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Twenge's Generation Me Students

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Generation Me students has the characteristics to do less work in order to get more out of their schools. With the self-esteem curriculum implemented in teachings for schools, younger people will not know the difference between a C and an A. In Twenge’s book Generation Me, she points out, “The C grade is almost a thing of the past… These higher grades were given out even though students were doing less work” (p.63, par 1). The scale of what an A and C grade means is relatively close. Twenge’s book mentions a lot about how teachers in the schools reward students who do extraordinary work especially the children who earn C’s. When every student gets an A then how will they learn how to fail? This develops into confusion when the Generation Me …show more content…
How can i develop self-esteem if i’m not allowed to develop self-respect” (p.63). Generation Me students have not experienced working hard to get to a certain goal they want to achieve. When a student with a C is rewarded with a student with an A, it makes the students think that they should not try hard because they are going to earn a better grade anyway. This results in the constant mentality of doing less for more in school. If everyone gets the same treatment, what is the point of working hard at all? Discussing grade inflation, Cara Newlon, publisher of the article “College Grade Inflation: Does ‘A’ Stand for ‘Average’,” she points out, “‘In a fair grading system, you reward people for their outstanding achievements... It’s a fair system for students who are working hard and are creative to excel. (Grade inflation) lowers the intensity and intellectual level in many classes’” (par. 4). The competition will not be as intense when students think that every “outstanding achievement” is a normal thing to have. This results in grade inflation in many schools. With more A’s given, the less students aim for a higher level of study. The article also mentions that students do not know what an A means

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