The traits that set Odysseus apart from other prototypically Greek heroes is his intelligence, wit, selfishness, and reliance on others. While Odysseus is considered by everyone to be a hero, his intelligence and wit, not his physical power as a warrior are what largely sets him apart from others, like Achilles. His intelligence and wit allow him to survive situations that could have gone badly if he had not fully thought out his “game plan.” For example, the use of the Trojan Horse in The Iliad was Odysseus’ idea. And it was a brilliant one. Had he not thought of it, the outcome of the war most likely would have been quite different. Unlike someone like Achilles, Odysseus really is not a “superhuman.” He does not have super physical strength, and instead relies on his intelligence to win.…show more content… On multiple occasions, Odysseus’ failure to consult with others or share his intelligence with them resulted in the loss of lives. Viewing it like this, it is clear that Odysseus fails to meet the criteria that heroes like Achilles or Ajax do by putting others before themselves.
This does not mean that he should not be considered a hero, instead, it just means he has a complex personality and shows that he is human. Homer humanizes Odysseus by also making him reliant on others, like the Gods who often have to protect him (Athena) or save him (Hermes). I do not believe that Homer giving Odysseus these “negative” traits is problematic, instead, humanizing Odysseus, I believe, makes his story more relatable and believable (especially during the time