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How To Make Marbles

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A classic toy that almost every kid has played with is the marble. The making of marbles for toys started at 1840 (Busch, 2000, par.14). This small and simple object gives children hours of fun, but the process that is used to produce the marble is not simple. A marble is made of glass. So the first step in making a marble is to produce the glass. Glass is made by combining silica with sodium carbonate (soda ash), and limestone ( Hogree, 2001, par.9). The silica is added in the form of sand. The three ingredients are placed in a furnace and heated to 1600 degrees Celsius (Groza, et al. Shackelford, 2007, p.5). To produce high quality marbles, the temperature that the furnace is set at is very important (Agureev et al. Levitin, 2014). The ingredients are left in there for sixteen hours. After this, the process varies based on whether it is a basic marble of an intricate marble. …show more content…
A shearing devices cuts the steam of liquid glass every half a second. This allows for an appropriate size sphere of liquid glass to be formed. The spheres of glass then are transported to spinning cast iron rollers. They land in groves and are consistently rotated. This ensures that the globs do not stick to the rollers. The spheres are moved on the roller for 72 hours until they cool completely. The marbles are the lead through channels that separate the flawed marbles from the perfect marbles. This is accomplished by rolling the over holes that are sized for marbles that are too big or too small. If the marble is either of these, it falls into the hole and is recycled into the

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