...Failing does not mean Unsatisfactory Failing is a word that many people would like to believe is not in their vocabulary. Failing in life is sometimes necessary in order to get things done the right way. As William Zinger says in his essay “College Pressures”, “What I wish for all students is some release from the clammy grip of the future. I wish them a chance to savor each segment of their education as an experience in itself and not as a grim preparation for the next step. I wish them the right to experiment, to trip and fall, to learn that defeat is as instructive as victory and is not the end of the world.” I can relate personally to what William Zinger is saying because sometimes I wish I could just fail at things in order to think about the things that I would really...
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...classes, unequal pay and so much more effect today's youth and causing history to change slowly if at all. Affirmative action has good intentions and is very much needed in today's world however it sometimes fails doing what it was created to do. The extra points given to the students of color is seen to be unfair, fails at creating an economically diverse environment, and sets low expectations for students of color (But Not At This Cost). The does not believe the advantages are fair at all "For example, a perfect SAT score is worth 12 points. Being black gets you 20 points. Is there anyone who can look at those two numbers and think they are fair?" (Paragraph 2) also affirmative action fails to help those in need "They often benefit the children of the middle- and upper-class black American who have been conditioned to feel they are owed something" (Paragraph 4). The arguments given as to why this person does not support affirmative action fail to support his or her studies with actual proof from previous studies. Based on a study conducted by the College Board American Americans and Hispanics have the lowest income of all races in America. Lower earning families tend to live in affordable areas, that lack quality housing, schools, police enforcement. When a school fails to teach possible SAT skills or questions yet the child maintains a good GPA and is a well rounded student why hold it against them? With the growing rate of immigration it is common for a child to move during...
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...BAD? 7 RETAKES: GOOD OR BAD? Retakes: Good or bad? 800629413 Arrowhead Park Early College High School Retakes: Good or Bad? Testing has been a way to determine if the student has mastered the subject and is ready to move on to the next step, if possible. For such reason, taking quizzes, midterms, and exams can be really stressful for students, as it is well known that the future practically depends on such assessment. Over the past of the years there has been some controversy towards retakes in the sense of is it really beneficial for students or does it have the totally opposite result. Julie Scagell, a mother of a 12 year old, in her article ?More schools are offering test retakes. But does that...
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...School Education According to the Oxford English Dictionary one of the definitions of the word "education" is: "The systematic instruction, schooling or training given to the young in preparation for the work of life; by extension, similar instruction or training obtained in adult age”. Also, the whole course of scholastic instruction which a person has received. I think the instruction or kind of life it prepares, as classical, legal, medical, technical, commercial, or maybe even art education. Although this is an accurate description of what an actual education may be, there is a great deal more to the process of becoming educated than the actual instruction and schooling one may receive. The educational system consists of 12 grades of study over 12 years of primary and secondary education before graduating and becoming eligible for college admission. After pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, there are five years in primary school known as elementary school. After completing five grades, the student will enter middle school and then high school to get the high school diploma. I think the most important years of schooling are the primary education, because that is where the young students learn the basic things that they need for the rest of their schooling years. Like for example in English class the students learn basic grammar, spelling, and vocabulary, they also learn how to read and write. The school system needs to get rid of a lot of electives they have like for example...
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...So many things happen in the world today, people fail to take personal responsibility for their actions, and getting a higher education. People have different views on being personally responsible and attending college. Some people ask themselves, what does personal responsibility mean to me, and what is the relationship between being personally responsible and gaining college success? Have a plan of action to practice personal responsibility, while receiving an education. Taking responsibility for one’s actions will not only help them when expanding their education will help them as they walk on to the real world, in the career that they choose, and their future endeavors. It is a person’s future that lies on the balance, and responsibility is not only a part of becoming an adult, but also a professional in the real world. Personal responsibility has different meaning to people. Responsibility means take care of situations when they arise. We never know when a situation can arise, but when it does are they physically and mentally prepared to handle and deal with the situation. Responsible people think about their actions before acting on them. Planning for situation and taking certain measures. Things always turn out better when a plan is worked on; precaution is a part of being responsible. Accomplishing tasks in a timely manner is another part of being personal responsible. Time is a luxury, but can run out when there is a task due. People typically...
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...M1 Task 3: Explain why human resources planning is important to an organisation HR is an important factor to SFX. HR are needed to plan many events that is will affect SFX, this could include anything form staffing needs to technology development. Without HR SFX would be in a deep problem as HR are needed to keep everything running smoothly and in order. Human Resources is an important department within an organisation. HR ensures that employees are not mistreated also because they are protected by legislations, so it is important to employ and treat employees appropriately. The HR department is also responsible for dealing with all the strategic thinking for the business. HR participate in important decisions that influence the business in the future. HR is a part of the recruitment process and ensuring that they hire the necessary people that require those particular skills to be able to perform the job role properly. Estimate future staffing needs HR planning helps SFX to estimate the staffing needs of SFX in the future .This is important because if it not run smoothly SFX students lessons will be disrupted. If the students find themselves without a teacher, it will cause a negative effect on the work and on the progress on the students. This will reflect in the student’s results. Another effect of this will be the college’s reputation; it will decrease and be known as poor. An example of this is if a teacher goes on maternity leave, HR will need to find an appropriate...
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...Outline Introduction Main Body What it means to me Relationship between personal responsibility and college success Preliminary plan to practice personal responsibility Conclusion References Introduction The enthusiasm to admit the significance of values that the society sets for personal behavior is referred to as personal responsibility. It entails making active personal determinations to live by the values. It also means that when any person fails to meet the anticipated values, he/she does not search around for some reasons outside themselves to point out fingers. The loss of personal responsibility happens when one person point fingers at the relatives, friends, financial situations, or the community for failing to maintain the standards. In this essay, I will address personal responsibility about education. I will explore the relationship between personal responsibility and college success. Consequently, I will develop an introductory plan to exercise personal responsibility in my education. Main Body What it means to me Personal responsibility, when it relates to education, concerns taking control of individual’s learning. It concerns completion of coursework on time and revising for assessments. It also means accepting learning errors and failures as well as accomplishment of learning obligations to the finest of the learner’s capabilities. It acknowledges the significance of parents and teachers as stakeholders. However, the student is in charge...
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...as: “Affecting one individual; not public or general.” (“Personal,” n.d). When the two definitions are looked at together, one can easily conclude what personal responsibility means. Personal responsibility is, as the definition says, being able to answer for and hold oneself accountable for their actions. As a college career starts, importance lies in a person being able to fulfill obligations. While in college, a student’s obligations are their courses. In order to have a successful college career, each individual student must realize that they solely determine the outcome of their schooling. While there are many outside interferences that can affect college success, personal responsibility is the biggest factor in college success. Personal responsibility is the biggest factor in a person’s college success. If one never holds themselves accountable for their success, they will never meet the goals they have set for their life. Individuals must be responsible for meeting the goals they set in their life. There is nobody else who is going to achieve the dreams of a diploma and a good job for them. Although accepting personal responsibility is important, remembering that there is a balance to personal responsibility is equally important. According to Garraway (1997), (to accept personal responsibility, we need to learn how to fail successfully. Don't go too far the other direction, however, and accept too much responsibility for...
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...Everyone has their own definitions of what personal responsibility and what should be included in personal responsibility. Personal responsibility is defined as the quality or state of being accountable; especially an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility, or account for one’s actions. Also, personal responsibility can mean, to be responsible for oneself, one word admit to one’s mistakes, make an effort to make mistakes, make an effort to make those mistakes right, and live in a way that does not harm others whenever possible. What it means to me is that a person will be held responsible or take responsibility for their own actions. Also, that whatever actions a person takes or does that they will take the full responsible for this and be ready for the consequences. Personal responsibility plays a large role in a person life how they react to situations and how they respond. The relationship between personal responsibility and college success is like husband and wife relationship. The two are better than one. Personal responsibility will be husband and college success will be the wife. I believe each person is responsible for how they succeed in college. The main factor in college success is a person level of responsible. I believe that if you are a responsible person that you will be very successful in college. A responsible person takes pride in their work, and also tries their best to do their best with their college work to make sure they pass each...
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...Unfortunately, there really is no set age of requirement for someone to assume personal responsibility, and once the decision has been made to become responsible, not everyone follows through. Personal responsibility can also be referred to as "accountability," defined by Merriam-Websters’ as "the quality or state of being accountable; especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions." (Merriam) If I was to define personal responsibility, I would say that it requires taking control of your destiny, being liable for your actions, and understanding the difference between responsibility, and obligation. To be accountable for one self generally means one would admit to one's mistakes, make an attempt to make those mistakes right and live in a way that does not harm others, at least not intentionally. The determination of who needs to be responsible depends on the situation. Anyone that has something dependant of them should automatically assume responsibility. This could range from a child caring for a pet, a young adult holding a job, or a person running a household....
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...succeeding in college are highly dependent on their ability to demonstrate their personal responsibility. By doing so, one will be set for success not only in college, but also in life. Personal responsibility is also seen by many as a way to determine one’s character. Instead of giving up on one’s desires in life through the use of poor personal responsibility, they should push themselves to their greatest potential. There are many definitions of what personal responsibility is, depending on who one asks, but the common factor that they have is simply to know what choice is the best one to choose from, whether it be in their role as a leader or life in general. As Michael Korda has been quoted saying in “Leading Thought: Building a Community”(1996-2002), “Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility....In the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility.” While searching for information this student came across a perfect explanation of what the definition of personal responsibility is to the majority of people. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY ESSAY 3 According to Ron Haskins in “The Sequence of Personal Responsibility”(2009), “Personal responsibility is the willingness to both accept the importance of standards that society establishes for individual behavior and to make strenuous personal efforts to live by those standards. But personal responsibility also means that when...
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...government with the power to decide who to vote. Today’s century, the United States will not allow the people to vote for president and Vice President directly, but they utilize Electoral College to represent voter’s choice. In the Constitution article 2, section 1, clause 2 it states in specific detail how many electors each state is entitled to have. The...
Words: 647 - Pages: 3
...contrast to Sir George Monoux that is a college providing services for students. John James Sainsbury found Sainsbury in 1869 this is when Sainsbury first shop opened. Over years and years Sainsbury has now become international in countries providing goods and service. Sainsbury is now one of the UK largest supermarkets chains/ operating more than 400 stores and employing over 142,000 people and can offer 30,000 different products and among these products offered Sainsbury own brand and fresh produce would comprise 50% of total products. Quality food and grocery products are sold by the supermarket and there are a lot of offers and service e.g. bakery, meat and fish, counter and non-food products such as clothing, home ware and pharmacy. Sainsbury is a PLC Public Limited Company this just means shares can be bought from Sainsbury this expands the business and more profits are made. The advantages of a PLC company is that there is limited liability for the shareholders also these business can raise large capital sum as there is no limit to the number of shareholders. Sainsbury has accomplished this by having shareholders all around England. The downside of a PLC is that there are lot of legal formalities required for forming a public limited company. It is costly and time consuming. However Sainsbury would not find this as a problem as they are successful in UK and one of the largest supermarkets. The liability of J-Sainsbury's is limited this means that the owners (shareholders) of...
Words: 5470 - Pages: 22
...Personal responsibility is doing what is meant to be done and fulfil the commitments that are already made. It brings positive personal change into a person’s life and also transforms an individual into a more effective person who contributes to a more positive, energetic and dynamic organizational culture. When one fails to be personally responsible, the necessary effort falls to others. Personal responsibility to me means that you (personally) accept the consequences for your actions and facing the music. Personal responsibility generally also refers to get your stuff done. You cannot rely on someone else to get your job done. It is different for everyone for example. A mother needs to make sure her children are taken care of and healthy. A father has to provide for his family. A child has to make sure not to get into trouble at school. I agree that we do have a responsibility to take care of ourselves and those in our immediate circle. Also, we need to be responsible for our actions, beliefs, and our behavior and we also need to be for our responsible in life. Without personal responsibility, we would have personal blame. Everyone wants to blame someone or something for their actions and behavior. * I also think the relationship between college success and personal responsibility is that you are doing something to better yourself in the future, and taking charge of responsibility. Opening yourself to more career opportunities brings college obtainable. It is possible...
Words: 636 - Pages: 3
...in teachings for schools, younger people will not know the difference between a C and an A. In Twenge’s book Generation Me, she points out, “The C grade is almost a thing of the past… These higher grades were given out even though students were doing less work” (p.63, par 1). The scale of what an A and C grade means is relatively close. Twenge’s book mentions a lot about how teachers in the schools reward students who do extraordinary work especially the children who earn C’s. When every student gets an A then how will they learn how to fail? This develops into confusion when the Generation Me...
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