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How Prejudice Exists In America

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In response to my uncle’s statement made at holiday dinner, my response would be that people have not always chosen where they or their families years. In the twentieth and leading up the early twentieth century, many people have been prevented from choosing where to live in the America due to societal boundaries, harmful prejudices and induced limitations established by institutions and societies. As a result of these societal boundaries, harmful prejudice and induced limitations is a reason of why a large amount of segregation exists, or large amount of sole black neighborhoods or white neighborhoods. Overall, I would explain to my uncle that is hasn’t and in some instances not entirely up to individuals of where they live, it’s a matter of shortage of locations they can live. …show more content…
In the first decades of the twentieth century, it was harmful prejudices that lead to race riots, “attacks on black communities aimed at forcing black people to leave an area.” This is can be most noticeably visible due to Cincinnati, where mobs forced African Americans to leave the city or the clearing out of African Americans in Cincinnati’s 1st ward, a ward where nearly half of blacks lived. These common prejudices, or ethnic cleansings of cities appeared in the North and South ranging from Philadelphia, New York, Eureka, Tacoma or Chicago, the final result of these racial cleansings were the creation of segregated neighborhoods, where they were forced to stay after being forced from their original homes. These segregated neighborhoods, would be known as Chicago’s South Side,

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