...than social media? Most people use things like Facebook, twitter, Myspace, emails, and Skype. When your single and looking to date or a way to meet new people you also use social media, such as eHarmony, match or other dating sites. Social media has made it very easy, and plays a big role in our lives every day, but does it affect your personal relationships? How did the world communicate before cell phones, internet, and e-mail? We used a land line to call people if we wanted to talk. We used the postal services and sent thing though the mail. If something was really important we faxed documents. If you wanted to meet new people you went out and socialized. Many decades of people communicated and had relationships without social media. Before social media if you wanted a job you went out and went job hunting. Now if you want a job you just pick up the computer and look at sites online. You fill out applications on line and wait for the phone calls. The new age of social media has made socializing very easy, but do you really know who is on the other end of the message you just sent? Social media is a new way to get information from people and use it for other things. You have been talking to this guy for six months, and you believe that you are in love. Now this guy is asking you to send him money, so you send him some money just to find out you have been talking to a girl. Social media has made it hard to trust people in the world. The one thing I believe that social media...
Words: 2694 - Pages: 11
...2Background of the study 1.3 Significance of the study CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction Social media affects every individual especially for teenagers, whether it might be good or bad. But what does social media mean? It is internet-based software and interfaces that allow individuals to interact with one another, exchanging details about their lives such as biographical data, professional information, personal photos and up-to-the-minute thoughts. Teenagers nowadays are very fond of using social media; they are engage in using different websites like twitter, facebook, youtube,google and many more. Social media has been part of our life for many young people today they use these things for them to communicate with their friends or to their families who are in abroad and to have entertainment. But sometimes they abuse use of social media that they forgot to balance their studies. In seeking this study I would be able to identify the good and bad effects of social media towards the study of the youth today; if this thing really helps to every individual to achieve their goals in life, help them to improve their academic grades and help them to motivate in their studies. Social media has been part of the life of the new generation today sometimes they use it just for fun ,and to escape boredom that they tend to forget the proper use of social media towards their studies. It is a big help to every youth but also it is the cause of destruction; they choose to...
Words: 1234 - Pages: 5
...Athletes has it rough, there are eyes on you all the time and one slip up can spend your life on the world wind. In the work place, someone will see an inappropriate post and tell one person then they tell another person then your boss finds out. In my paper I will be explaining how social media is a great thing but also a bad thing. Social Media can cause problems in the work place in all levels of competition. Should college athletes be able to use social media with some freedom? Should a post on Facebook three years ago hold you back on that promotion? Social Media can cause you to lose your spot on the starting team; there reputation is ruined and even get you fired in your type of business. Losing your starting spot to a rookie for your...
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...Social Medias Impact and Effect on Organizational Development Carl Anthony Cross HRDV-5630 October 3, 2013 Dr. Francis Offiong Social media was a word that did not exist until 2004 and now it is a word and phenomenon that every organization uses or they could possibly face extinction. Social media has taken the power of word of mouth to an unfathomable level. Companies literally live and die by their reputation and their visibility in the market place. An organization can be elevated to increase sales with positive word of mouth or negative words through social media can destroy their business. We will give a brief history on social media followed by how social media is used currently and then how social media will continue to grow in the future. Social Medias Impact and Effect on Organizational Development Once upon a time long long ago in a country with black and white televisions, land line phones and when people hung their clothes outside to dry. The company CompuServe was one of the first major commercial Internet providers in the US, this was the year 1969. They used the technology known as dial-up to connect to the web. (Jennifer, 2011) The first email was sent in 1971and though email is becoming passe and overun by texting, instagram, skype and instant message. Email was the established way to communicate for many years and is still very viable in corporate America. In 1985, America Online (AOL) was founded and it became one of the most popular...
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...Whether they realize it or not, social media affects everyone that is involved with it. It’s an outlet that almost every person uses on a day to day basis. They put their life on a screen for everyone to look at and silently judge. It may seem as if everyone has their life together, but that is just the side they want you to see. When people put their lives on the internet, in most cases, they need a sort of affirmation from the people who view it. They crave a comment, a like or even a share. When their post doesn't attract that attention, it may seem like a let down to them. Everyone wants approval from their friends and family, even if they resort to posting it online to make their life seem "perfect". It's common for many to see the posts...
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...different forms of social media that exist today? Provide examples of different social media and their primary purposes. The different social media that exist in today’s world. For example, photo sharing, blogging, social bookmarking, wiki, social networking and video sharing and this is just a few. The reason for photo sharing lets a person sharing photos with family, friends, and other public; Blogging let people talk online about any topic freely. Social bookmarking give people the opportunity to share their favorite content online. Wiki site make it were people to work together all over the world. Social networking is a kind of community for people on the internet such as Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace. Video sharing is kind of like photo sharing such as YouTube. 2. What are the greatest benefits of social media for individuals and society? Social media is a large beneficial to a person and society for several reasons. One of the largest benefits to people in social media is the ability to stay in touch with family and friends. The people do not have to be in the same place, town, state they can be mile and mile always. Other good reason of society media is advertise items across the world to help people to products their merchandise to other around the world. Society media help companies to access to millions of customers. Social media is very beneficial to both individual and the society. 3. What are the greatest problems of social media for individuals...
Words: 1533 - Pages: 7
...selfie on snapchat, or the trending picture on instagram, but no one considers the real dangers of social media. Facebook has crazy people stalking people’s feed, and twitter has people starting silly arguments. Cyberbullying could happen, as well as self-esteem being damaged. Social media has a negative effect on middle school students, because it affects relationships, it affects teens mental health, and it can affect students when they are entering jobs and colleges. Social media negatively affects face-to-face relationships . According to ¨How Social Media Changed Teens’ Lives Forever,” “ Beyond diminishing...
Words: 1039 - Pages: 5
...advantages and disadvantages of social media. One of the advantages are the connections that can be made using social media. Connecting with people all over the world is a luxury that social media allows. Reconnecting with old friends or lost loved ones is also an advantage. Social media is also a great way to search for employment and to connect with potential employers that may not have been available otherwise. Social media also gives one many outlets and ways to launch and advertise a new business. Using one social media site with connections to others allows word of a new business to travel much faster than it would if social media did not exist. There are also disadvantages to social media. The biggest disadvantage is isolation. People can get so engrossed in the world of social media that it becomes an integral part of their lives. Their world revolves around when the next time they will be able to check Facebook, for instance, will be. They make connections with people through social media and forget how to connect with people in the real world. Often times, someone will have a social media life that is much different than their real life. The lies and fabricated stories often cross over into their real life and they forget who they are. It becomes difficult to remember which experiences are part of their actual life and which ones are made up for the social media life. In doing this, the connections they make using social media aren’t real. Knowing these...
Words: 518 - Pages: 3
...impact of and good or bad? Phones as means of communication lost its initial function years ago. There are more benefits of social media and smartphones technology then its harm to the public. Social media is a great source of communication. Social media and social networking are becoming the daily routine of millions of people all around the world, especially college student and some high school student and the new generation children. Phones have lost their primary function of communication after smartphones were invented. The impact of social media and smartphones is controversial and it has both pros and cons. Smartphones were invented to do multiple tasks on a single device essentially. It's an alternative to a desktop computer to smart devices a lot of people are moving from using desktop computers to using sub-compact smart devices such as smartphones and tablet, smartphones has its pros and cons. Smartphones can help people do multiple tasks at one time, with the newer software and technology people can do video chat other communication purposes, and even use other advance application such as online banking, advance calculator, and other useful application. After the invention of advance micro-processor and advance GPU, people can play extensive games on their smartphones that used to be played on a big desktop computer. As smartphones have these so many benefits that I mentioned above, smartphones also have its bad side and flaws to the social life of public. Recently...
Words: 1383 - Pages: 6
...Social media connection ties to crime. Cameras are everywhere now; social media is growing and will never stop. What are the potential effects of social media, presenting an unbalanced picture of crime? Why are law enforcement officers wearing body cameras to correct social media? Crime has become an increasing theme of social media in the platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram have transformed the way we understand and experience crime and victimization. (McGovern & Milivojevic, 2016) The media changes the mindset of people to perceive the criminal offense is higher than the event. Where did the sense of privacy go? We should keep in mind; however, crime is presented by social media there is usually more sensational...
Words: 741 - Pages: 3
...only 53% of them agreed to support this movement. It was comforting to see how this social change experiment had the same results as the secondary research. This means that most of the males audience ultimately reject this movement no matter if they support the main goal. When asked to define feminism, the students surveyed all interpreted the term in a similar way. Most students defined it as “A movement to promote women having the same rights and being treated equally to men”. Although not everyone supported this movement, the subjects accurately described feminism. They interpreted this term in their own perspective and it reveals the majority of high school students agree upon the same ideas and viewpoints. However, when looking the secondary source: What Do You Mean You're Not a Feminist? by Schlage, students were asked if they consider themselves as feminists but struggled to realize that meant. It came to show that these high school students do not know the true meaning of feminism (Schlage 2016). Comparing the primary data and the secondary sources, it reveals that the students surveyed clearly understood the meaning of feminism and accurately defined the ideology, while the students from the secondary sources were oblivious to what feminism is. Students may refuse to support this movement, but most understand and fathom this concept. Feminism will forever be known for its radicalism and bad reputation (Ferrier, 2003). From the survey, all the students believed or somewhat...
Words: 828 - Pages: 4
...Social Media: Information Technology Abstract Social Media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, are universally known and present in parts of the world in today’s society. Social media have become such a part of many people daily activities that most couldn’t image living without it. It has brought many benefits to us, but also some pitfalls. Facebook monitors how third parties use your personal data, however, they also state they cannot guarantee “that third parties will follow Facebook’s privacy policy, if you don’t want your privacy violated, then you probably want to reconsider joining Facebook or other social networks. The definition of “privacy” is subjective, however, things like personal information such as name, living and working locations, job, career, education, income, relationship status, contact information, and bank information should be safeguarded at all costs to prevent things like stalking, identity theft, fraud, and other attempts to undermine a person’s life. It’s not all bad, Facebook has reunited family’s, long lost friends, and is helping police officers catch the bad guys, however, like anything, too much can be bad for you. More recently social media has been known as the tool that facilitated many uprising in Middle Eastern countries. It helped kick start a revolution known as the Arab Spring. Facebook was used to schedule activities such as gatherings to protest, Twitter was used to coordinate an array of events at a moment’s notice...
Words: 3397 - Pages: 14
...it, Tweet, retweet, follow it and Snopes it. Social media, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snap Chat, Twitter. We put it all out there for all to see, all to use, all to access, but is it good, is it bad or somewhere in between? IMHO, (in my humble opinion), social media has been one of the biggest social changes in recent years. Social media from the functionalist perspective started out as a simple, straight forward idea. A method or methods for people to connect with others that are in your social circle, stay or get connected with family and friends and meet people with similar interests. These are intended positive consequences, the manifest functions, we can attribute to social...
Words: 1322 - Pages: 6
...benefits would Foley gain from each of the three social medial plans? What risks does each entail? How can Foley better reap the benefits and mitigate the risks of each of the programs? Through graphs in this case, we know that most of the online customers who use social networking sites are teenagers and young adults. That means these three social medias suit to UnME Jeans, since it targets to junior denim market. For Zwinktopia, it is really a fashion virtual retail store. Avatars are the best way of self-expression in the virtual world. Foley can gain more consumer engagement from Zwinktopia. It uses an entertaining way to create brand awareness and has separate brand channels for promotion purposes. For Facebook, since it is one of the fastest growing sites, it can bring more brand awareness. Followers of UnME Jeans profile page can share UnME Jeans to their friends using new feed to promote more engagement. The discussion forum built more interaction between consumers and brands, consumers and consumers. For YouTube, there is no doubt that video is a very good way to deliver brand massages to the consumers. UnME Jeans can deliver brand story to attract potential customers. Since YouTube has large number of users, it can create brand awareness and attract more potential customers. However, since social media enhance the interaction between customers to customers, the company may lose control the contents. Bad avatars of Zwinktopia can make negative influence...
Words: 721 - Pages: 3
...precede the current are always looking for an outside force to blame for the corruption of youth, and today social media takes the cake. This corruption has been the increasing cause of clinical illnesses, behavioral changes, and suicide. The invention of the internet brought many exciting avenues to investigate. World Wide Web users quickly realized that they could easily make contact with people outside their immediate area without ever leaving their homes or picking up a phone. Connecting with family overseas or making cyberfriends hailing from exotic hometowns quickly grew to be the norm and letters and phone calls quickly became obsolete. The first major social networking site, Myspace, was geared towards teenagers and emerging musical artists. The site took off running, with over 100 million users in three years. Myspace encouraged users to share photos, feelings, thoughts, and build an arsenal of friends. Although Myspace use has since declined, it has sparked similar versions such as Facebook and Twitter. According to the Facebook website, the site is 800 million people, and growing fast. It is the number one site used to connect with friends, musicians, companies. Facebook is also used to connect with people that a user may not normally connect with. Being able to find people with similar interests across the globe is now easily foreseeable. Another popular social media site, Twitter, can be described as a smaller Facebook, where users “tweet”...
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