...Plagiarism: What it is, and How to Avoid It By: Dr. Colin H. Gordon, Prof. Peter Simmons, Dr. Graeme Wynn, The Faculty of Arts, The University of British Columbia Executive Summary This summary defines the essence of plagiarism and the different aspects of it, points out the severity of the consequences it may lead to, and gives recommendations on ways to avoid it. What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is intellectual theft; it is considered a serious academic offence, which may lead to grave repercussions on students’ academic history, to suspension, or even expulsion from University. What are the types of plagiarism? Plagiarism can be found in various forms: - complete plagiarism - whole works being stolen; - near-complete plagiarism - using portions of another text as own; - patchwork plagiarism - patching together ideas and phrases from different sources; - lazy plagiarism - appropriating others’ language accidentally due to sloppy research; - self plagiarism - using or adapting one’s own work written for another purpose. What are the ways to avoid plagiarism? The boundaries between original work and plagiarism could sometimes be blurred; students should avoid any traps simply by maintaining good research habits and following the basic rules of writing and documentation; distinguish clearly...
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...How to Avoid Plagiarism Trent R. Hartzler Heartland Community College Abstract Plagiarism is a common problem in high schools, universities, and everyday life. The object of this paper is to help students of all ages understand how to avoid accidental plagiarism. The biggest mistake that students make when writing a paper, is taking information that isn’t their own, using it in a non-credible way in their paper. Most students don’t understand the proper way to cite information within their paper. This idea is called proper attribution. The original maker of the quote or idea you are using deserves to be credited within your own work. Although a student may be paraphrasing, this does not mean a source doesn’t have to be credited. To avoid accidental plagiarism, a student must understand how to properly site credible information. To better understand how to properly site information, use the purdue owl on the internet to show how to site sources. It gives thorough examples of all different types of citations. Another way to avoid accidental plagiarism is to put your paper into a plagiarism checker such as grammarly. Grammarly is a website designed to have papers uploaded to check for plagiarism. Students can easily upload their paper, and grammarly is synced with a web database of information to check for any types of plagiarism. Using these two methods will help decrease the percentage of plagiarism tremendously. Plagiarism is a huge problem in today’s society. The more...
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...Some Insight on Plagiarism in Higher Education Amy Joyner Liberty University Evering, L., & Moorman, G. (2012). Rethinking plagiarism in the digital age. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 56(1), 35-44. The article written by Evering & Moorman, 2012, is an article about the complexity and issues that evolve around plagiarism. Plagiarism as we see it today is clearly an issue of concern as far as why people do it and what can be done to avoid it. Plagiarism is not just an issue but clearly a serious and ongoing problem in the world today that needs to be put under control. According to Evering & Moorman, 2012, “Most public and private schools, colleges, and universities have academic integrity or honor codes and consequences for plagiarism, but few professors and teachers explicitly address what plagiarism means or provide examples of individual contexts and degrees of unauthorized copying”. Plagiarism is considered a serious issue that needs to be re-exam as far as Evering & Moorman are concern because it is said that not many students understand what plagiarism is let along trying to prevent it. Although several schools have honor codes about plagiarism and the penalties you can get, it’s still not a discussion with students about what it is and how to avoid it. The article states that “students are seldom engaged in instruction or discussion about what plagiarism is, why it is a problem, and how it can be avoided” (Evering & Moorman, 2012)...
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...Avoid Plagiarism in College Writing Anthony B. Smith Jr. COLL 100 American Military University Angela Matthews In today’s culture, it is very difficult to be successful without having a solid foundation of education. Writing in general is and will always be a part of the college process. Some college students love it and mostly others hate it. For the students that find a lack of interest, they seem to discover loopholes or back doors, which in the end, leads to plagiarism. In order to seclude one from negative behavior, there are multiple techniques and concepts that can help students avoid plagiarism in college writing. To show exactly how to avoid plagiarism, one would have to understand what it is. Neville asserts that Plagiarism is intentionally done by students because they either choose not to acknowledge the works of others or they ignore their obligation to do so (2010). This definition can be understood in one basic way which is one not willing to put in the effort and cite references correctly. Plagiarism is taken very seriously, not just in college, but in society as a whole. One must be certain that they are giving credit where credit is due. Even though Neville’s definition mentioned an intentional decision, but plagiarism can also be unintentional also. This happens when sources aren’t cited correctly or quotations are in the wrong places. How may plagiarism appear in college writing? There are three main ways this can be done. Forms of plagiarism are:...
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...(2010). Cloud Computing. What is Cloud Computing? Para 2 – 3. Retrieved from www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2372163,00.asp This reference offers the reader understanding into how cloud computing is used in capitalism and the effects on the average consumer. This reference also offers understanding into privacy factors that come into play with cloud computing. Evans, B. (2013). Oracle Software Chief Thomas Kurian: 10 Strategic Cloud Computing Insights. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/oracle/2013/05/08/oracle-software-chief-thomas-kurian-10-strategic-cloud-computing-insights/ This reference offers information regarding important issues expressed by customers of Oracle and the challenges faced when using this cloud computing software. This article gives insight to some of the implemented changes made by Executive V.P. of Product Development for Oracle software Thomas Kurian. Kurian discusses some of the challenges expressed by consumers and how Oracle has stepped up to the plate to make drastic changes to better support its customers. Columbus, L. (2013). 10 Ways Cloud Computing Is Revolutionizing Manufacturing. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/louiscolumbus/2013/05/06/ten-ways-cloud-computing-is-revolutionizing-manufacturing/ This article offers information regarding how...
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...Freymiller From: Shawna Ellis Date: August 28, 2014 Re: Plagiarism In your professional work, school, or personal life it is important to use your own words and ideas. Plagiarism also involves using charts, graphs, and photos from other sources besides your own. The definition of Plagiarism is, “using others’ ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of that information.” If you are unable to put something in your own words, it is more affluent that you put the information in quotations and give proper credit to the person, website, book or magazine, as I have done so above. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to do your research first, then critically think about the information, and finally write about the...
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...Plagiarism Abstract: Plagiarism is theft. There are many forms that plagiarism can take, but the results are the same. Students plagiarize for many reasons, some innocent, some not so much so. Time management and study skills are essential tools to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism can, and should be, avoided on student’s behalf. Plagiarism The world-wide-web is exactly that, world wide. This means there is a veritable plethora of information about anyone or anything you can imagine as well as many websites where students sell their work to others for a small fee. Using these particular sites is not the problem; the fact that most of the time copy and paste are used next is. This is a form of plagiarism or using another’s work as your own. Plagiarism is a widespread problem in universities as well as online. In this essay, we will examine exactly what constitutes plagiarism, why plagiarism happens, and what the consequences of plagiarism can be. A group at the University of Missouri at Columbia School of Journalism says that plagiarism is: “The use of any part of another’s writing and passing it off as your own.”(Shotz, 2008). The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines plagiarism as “to steal and pass off (ideals or words of another) as one’s own: (another production) without crediting the source, present as new and original an ideal or product derived from an existing source.” When a student plagiarizes, he or she takes...
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...Avoiding Plagiarism Is it possible to avoid plagiarism? This is a question many students may ponder, but I believe that students can do so by following rules, guidelines, and a few techniques. Throughout this essay, there will be simple instructions on how students can avoid plagiarism and write a paper that can be called their own. However, it is imperative that every step is followed. Honesty, in business, is the foundation of your clientele, because trust is what compels the customer to pay you for your services. You could be a salesperson selling someone else's product or you can create your own product, which others might enjoy.To avoid plagiarism, it is imperative that students follow the guidelines that have been put in place by the academic institution. These guidelines are an important factor in the future of each student’s success at any college or university. The act of plagiarism is a serious offense and can be detrimental to the success of anyone’s academic career. According to Burkill and Abbey (2004), many students use other author’s work because they realize that writing from their own perspective slows them down; however, students must realize that this act is dishonest. After enrolling in a university, one of the most important factors of being a great student is avoiding plagiarism. It is important that students follow the proper procedures regarding plagiarism, such as, citing their source, along with providing a reference for each source. If all students...
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...Avoiding plagiarism in college writing Michael Sales COLL 100 American Public University Michele Rigsby Avoiding plagiarism in college writing The word plagiarism can be described in multiple ways and it has various definition. According to the Merriam-Webster’s dictionary the word plagiarism is referred to as plagiarizing and the definition of plagiarizing is: “To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own”:” use (another’s production) without crediting the source”. Merriam-Webster (2013) Some individuals don’t have integrity, determination, self-motivation, and or self-worth when it comes to academic success and learning. Individuals have lied and cheated their way throughout the academic community for years, but thanks to the advance in technology it is harder for them to cheat and lie their way to success. This technology is system designed to notify the instructor and students whether or not the paper written has been plagiarized by gathering information from internet sources and even other student papers that may have already been submitted into the system. This system is great because even if the student used an author’s work and forgot to cite it, this can red flag the direct quote from the source and cite in which it was taken and cam give the student a chance to correct any errors dealing with none cited work Individuals are different and they learn different. There are many factors...
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...Avoiding plagiarism in college writing Michael Sales COLL 100 American Public University Michele Rigsby Avoiding plagiarism in college writing The word plagiarism can be described in multiple ways and it has various definition. According to the Merriam-Webster’s dictionary the word plagiarism is referred to as plagiarizing and the definition of plagiarizing is: “To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own”:” use (another’s production) without crediting the source”. Merriam-Webster (2013) Some individuals don’t have integrity, determination, self-motivation, and or self-worth when it comes to academic success and learning. Individuals have lied and cheated their way throughout the academic community for years, but thanks to the advance in technology it is harder for them to cheat and lie their way to success. This technology is system designed to notify the instructor and students whether or not the paper written has been plagiarized by gathering information from internet sources and even other student papers that may have already been submitted into the system. This system is great because even if the student used an author’s work and forgot to cite it, this can red flag the direct quote from the source and cite in which it was taken and cam give the student a chance to correct any errors dealing with none cited work Individuals are different and they learn different. There are many factors...
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...HOW TO AVOID PLAGIARISM: USEFUL INFO, TIPS, AND FREE PLAGIARISM SCANNERS WHAT IS PLAGIARISM? Every student has heard of plagiarism, but what is it exactly? By definition, plagiarism is “the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.”[i] In other words, plagiarism is theft. It is against the rules in all academic institutions and, though not a criminal offense, can be detrimental to one’s academic career. What happens to students who plagiarize is entirely up to their academic institution: consequences range from a stern warning to expulsion, depending on the severity of the case and the institution’s policy. Of course, not all plagiarism is done on purpose: often, students make citation errors or...
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...information is from when you paraphrasing or quoting someone else. 4. The support that a tutor, editor, or proofreader can bring to the process. 5. A conclusion that reflects your perspective after completing the assignment. Avoiding Unintentional Plagiarism After reading the article by R.L. Foster avoiding unintentional plagiarism, I will be discussing the issues of paraphrasing and plagiarism. It is important to avoid plagiarism because it is important to give credit to the original authors, people who show academic honesty are trusted by their peers and professors, and people who make the effort to avoid plagiarism gain writing skills. R.L. Foster says the “following are the three common pitfalls.” 1. Inadequately Citing Original Work Because It Would Require Multiple Citations. This is when several sentences are needed to describe another’s ideas; it seem redundant to place a citation after each sentence, so there are times that a writer will sometimes reference selected ideas and not others 2. Paraphrasing to Avoid Quotation Marks. Foster says “paraphrasing means rephrasing original work such that the ideas are intact but the phrasing is completely different.” Foster also says “to avoid plagiarism, you must give credit whenever you use: * another person’s idea, opinion, or theory; * any facts, statistics, graphs, drawing-any pieces of information that are not common knowledge; * quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words...
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...Is Plagiarism so Bad? To understand the effect of plagiarism we have to understand what plagiarism is. According to Dictionar.co the definition of plagiarism state as, “an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author.” Plagiarism is an academic misconduct in which students try to avoid thinking and writing. The schools expectations are that students will present their own words, ideas, works, and thoughts resulting from their own understanding. Therefore plagiarism in my opinion is a form of dishonesty and a desire to present other’s idea and to be rewarded as for own work. Three things that result from plagiarizing is that defeats the purpose of writing, defeats the school’s goal of teaching, and is unethical. Plagiarism defeats the purpose of writing. According to Nine Things, “When … substitute someone else’s understanding or expression for your own, you avoid the work of using and improving your own expressive ability.” In other words when students are focus on taking other’s words and use them as their own, the process of writing is forestall. The main purpose of writing is to learn and develop the ability of writing skills about something. The schools ask students for such activities just to develop their ability to express themselves. A student may choose the easiest way to finish a project but will not...
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...Part III: Understanding Plagiarism Background: According to a 2002 survey by UConn's Department of English: Freshmen Writing Program: Nearly 30% of responding students admitted to having knowingly plagiarized at least once. Nearly 43% of responding students admitted to unknowingly plagiarizing at least once. It is because of this, that the FYE program designed the following assignment in an effort to introduce students to the concept of academic integrity, specifically, what is plagiarism, how is it defined here at UConn, and how you can avoid accidentally plagiarizing. The goals and objectives specifically for this assignment are to 1) develop a direct awareness of plagiarism and its responses, 2) continue to cultivate research skills, 3) increase participation and skills in leading class discussions, and 4) continue to develop critical analysis of written work. Steps for Success: 1. Pre-Test: Log into HuskyCT and take the plagiarism self-evaluation pre-test. 2. Initial Research: Investigate and read resources found on the Internet - both UConn specific (Plagiarism Resources http://www.lib.uconn.edu/instruction/PlagFac.htm , Freshman English Module http://irc.uconn.edu/PlagiarismModule/intro_m.htm ) and beyond (Talking About Plagiarism http://bedfordstmartins.com/catalog/static/bsm/technotes/workshops/talkingplagy.htm , Plagiarism & The Web http://www.wiu.edu/users/mfbhl/wiu/plagiarism.htm , Plagiarism: What it is and How to Recognize and Avoid it http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/plagiarism...
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...Plagiarism. When we think of plagiarism the word criminal and bad comes into your mind. You understand that it incorrect and should be stopped, but contrary, one does not often intentionally mean to take an already written and published thought. Plagiarism is basically an act of taking an idea, writing, conversation of someone else and presents it off as your own. Plagiarism can consist any type of information like from books, internet, scripts, television shows, interviews, articles, speeches, blogs or any other source where you can find useful information and benefit for your knowledges. It is necessary to indicate the source of information within your writing using an internal citation whenever you use take sentences or phrases from any other source, it would be easier to see who's idea it was. Writing a bibliography in the end of your work is not enough to list the source. Plagiarism is not only in violation of the law, but also in violation of the ethics. This is one case in which laws agree with ethics. To plagiarize means to steal and pass off the ideas and words of another as one own. It is important to recognize that this definition includes the use of another production without crediting the source. When a person makes an effort to present an idea that has been taken from an existing source as new and original, he or she is committing an act of plagiarism, but on the other hand it could help for your studies to look thought all information and collect only information...
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