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How To Write A Reflection Model Of Communication In Nursing

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Simply because nursing school and on-the-job training and orientation does not adequately prepare the nurse for delivering traumatic diagnostic and prognostic information that requires life-changing, delicate, and emotional discussions, I was honestly unaware that evidenced-based, best practices even existed. Nevertheless, I was cognizant of diverse models of communication, however, the ones I encountered appeared unrealistic and I have been unable to grasp how to incorporate them into my nursing practice. Regarding an enormous barrier on a high acuity, Medical Oncology Unit that stifles this delivery are, ASCOM phones and pagers. It is a rare occurrence that one or the other does not interrupt an opportunity of full disclosure concerning a patient’s new prognosis or diagnosis. With the tension of the unknown, this is distracting, embarrassing, and gives a sense as if that very patient, in that exact moment, isn’t the most important patient on the nurses or physicians assignment. Another barrier is the …show more content…
Having identified my weaknesses in the conveyance and support of patients receiving the bad news, the Palliative Care Team has been a resource to my practice and the patients I care for daily. This team of empathetically educated nurse practitioners, set the precedence for an uninterrupted and unhurried environment. By quickly but efficiently pre-planning prior to entering the patient’s room, we establish what information the nurse has collected from the patient/family and what the physician has concluded/discovered. Many of the techniques are identified in the PEWTER Model including; warranted full disclosure, not creating a sense of hope for a cure or prolonged life expectancy if there is not one, maintaining the patient’s trust and delivering information in a concise and calm matter as successive visits/meetings will be made as part of the patient’s ongoing care and

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