Premium Essay

How Social Networking Sites Affects People


Submitted By antichix22
Words 295
Pages 2
Social networks and effect on society
People don’t realize how social networks are negatively affecting our professional life and social life. Now days everybody is on some kind social networking, whether its FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, or Instagram, etc. Have any one realize that the negative effects of social networking is extending to people private, professional, and social lives. Social networking is affecting areas of life such as social activity, low productivity, and the loss of privacy.
Some people don’t realize that there isn’t any privacy on social networking sites. A lot of people may not beware that the information they post is public, along with photos and texts that can be retrieved after its been deleted. Consequences such as being vulnerable to sexual or financial predators and it can cost you your job or potential employment opportunites, because now days most jobs check to see if you’re on a social network site, embarrassing photos or comments can really hurt your self image. On most social networking site, they don’t have a way to verify who people say they are. This leaves people more vulnerable to solicitations from sexual predators who covering their true identity. In February 2009, MySpace identified over 90,000 accounts on their site that were sex offenders. Facebook didn’t reveal how many they found on their site. The sites can remove sex offenders, but they cant identify all of them or stop them from creating new accounts. The public nature of online profiles creates lots of security risks that most people are unaware of. Cyber criminals can gather information, that can be used for identity theft from social networking profiles, things such as birthdays, mother’s maiden name, pet names, children names and other details that used in security questions and

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