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Roberto Gonzalez: A Short Story

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It was early morning and the sun hadn’t raised yet, but Steven was alert. As he ran down the alley sweat dripped from his forehead. His quaking legs weren’t helping either as he ran. The keys in his trembling hands nearly fell as he desperately tried to unlock his car. What had happened? Had she lied? What had he just seen? Unable to focus Steve forgot one vital thing as he sped away in his black BMW, his portfolio! Flashback to last year Steve Richardson an ambitious tall handsome brunette man had just won his first case as an attorney. However, it wasn’t just any case it was the Roberto Gonzalez case. Roberto Gonzalez was a notorious drug dealer in Los Angeles. Well known for his intimidating large figure and tattooed face. After winning the case all the press wanted to know who Steve Richardson was. Labeled as a hero Steve began to receive praise from all media. After all, he had just helped Roberto Gonzalez’s ex-wife Teresa Bolivar. Teresa had provided substantial evidence against Robert after he murdered her brother. Unaccustomed to …show more content…
Once he settled down and a few months passed a sense of relief swept Steve, but it wouldn’t last long. Steve disconnected himself from the media it took him a while to know Teresa was in town. When he did find out his uneasiness returned. This was because one of the suspects he considered in the murder of Teresa’s brother was herself. However, his ambition to win the case and Teresa’s charm had pushed him away from this theory. Now after his success however reality set in and Steve’s blindness had left. However, it was to late now and he couldn’t tell anyone of his suspicions unless he wanted to seem like a liar. Now he wondered, why is she here? He chose to ignore it after a while and assumed maybe it was just a coincidence. However, he knew it was unavoidable anymore when a strange car began to follow him around

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