campus. When you approach a college campus for the first time there are various buildings on the campus. You will have your first impressions as you approach the campus from a distance and more impressions as you get closer- which changes your perspective. Once one has visited several college campuses one learns how to orient themself. You can quickly find the administration building, library, dorms, etc. To keep one from getting lost in the world of Art developing a frame of reference can reduce culture shock and time disorientation. This book examines three periods and three different types of Art that will serve as a good frame of reference for making sense of our...
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...Sandro Botticelli was one of the major Italian artists of the early Renaissance period in the 1400’s. Born in Florence, he was initially trained as a goldsmith before undertaking an apprenticeship under Italian artist, Fra Filippo Lippi. It is clear that Botticelli was influenced by Lippi for the rest of his life as ‘Filippesque characteristics are still found in his work of 1500’ (L.D. & Ettlinger 1976). By 1470 Botticelli had his own workshop and his pieces were already beginning to be characterised. His impression of fully formed figures would form the basis for his popular works as a Renaissance artist. Between 1478 and 1490 Botticelli created his most iconic mythological works, The Birth of Venus and Primavera. In the last years of his...
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...Italy is a country seeped in culture and a history that spanned thousands of years before it became a country. Italy was used for its location to aid with trade routes which made it a perfect route for invading armies. The Roman Empire in Italy was the first and last period of stability in Italy until 1861. It is located in southern Europe with 4 countries bordering it to the North and seas bordering it on the South, East, and West. Italy has multiple climates due to the mountain regions and the seas that surround it and yet still makes it an ideal tourist location. Italy has had a major impact on the world in regards to the arts, music, and culture. Its culture has been influenced by many different countries and is home to a wide variety...
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...Michelangelo Tammy Klapper-Sinclair Art 101 Art Appreciation Instructor: Todd Leisek October 15, 2012 Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti were two of the most famous and talented artists of their time. Born only 20 years apart, their artistic styles and interpretation had a similar focus, much of which was thought of as a reflection of their tortured and troubled minds. Michelangelo was intrigued with the precision of the human form and sought perfection of such in his work. Leonardo da Vinci saw a strong, continuous connection between art and science, and many of his works were explanations and findings of many such experiments. Michelangelo and da Vinci were both ground-breaking, pioneering artistic giants and innovators. Through their use of brilliant color, influential and powerful imagery, and their unusual ways of creating complexity in their work, they established themselves as two of the worlds’ greatest artistic geniuses. Although their artwork and forms were quite different, they shared many similar commonalties. For example, both da Vinci and Michelangelo attained much of their inspiration from passages in the bible. They were also both also extremely eccentric and seemingly tormented men who were also very misunderstood and underestimated during their time. It was also believed that both repressed their homosexuality. Both famous men have gone on to live eternally through their ageless and remarkably, breathtaking works of art (Austin, 2008). Leonardo...
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...The Italian Renaissance was a cultural movement that revived an interest in learning and promoted humanism roughly from the 14th to 17th century, strongly encouraging the education for all men, including women. Yet while it is generally accepted that women had wider access to education as humanists valued the education of all people, the majority of women who received an education in the Italian Renaissance were still largely of nobility; the primary goals of which were still related to domestic purposes and did not, in any way, attempt to change their social position. Since the Middle Ages, a typical father did not desire a learned daughter as it threatened the order of the household, engendering lax housekeeping and marital discord. The Italian humanist Lucrezia Marinelli further explained this with the theory that male hostility to female learning was because they feared to lose their dominion over women. The popular belief about the life of a Renaissance woman was that her role was one of “subjugation; she should have no control over her life.” With pedagogical theorists believing that a woman should acquire learning appropriate to her expected role as an adult, there was a new granting of permission of women to be educated. In 16th century Italy, approximately 33% of Venetian boys aged six through fifteen and I2 to 13% of Venetian girls were literate in 1587-88. While the percentage for literate women may appear disappointing, comparative figures...
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...Christine Griffin Kiss of Judas by Giotto The most pertinent painter of all time is Giotto di Bondone. He was an Italian painter and architect from Florence. Giotto is know for contributing many works to the Italian Renaissance. Giotto was typically recognized as one of the smartest artist when it came to religious subjects. Giotto was the type of painter who lived at a time where everyone had a different view on the human mind. Giotto's emergence started the beginning of the Renaissance. Giotto was discovered by the father of art named Cimabue. In a sense Giotto was Cimabue's under study. He watched Giotto from a tender age and watched how serious art was to him and how smoothly new ideas came across his mind. This painter of 14th century Italian painting was known for his set of 39 frescoes that had a biblical context to it. Giotto during his time was going beyond the Byzantine empire style of work. He created artwork that had humanistic ideas and seemed very hands on and life like. He even went along and created three dimensional artwork because that was how his mind worked. He was not the typical artist. He knew how to do above and beyond most artists and looked at things very precisely. By doing so Giotto was far ahead of his time. The most religious piece of artwork by this painter is the Kiss of Judas. Every time this piece of art is mentioned another name is typically heard called, The Betrayal of Christ. When this piece is mentioned another artist...
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...ARTS TEACHERS’ GUIDE Grade 9 ARTS Teacher’s Guide Unit I WESTERN CLASSICAL ART TRADITIONS GRADE 9 Unit 1 ARTS TEACHERS’ GUIDE GRADE 9 Unit 1 WESTERN CLASSICAL ART TRADITIONS LEARNING AREA STANDARD The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and processes in music and art through appreciation, analysis and performance for his/her self-development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and expansion of his/her world vision. key - stage STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of music and arts of the Philippines and the world, through appreciation, analysis, and performance, for self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision. grade level STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of Western music and the arts from different historical periods, through appreciation, analysis, and performance for self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision. CONTENT STANDARDs The Learner: demonstrates understanding of art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills demonstrates understanding that the arts are integral to the development of organizations, spiritual belief, historical events, scientific discoveries, natural disasters/ occurrences and other external phenomenon ...
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...FINAL REPORT Ivana Kardum PART 1 New strategy-ICA It was essential to define the main features of our interest in the master which represents specialisation of individual capabilities and acquisition and development of new strategies to be implemented in any initiative related to creation of added value to a specific territory. This Master was designed in order to create a network of Euro Mediterranean cooperation represented by experts of different nationalities and entrepreneurial, scientific, cultural and artistic specialization. Moreover it was essential to develop strategies of evaluation and promotion of systems of production whose high quality derives from cooperation and integration of processes between systems of enterprise, culture and art, artistic world and local community, competences and traditions and values represented in the territory by cultural, historical and ambient heritage. At the very beginning of the master we were introduced with the theme of industrial districts and their importance. But we went further because we wanted to create cultural interventions for greater social, cultural and artistic satisfaction. In this sense Sansepolcro represents a natural ambient for such interventions being the part of the southern Tuscany which has rich cultural heritage but not completely evaluated and promoted. The provinces of Siena, Arezzo and Grosseto represent the territory of such interventions. Systems of interaction in a specific region are...
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...Art history From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about the academic discipline of art history. For an overview of the history of art worldwide, see History of art. For other uses, see Art history (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (November 2011) Venus de Milo on display at the Louvre Art history has historically been understood as the academic study of objects of art in their historical development and stylistic contexts, i.e. genre, design, format, and style.[1] This includes the "major" arts of painting, sculpture, and architecture as well as the "minor" arts of ceramics, furniture, and other decorative objects. As a term, art history (also history of art) encompasses several methods of studying the visual arts; in common usage referring to works of art and architecture. Aspects of the discipline worms. As the art historian Ernst Gombrich once observed, "the field of art history [is] much like Caesar's Gaul, divided in three parts inhabited by three different, though not necessarily hostile tribes: (i) the connoisseurs, (ii) the critics, and (iii) the academic art historians".[2] As a discipline, art history is distinguished from art criticism, which is concerned with establishing a relative artistic value upon individual works with respect to others of...
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...similarities. They both are very entertaining when it comes to there music ,and both are African Americans who sing from there soul. Evaluation: In listening to the smooth, trumpet sounds of Louis Armstrong it made me understand the strong meaning behind his music. Just through his lyrics I could feel the pain and struggle in his music of what he was going through in the song “ Black and Blue”. After listening to his CD, I realized how others could possibly start to like his music, it can touch you in a certain way. Overall I did actually like the album, in the beginning I never would have gave jazz a listen or even thought about actually liking some of the music from it. After taking the time to review and listen to Armstrong’s music I found a new interest. What I would like to know is how did he come up with his powerful lyrics, I would like to know if he was in the moment when he wrote his lyrics. They’re very simple lyrics but also very deep. Leonardo Da Vinci Gardner’s Art Through the Ages Summary: During this semester I took Survey of Art History II and had the privilege to become familiar with many of Da Vinci’s paintings. The painting that caught my eye the most and was breath taking to me was the “Mona Lisa” and his religious painting “The Last Supper”. “Mona Lisa” was painted...
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...Jesuits paintings caught the attentions of Giambattista Marino and he commissioned Nicolas to create a series of drawings based Ovidian mythology. Nicolas went to Rome in 1624 and remained there for the rest of his life. Giambattista introduced Nicolas to Marcello Sacchietti who was one of Rome's most important patrons. In the mid 1620’s Nicolas also met Cardinal Francesco Barberini, who gave Nicolas one of his first Roman commissions. During this time Nicolas also met one of his greatest inspirations Cassiano Del Pozzo. Pozzo introduced Nicolas to the world of antique art, literature, and philosophy, which were inspiration for him for the rest of his life....
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...WESTERN CIVILIZATIONS Western Civilization HMS 301 1 WESTERN CIVILIZATIONS Main Topics The Black Death The Effects of the Black Death The Rise of Constitutional Monarchy The Hundred Years’ War The Decline of the Church The Renaissance Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance Italian Renaissance Humanism Machiavelli and Power Politics Leonardo Da Vinci Global Travel and Trade The African Cultural Heritage West African Kingdoms The Europeans in Africa Native American Cultures Maya Civilization The Empires of the Incas and the Aztecs The Spanish in the Americas and the Aftermath of Their Conquest The Impact of Technology Christian Humanism and the Northern Renaissance Luther and the Protestant Reformation The Spread of Protestantism The Catholic Reformation 2 WESTERN CIVILIZATIONS The French Revolution Napoleon Bonaparte The Industrial Revolution Advancing Industrialism Colonialism China and the West Social and Economic Realities Nineteenth-Century Social Theory: conservatism, liberalism & socialism The Radical View of Marx and Engels Picasso and the Birth of Cubism Futurism, Fauvism and Non Objective Art The Birth of Motion Pictures Freud and the Psyche Total War and Totalitarianism The First World War The Russian Revolution Nazi Totalitarianism The Second World War Identity and Liberation: Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X 3 WESTERN CIVILIZATIONS The Black Death ...
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...MERVE DENİZ 13735009 How the Renaissance, Reformation and Nation-States Contributed to the Concept of European Identity? 1. Introduction I would like to study the connection between the material culture that sprang to life after the Reformation in Europe and the urbanization that came with the Industrial Revolution in order to see if or if not it had any effects on constituting the European Identity. Starting first with analyzing the material culture of which the Italian Renaissance movement and then the Reformation planted its seeds, I want to follow the dynamics of social changes that slowly transformed the life in Europe from peasantry with only the Christian identity to nation-state citizenship with a European notion. In order to understand how the Industrial Revolution that started in the 19th century and spreaded across the continent affected Europe, it is first required to analyze the changes in the mentality of people that lived in Europe and the transformation the societies went through as a result of the Protestant Reformation that took place in the 16th century. Although the Industrial Revolution had basically been a drastic economic upheaval, it cannot be considered without its social causes and social results. How the humanist mindset that came up with the Renaissance had affected the daily lives of people and how this effect helped people to search for improvements in working and production have been widely discussed...
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