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Yunior's Mistakes

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Mistakes are made, but it is a choice to keep repeating or learn from them. Yunior definitely didn’t learn that being faithful is part of a relationship. Always blaming others for his decisions or making excuses for his behavior. For example, Yunior blame his father because papi was with other women while still married to his mami. Probably Yunior thought it was acceptable to follow the same steps as his father. His past relationships were all base in cheating and making himself the victim for being weak. Yunior tells how he loses every one of his girls and how he fights for her. But what was the purpose of cheating multiple times and after the girl finds out, he apologizes a thousand times, he makes changes in his life and show disinterest …show more content…
Yunior pushes away a Dominican girl name Noemi, who has a son, after a couple of dates is over. Noemi didn’t want to have sex with him, she wanted to do things right this time. That’s the difference between Noemi and Yunior, she learns from her mistakes, while Yunior is about to learn from his, the hard way. The fourth stage reorganization. At this point Yunior acknowledges the even the most hurtful breakup has an end. First thing, going back to work, to his writing, to his physical health and cutoff his addictions. In a matter of time he reborn as a better Yunior, a Yunior who’s ready for change and acceptance. But maybe the destiny has another challenge. A pain on his right foot sends him to the hospital, where he is diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, which is a heel pain and inflammation in a tissue called plantar fascia, that connects the heel bone to the toes. Perhaps he gets back to the old Yunior, but his best friend Elvis advise him to take yoga. Once again his health kicks back in, this time is his back and his heart, that is destroying him, some people would think is his karma paying back. But nobody not even the worst of cheaters deservers to spend his days alone and

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