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How Would I Achieve My Dream Job


Submitted By kennethchuah
Words 9907
Pages 40
General Objective:

To know and understand the addressing mode and programming.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the unit you should be able to:
4.1 classify and describe the addressing modes
4.2 explain the concept of programming
4.3 discuss the implementation structure of programming


Programming is a process of composing several instructions to perform certain tasks. The product of the programming is called a program which contains several instructions. The skill of programming is to know the best or optimum composition of selective instructions to performs the required tasks. In other words, we may classify these skills into uniform concepts as structure of programming implementation. These structure shall bear the emphasis to: • what instructions (selectable from a complete list of instructions as a tools list) essential and best to perform a certain task; • how these instructions are organized into a sub program which can be reused or recalled as many times as possible to perform the identical task with different set of data; • to preserve the minimum lines of instruction but performs the maximum tasks. The less instruction lines require less operating times, thus expetite the implementation speed.

The main proccess of program (instructions) implementation is nothing else just the manipulation of data. We need to know how to identify the source of data, procedure to fetch these data, to process these data, procedure to send these data to the required and allowable destinations. The procedure of fectching and sending data between source and destinations is carried out by various addressing approaches which are known as addressing modes. The structure of the internal registers of MC68000 is shown in Figure 4.1. The whole or portion of this structure will be used to show the data changes and movement throughout the rest of this unit.

In this unit, we will learn the addressing modes, programming, and the structure of program implementation.
4.1 Addressing modes □ The MC68000 has 14 different addressing modes which are subdivided into six groups, based on how they generate an effective address (EA). □ The addressing modes in all groups; except immediate data addressing group produce an effective address. □ The objectives of these addressing modes is to supply different ways for the programmer to generate an effective address (EA) that identIfies the location of an operand. □ The operands may be specified as part of the intruction in program memory. □ In general, operands referenced by an effective address reside either in one of the MC68000's internal registers or in the external data memory. □ For a memory operand, the address is calculated in the 32-bit 2’s complement form. However only the lower 24-bits of the result are actually used for the operand address. □ It is important to point out that in accessing a memory operand as a word or longword, its effective address must be evaluated to an even address; otherwise, error will occur when that instruction is executed. □ The Table 4.1 lists all the addressing modes together with the effective address generation.

1. Register Direct addressing □ Register direct addressing modes are used when one of the data or address registers within the 68000 contains the operand that is to be processed by the instruction. □ If the specified register is a data register, the addressing mode is called data register direct addressing. □ On the other hand, If the specified register is a address register, the addressing mode is called address register direct addressing. □ Register direct addressing is the fastest and most compact addressing mode because no memory reference operation is required for accessing the operand.

(a) Data Register Direct Addressing □ The operand address is the data register specified in the instruction. □ The content of that data register is treated as the operand required for the operation. □ The sample instruction is:

Figure 4.2 Data Register Direct Addressing instruction

(b) Address Register Direct Addressing □ The operand address is an address register specified in the instruction.

Figure 4.3 Address Register Direct Addressing instruction 2. Absolute data addressing □ The effective address (EA) is included in the instruction. □ This addressing mode is used to access operands that reside in memory. □ Two modes: absolute short data addressing and absolute long data addressing.

(a) Absolute short data Addressing □ A 16-bit (HHHH) absolute address must be included as the second word of the instruction to specify the location of an operand. □ This word is the EA of the storage location for the operand in memory. □ The EA is specified by the 16-bit (HHHH) displacement in the extension word. □ Assembler syntax: XXXX ( 0 ≤ XXXX ≤ FFFF) EA calculation : EA = XXXX (sign extended) (0 ≤ EA ≤ 007FFF ; if 0 ≤ 7FFF) (FF8000 ≤ EA ≤ FFFFFF ; if 8000 ≤ FFFF)

□ The 68000 automatically does a sign-extension based on the MSB of the absolute short address to give a 32-bit address (actually only 24-bits (HHHHHH) are used). □ Since only 16-bits displacement can be used, therefore, the addressable memory range is : First 32K: 000000 – 007FFF and Last 32K : FF8000 – FFFFFF.

□ Example: MOVE.L 1234,D0 ($001234 to $001237) ( D0. □ This instruction stands for move the long word (4 bytes) starting at address $1234 (4 address locations) in memory into data register D0. □ Notice that the instruction is written with $1234 in the location for the source operand. This is the absolute address of the source operand and it is encoded by the assembler into the instruction. □ Notice that the address of the source operand is the next word after the instruction opcode in program memory.

Figure 4.4 Instruction using absolute data addressing

(b) Absolute long data Addressing □ Permits use of 32-bit quantity as the absolute address data. □ This type of operand is specified in the same way except that its absolute address is written with more than four hexadecimal digits. □ Example: MOVE.L $01234,D0. □ This instruction has the same effect as the previous instruction, but the address of the source operand is encoded by the assembler as an absolutenlong data address. □ That is, the quantity $01234 is encoded as a 32-bit number instead of a 16-bit number. This mean that the instruction now takes up three words of memory instead of two. □ Since all 24 bits are used, the operand specified with absolute long addressing can reside anywhere in the address space of the 68000. 000000 ( FFFFFF

3. Program Counter Relative addressing □ It is possible to specify the location of an operand relative to the address of the instruction that is currently being processed. Program counter relative addressing is provided for this purpose. □ The EA of the operand to be accessed is calculated relative to the updated value held in program counter (PC). □ Two types of addressing modes: Program counter relative with offset and Program counter relative with index and offset.

(a) Program Counter Relative with offset addressing ▪ 16- bit quantity identifies the number of bytes the data to be accessed are offset from the updated value in PC. ▪ The offset, who is also known as the displacement, immediately follows the instruction word in memory. ▪ When the instruction is fetched and executed, the 68000 sign-extends the offset to 32 bits and then adds it to the updated contents of the program counter. EA = PC + d16 ▪ The sum that results is the effective address of the operand in memory. ▪ Example of instruction: MOVE.L TAG,D0 ▪ This means “move the long word starting at the memory location with TAG as its label into D0”. ▪ Where is the label TAG in memory? Assembler will compute the number of bytes the displacement word in the move instruction is offset from the memory location corresponding to the label TAG. ▪ Since the 16-bit quantity specifies the offset in bytes, the operand must reside within + or – 32K (+32767 to -32768) bytes with respect to the updated value in PC. ▪ Example of instruction: MOVE.W $1200(PC),D3 Assume that the instruction starts at 122000

Figure 4.5 PC Relative with offset addressing instruction

(b) Program Counter Relative with index and offset addressing ▪ Employ both an index and an offset. ▪ Content of index register and an 8-bit displacement (offset) are combined with the updated PC to obtain the operand’s memory address, i.e the effective address (EA). ▪ The EA is given by: EA = PC + Xn + d8

▪ The index register, which is identified by Xn, can be any of the 68000’s data or address registers. The signed 8-bit displacement is specified by d8. ▪ Example of instruction: MOVE.L TABLE (A0.L),D0

▪ Here the source operand is written such that TABLE represents the displacement and A0 is the index register. ▪ This instruction copy the long word starting at the memory location in TABLE indexed by A0 into D0. ▪ In this case, the assembler computes the offset between the updated value in PC and the address of label TABLE. ▪ The value of the displacement is encoded as the least significant byte in the second word of the instruction.

Figure 4.6 Accessing elements of a table with program counter relative with index and offset addressing.

▪ Example of instruction: MOVE.L -20(PC,A2.L),D1

Figure 4.7 PC Relative with index and offset addressing instruction

4A-1: • A process of composing several instructions to performs certain tasks is called ____(a)_______. • The product of the programming is called a _____(b)______. • _____(c)____ is a uniform concepts to develop he best or optimum composition of selective instructions to performs the required tasks.

What is the purpose of addressing mode?

The MC68000 has __(a)__different addressing modes which are subdivided into __(b)__ groups.

State 3 of the addressing mode for MC68000.

In Register direct addressing modes, the operand is the content of _________________________.

Given the initial content of register as follows, show the calculation and data change in the affected registers, if the instruction “ADD.B D2,D4” is executed.



(a) Programming.
(b) program
(c) The structure of programming implementation

What is the purpose of addressing mode? to supply different ways for the programmer to generate an effective address (EA) that identIfies the location of an operand.

4A-3: a) 14 b) 6

State 3 of the addressing mode for MC68000. Refer Table 4.1
one of the data or address registers.

Given the initial content of register as follows, show the calculation and data change in the affected registers, if the instruction “ADD.B D2,D4” is executed.




4. Register indirect addressing • Register indirect addressing is normally called address register indirect addressing, because is the address register which is indirectly referred. • In the address register direct mode, the content of the specified address register is the operand required for the operation. • In the address register indirect mode, the specified address register contains the memory address of an operand. • There are several related modes to this addressing: a) Address register indirect b) Postincrement Address register indirect c) Predecrement Address register indirect d) Address register indirect with offset e) Address register indirect with index and offset

a) Address register indirect • The specified address register contains the memory address of an operand. • Example of instruction: (Refer Figure 4.8) CLR.L (A3)

• This instruction [CLR.L (A3)] clears the longword beginning at memory location 001234, which is the address stored in address register A3. • Eventhough address register stores 32 bits (HHHHHHHH), only 24 bits (HHHHHH) is accountable. • With the address register indirect mode, the same instruction can be repeated to operate on several different operands by changing the content of the address register each time.

Figure 4.8 Address register indirect addressing mode
(Source: Yu-Cheng Liu, Fig 2-12, pg 27)


b) Postincrement Address register indirect • Similar to the address register indirect addressing, the content of the specified address register is used as the memory address of an operand. • However, after the operation, the content of the address is incremented by 1, 2, or 4, depending on whether it is a byte, word, or longword operation. • Therefore, after the instruction execution, the same address register points to the next operand in sequence. • Example of instruction: (Refer Figure 4.9) CLR.B (A3)+

Figure 4.9 Postincrement address register indirect
(Source: Yu-Cheng Liu, Fig 2-13, pg 28)

c) Predecrement Address register indirect • Similar to the address register indirect addressing, the content of the specified address register is used as the memory address of an operand. • However, the selected address register is first decremented by 1, 2, or 4, depending on whether it is a byte, word, or longword operation. • Then, its content is used as a memory operand address. • If the address register used is A7, it will be decremented by 2 instead of 1 for byte operation. • Example of instruction: (Refer Figure 4.10) CLR.B -(A3)

Figure 4.10 Predecrement address register indirect
(Source: Yu-Cheng Liu, Fig 2-14, pg 29)

• Assume the address register A3 initially has 00003458. • Register A3 is first decremented by 1, and the resulting address is then used as the memory location to clear the data byte. • This addressing mode is typically used to process a linear array, starting from its last element toward its first element, and to push data onto a stack.

d) Address register indirect with offset • The EA is the sum of the content of the selected address register and a sign-extended displacement (offset). • An extension word is required to specify the 16-bit displacement. • Example of instruction: (Refer Figure 4.11) MOVE.B 18(A5),D3

Operation: < M ([A5] + 18) (.B) ( D3 >

Figure 4.11 Address register indirect with offset
(Source: Yu-Cheng Liu, Fig 2-15, pg 30)

e) Address register indirect with index and offset • The EA is the sum of the content of the selected address register, an index, and a displacement (offset). • The index whose size is word or longword can be taken from either a data or an address register. • The displacement is always a byte and a sign-extended to 32 bits before the addition. • An extension word, whose format is given in Figure 4.12, is required to specify the index register and displacement. • The D/A bit indicates whether the index register is a data redister (0) or an address register (1). • The index register number is designated by bits 14-12, and the index size is specified by the W/L bit, 0 for 16 bits and 1 for 32 bits.

Figure 4.12 Extension word format for the address register indirect with index addressing mode. (Source: Yu-Cheng Liu, Fig 2-16, pg 31)

• Example of instruction: (Refer Figure MOVE.W -2(A3,D5.W),$3600(A6)

Operation: < M ([A3] + [D5.W]+ (-2) ) (.W) ( M ([A6] + $3600) >

Figure 4.13 Address register indirect with index and offset
(Source: Yu-Cheng Liu, Fig 2-17, pg 32) 5. Immediate data addressing • The operand itself is stored in the extension word as part of the instruction. In general, the data are encoded and stored in the word locations that follow the instruction in program memory. • If the immediate operand is a longword, two extension words are required. • The immediate addressing mode provides a convenient way for referencing constants that are occasionally used in a program. • Obviously, immediate operands may serve only as source operands. • Example: SO DO MOVE.L #$54321,$30000

• This instruction moves the hexadecimal constant 00054321 to four memory locations starting at hexadecimal 30000.

Figure 4.14 Operation of “ MOVE.L #$54321,$30000 “

• Notice that # symbol written before the operand indicates that immediate data addressing is employed. • If the instruction processes bytes of data, a special form of immediate addressing can be used, i.e. quick immediate addressing. • In this mode, the data are encoded directly into the instruction's operation word. • For this reason, using quick immediate addressing takes up less memory and executes faster. • Example:

(1) MOVEQ #$C5,D0 encoded to: $70C5

(2) MOVE.W #$1234,D0 encoded to $303C 1234

• The first instruction, move quick (MOVEQ), illustrates quick immediate addressing. • The immediate source operand is C516, it gets encoded as $70C5, where the least-significant byte of the instruction word is the immediate operand. • Executing this instruction load D0 with the sign-extended long-word value of $C5; that is: MOVEQ #$C5,D0 >> $FFFFFFC5 ( D0. • Looking at the second instruction, its immediate source operand gets encoded into the second word of the instruction. • When the instruction is executed, sign-extension is not performed; instead, the value $134 is loaded into the least-significant 16 bits of D0 (the most significant 16 bits of D0 are not affected), that is: MOVE.W #$1234,D0 >> $1234 ( D0 = XXXX1234.

6. Implied addressing □ Some of the 68000's instructions do not make direct reference to operands. □ Instead, inherent to their execution is an automatic reference to one or more of its internal registers. □ Typically, these registers are the stack pointers (SP), the program counter (PC), or the status register (SR). □ From Table 4.1, this mode produces EA = SR, USP, SP, PC □ An example is the instruction: BSR SUBRTN >> [ PC( -(SP) ; SUBRTN ( PC ]

□ It stands for branch to the subroutine at label SUBRTN. Both the contents of the program counter and active stack pointer always referenced during the extension of this instruction.

Several examples of invalid addressing modes have been given in the preceeding discussion. The following show some examples of incorrect instructions due to errors in operand addressing.

The content of the specified address register is :
_____________ (In the address register direct mode)
_____________ (In the address register indirect mode)

List out the five address register addressing modes.

Fill in the type of addressing mode for the sample instructions given:

Given the initial data of address registers, with reference to the operation related to A3, please work out the operation with related to A5:

The content of the specified address register is : the operand (In the address register direct mode) the memory address of the operand (In the address register indirect mode)

List out the five address register addressing modes. 1. Address register indirect 2. Postincrement Address register indirect 3. Predecrement Address register indirect 4. Address register indirect with offset 5. Address register indirect with index and offset
Fill in the type of addressing mode for the sample instructions given:

4B-4: Given the initial data of address registers, with reference to the operation related to A3, please work out the operation with related to A5:

4.2 Concept of programming A program is a means to perform tasks or solve problems. Thus in the process of program building consists several essential steps: □ Definition of problem. □ Logical design. □ Programming. □ Test run the program. □ Documentation of the program.

4.2.1 Definition of problem We take an example of problem to be solved by a program. Input data of two numbers. These two numbers are added, and the product is stored in a memory location.

4.2.2 Logical design Before we can write a program, it is better we derive the problem statements into a diagram of process and relationship, which is normal by means of flow chart.

Before we derive the above problem statements, we learn about the elements usually used to built a flow chart, as shown in Figure 4.15. It is not necessary a flow chart contains all of those elements, some elements are optional depends on the process and relationship of a program, just like the tools in a toolbox, which you may use some of them only to perform a task.

Now we can build a flow chart to represent the process of the problem to be solved, as shown in Figure 4.16. Subsequently we can derive the flow chart of process into programming instructions. To do this we need to know the software model of the microprocessor i.e. the what registers and memory accessible by programmer via instructions. The flowchart of instructions is shown in Figure 4.17. Some programmer may construct a program directly referenced to the flow chart of process without the flow chart of instructions.

Figure 4.15 Elements of a flow chart

Problem: Input data of two numbers. These two numbers are added, and the product is stored in a memory location.

4.2.3 Programming Based on the flow chart we can now write out a program, as shown in Figure 4.18.

Figure 4.18 Basic instruction program

4.2.4 Documentation of program The program instructions in Figure 4.18 is essential for assembler to run the program practically. However, for those who analyze the instructions will find convenience if comments is stated side by side the instructions, especially the key instructions. Figure 4.19 is the improved program of Figure 4.18. The comment field clearly explains the process of the instructions.

Figure 4.19 Program with documetation

4.2.5 Analysis of instruction A program consists many instructions and each instruction is executed with referenced to the present contents of the internal registers and memory locations. In other words, the present data in the registers and memory locations will be used to execute an instruction. The execution may then alter the contents of the internal registers and memory location. Thus it is very important to know the data of "Before" and "After" in the registers and memory locations. The output of an instruction is then used as the input of the next instruction

The same registers and memory locations will be shared for all the intructions throughout the program.

It seems that all instructions are closely related. However, each instruction can be analyzed individually, provided the present data of the registers and memory locations are known specifically. Figure 4.20 shows each of the instruction of the program is analyzed individually.

Figure 4.20 Each instruction of the program is analyzed individually.

4.2.6 Load the program We have known what instructions to compose a program. But how to load this program? A development system is an instrument that is used to develop programs and hardware for a microprocessor-based system. This system provide capabilities such as: □ To develop programs in either assembly language or a variety of high-level languages □ Powerful tools for efficient debugging of programs □ Facilities for connection to external hardware for debugging of circuit operation □ To integrate the user's software and hardware together for testing and debugging.

The above system is a powerful development system and is normally used for major microprocessor development projects. For the purposes of education, the MC68000 educational microcomputer is a simplified development system that is intended to be used by students and designers to learn how to develop hardware and assembly language programs for 68000-based microcomputers. This educational system board provides only limited development support. However, it includes all the hardware of a complete microcomputer: □ 32K bytes of RAM for data and user program storage; □ 16K bytes of PROM for storage of the monitor program; □ interfaces for a variety of input/output (I/O) devices, such as CRT terminal, a printer, and a cassette player/recorder. □ Prototyping area that allows the user to build custom interfaces easily into the microcomputer.

To let the user or programmer to access this system, a software is provided. TUTOR is the software interface through which the user can talk to the MC68000 educational microcomputer. It is a simple monitor program stored in PROM that provides a set of commands for use in the entry, execution, and debugging of assembly language programs. The Tutor monitor program is accessed via the monitor commands as listed in Figure 4.24.

Syntax of a Monitor Command When commands are keyed in from the keyboard of the terminal, they must always be entered using a special form that is understood by the monitor program. This is known as the command's syntax, and if it is not correctly followed, the command entry will result in the display of a syntax error message. The general format for a command entry is

Please notice that the syntax of monitor command is not the instruction set of the assembly language although it may look idebtical in structure. There are four fields within the format: the negative form (NO) field, the command field, the parameters field, and the options field. When entered, each of these fields must be seperated by a space. In general format, any field that is enclosed within square brackets is optional. Therefore, the minimum command entry response to the tutor prompt is just:

A field enclosed with an angle bracket is to be replaced by a syntactical variable. For instance, the command field can be replaced with a mnemonic from the list in Table 4.5. Example:

Table 4.5 The monitor commands of Tutor monitor program (Source: Walter, Fig 5.4, pg 121)

The command is to be keyed in at the prompt:

Although there are many commands, we just take a few of them to show the concept of using them. For a desperate learner like you, it is better we start with a command to load a program. We may load the program that we built previously as shown in Figure 4.19. However for a better presentation, we take another example of program with branching instructions to show the address changes. Say the program's instructions are as shown in Figure 4.21.

Figure 4.21 The example of program to be loaded (Source: Walter, Fig 5-16, pg 145)

First, let us assume that the program is to be entered into memory starting at address 003000H. To do this, the "Memory Modify" (MM) command with the DI option specified is first used to bring up the assembler. This is done by issuing the command:

Tutor responds with:

Here we have assumed the memory location $003000 originally contains data 1005H, which when disassembled is the instruction of MOVE.B D5,D0 The ? displayed at the end of the disassembled instruction is a prompt for us to enter the new instruction. Now we enter the first instruction of the program preceded by a space. The display appears:

Load LEA $1000,A1:

The display shows:

Please note that the content of memory locations started at address $003000 has changed from 1005 to 43F81000. The data "43F81000" actually represents instruction "LEA $1000,A1". This data size is 4 bytes ($43-$F8-$10-$00), thus takes up four memory locations from $003000 to $003003, and the next instruction will be started at address $003004. It ia assumed the existing data of $003004 is "DC.W $FFFF"

The above procedure is to be repeated for all other instructions, and the final display after all the instructions had been entered, will be as shown in Figure 4.22.

Figure 4.22 The display of Tutor monitor after the program instructions are loaded

Since the program is entered using a line-by-line assembler, symbols and labels cannot be used. For instance, the label NXTPT in the BNE instruction is replaced by the starting address of the instruction MOVE.W (A1)+,(A2)+, which is $300E. When a forward label reference is encountered, the corresponding addresses may not be available as yet. In this case, the label can be entered as an '*' as a first step. When the rest of the program has been entered, the addresses will be known and the instructions that contain asterisks can be reentered with the correct values of addresses. (Refer Figure 4.23)

Figure 4.23 The display of Tutor monitor after the program instructions are loaded (Source: Walter, Fig 5.17, pg 146)

4.2.6 Test run the program During the early stages of program development, an operation known as single-stepping the program is very useful. By single-stepping, we mean that one instruction of the program is executed at a time. The state of the microprocessor's internal registers and data in memory that are affected by the instruction can be examined just before and after it is executed. In this way, the operation of the program can be verified instruction by instruction. The Trace commands are the commands provided in Tutor for single-stepping through a program. Tutor has two trace commands called trace (TR or T) and trace to temporary breakpoint (TT). We will begin with TR command. This command can be used to execute either one or several instructions. To execute one instruction, the command is issued as either:

or just

In response to this command, the microcomputer executes the instruction pointed to by the current value in PC and then it displays the contents of the 68000's internal registers. In Figure 4.24, we have initialized PC to the address $003000 and then executed the instruction: LEA.L $1000,A1

From this figure, you can see the change in registers. The first command DF (display formatted registers) will list out the content of all registers. This command has not executed the first instruction yet. At the end of registers list, shown the next instruction to be executed, i.e. the first instruction of the program, stored at address 003000, which is pointed by the PC.

Now it is ready to start the trace process by the command TR. After the first instruction "LEA.L $1000,A1" is executed, the contents of registers are shown. Content of A1 is changed from 00000000 to 00001000. PC is pointing to the address (003004) of next instruction i.e. " LEA.L $2000,A2". This instruction is stated at the end of the registers list.

Figure 4.24 Executing an instruction with the trace command. (Source: Walter, Fig 5-20, pg 150)

Debugging a program:

When a program is correctly entered into the assembly program, the program will be executed properly without any error syntax. However, in practice it is common to have errors in programs, and even a single error can render the program useless. Errors in a program are also referred to as bugs. The process of removing them is called debugging. The two types of errors that can be made by a programmer are syntax errors and execution errors.

A syntax error is an error caused by not following the rules for coding or entering an instruction. These types of errors are typically identified by the microcomputer's assembler or monitor and signed to the user with error messages. For this reasons, they are usually easy to find and correct.

An execution error is an error in the logic behind the development of the program. That is, the program is correctly coded and entered, but it does not perform the operation for which it was planned. This type of error can be identified by entering the program into the microcomputer and executing it. The TUTOR monitor program has ability to debug execution errors in a program is aided by the commands of the TUTOR monitor. For instance, the TR command allows us to step through the program by executing just one instruction at a time. In this way, we can use the register and memory display commands to determine the state of the microcomputer priorto execution of an instruction again and again just after its execution. This information will tell us whether the instruction has performed the operation planned for it. If an error is found, the cause can be determined and corrected.

In the above sections, we have analyzed some of the TUTOR monitor commands for the basic needs, as summarized here:

DF: Display formatted registers -- see the contents of registers. MM: Modify memory -- to set the starting address, then key in instructions lines. .PC: Display/Set Program Counter -- determine which is the starting instructon. TR: Trace or single step -- execute instruction line by line.

The two major data storages are internal registers and memory locations. DF is used to display the content of internal registers, whereas MD (Memory Display) can be used to display the content of memory (MD is not discussed in details in above section).

4.3 Implementation Structure of programming

In Unit 3, we have known so many instructions of assembly language are provided to be used to compose a program, In the above sections of Unit 4, we have learned the addressing modes. All these elements are just the tools to be utilised. The effective programming is the know how to identify the best or optimum tools, i.e. the composition of instructions and selection of addressing modes to produce a program with the features of least instruction lines; least executions durations; easy alterations and modifications. We may identify several optimum and mostly used composition of instructions as the implementation structure of programming.

1. Construct of Sequential

Sequential structure is the basic, simple and straight forward approach of programming construct. The instructions are executed one after another from the beginning until the end of the program. Figure 4.25 shows the flow chart of the sequential construct.

Figure 4.25 Flow chart of sequence construct

2. Construct of Loop

In normal application, we may need the same process to be repeated in automatic mode, thus the program execution is repeated. This programming structure is called loop construct.

Figure 4.26 (a) shows the flow chart of the loop construct. In the programming aspect, at the end of the program, we just assert an instruction to instruct the program execution to go back to the first instruction of the program. Figure 4.26 (b) shows a program construct using a Jump instruction to loop back to the beginning of the program.

However this basic loop construct has no end, meaning the program execution will proceed non-stop. We may need to rely on the external control i.e. "interrupt request" to terminate the program execution.

Figure 4.26 Loop construct

3. Construct of decision making by Branch/Jump

With respond to the constraint of the basic loop construct, Figure 4.27 (a) and (b) shows another structure of loop construct where the program is allowed to decide whether or not to implement the loop function. Unlike the basic loop construct that requires external control, this is done by means of instruction within the program.

Figure 4.27 loop construct with Branch/Jump instructions

Structure in (a) will check the condition whether to do the loop function, after all the instructions have been executed. Whereas structure in (b) will check the condition whether to do the loop function, before all the instructions have been executed. It may need a small alteration on several control instructions in the program to change from one type to another. Both structure perform the loop function equally well, they just provide flexibility to execute then check or check then execute.

The power of branch and jump instructions are not limited to the conditional loop construct as in Figure 4.27, they are used to build variety of decision making constructs.

Figure 4.28 (a) shows one type of decision making construct, with either one (Yes or No) of the condition met will implement the instructions. This construct may be accomplished by only a branch instruction.

Figure 4.28 (b) another type of decision making construct, with both (Yes and No) of the condition met will implement own sets of instructions. This construct may be accomplished by a branch and two Jump instruction.

However, the selection of branch or jump instructions depends on the creativity of programmers or the complexitiy of branch and jump construct to be achieved, thus this two construct serve as a basic concept to start a complex task.

Labels "Enter" and 'Next" replace the normal label found in most flow charts i.e. "Start" and "End", have the emphasis that this block of process can be placed at any portion and as many times as possible within a program. In other words, it is used as one of the elements within a program.

(a) One-choice (b) Two-choices

Figure 4.28 General construct with Branch/Jump instructions

Control Construct: Quite often, the logic flow of a program is too complex for the program to be directly coded in assembly language. Two tools have commonly been used as programming aids. One is flowchart and the other is pseudocode. A pseudocode is a mixture of english and Pascal-like control construct used to describe the logic flow of a program.

The logic flow of a typical program can be broken down as combination of the following six basic control constructs in addition to simple sequencing:

(Source: Yu-Cheng Liu, Fig 3-17, pg 64-66)

You may find these control constructs familiar? Yes, you may be very much well verse with these instructions in other high-level programming languages such Pascal, C-Program, Visual Basic, and many others. Here, we will design control constructs in assembly language with the assistance of this friendly structures. Figure 4.29 to Figure 4.34 show examples of these six control constructs, each one has a flowchart, pseudocode construct and the assembly language instructions. By comparison, we can see the equivalent and differences to have better understanding.

Figure 4.29 IF-THEN

Figure 4.30 IF-THEN-ELSE

Figure 4.31 FOR LOOP

Figure 4.32 REPEAT-UNTIL

Figure 4.33 WHILE-DO

Figure 4.34 CASE

4. Construct of Subroutine

The subroutine concept is an approach to simplify a very long or complex program. There are several instructions in a program tend to be repeated to perform the similar function, or with a little alteration. Thus it is more practical to group these few instructions into a sub-program, and to be called whenever necessary by calling its name or label. This sub-program is normally referred as subroutine in M68000. In other words, a subroutine is a special segment of program that can be called for execution from any point in a program.

Figure 4.35 shows the subroutine concept. The same subroutine-A is called twice from the main program, just by a simple "CALL" instruction.

Figure 4.36 (a) shows a program calls a subrountine several times within a program. Figure 4.36 (b) shows a program to call several subroutines within a program.

The instructions to be used to handle subroutine is discussed in details in Unit 3.

The program construct consists of several steps, please sort the steps according to the flow of process. □ Programming. □ Documentation of the program. □ Definition of problem. □ Logical design. □ Test run the program.

Label the elements of a flow chart with the list given:

Give the “Syntax of a Monitor Command”, please state the four elements labeled as A, B, C, and D.

The program construct consists of several steps, please sort the steps according to the flow of process. 1. Definition of problem. 2. Logical design. 3. Programming. 4. Test run the program. 5. Documentation of the program.


Give the “Syntax of a Monitor Command”, please state the four elements labeled as A, B, C, and D.

A: negative form (NO) B: command field C: parameters field D: options field.

You are approaching success. Try all the questions in this self-assessment section and check your answers with those given in the Feedback on Self-Assessment 1 given on the next page. If you face any problem, discuss it with your lecturer. Good Luck

Assume initial data are given as follows, please calculate the effective address of source and destination operand.

Have you tried the question?????? If “YES”, check your answer now.

Assume initial data are given as follows, please calculate the effective address of source and destination operand.


Figure Flow chart of loop construct

Figure Instructions of loop construct


D1 ( Memory

D0 + D1 ( D1

Data1 ( D0
Data2 ( D1



Data3 ( Memory

Data1 + Data2 = Data3

Input data:
Data1 &


0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

Assembly instruction: CLR.W $3000
Machine code:

Figure 4.16
Flow chart of process

End terminal

Connecting Arrows



Extension word


Table 4.4 Incorrect instructions (Source: Yu-Cheng Liu, pg 38)
|Instruction |Error |
|CLR.W |(D3) |A data register may not be used in the indirect register addressing |
| | |mode. |
|CLR.W |$4(A1)+ |Displacement and postincrement may not be combined. |
|BEQ |(A1) |The EA addressing modes do not apply to branch instructions. |
|MOVE.W |D1,#12 |An immediate operand may not be used for the destination. |
|CLR.W |A1 |An address register may be used as the destination only in |
| | |address-related instructions. |
|MOVE.W |#$123456,D1 |The immediate operand is too large for a word operation. |
|MOVE.B |A1,D1 |An address register may not be accessed as a byte. |

Immediate operand

Immediate data at operand, follows the instruction opcode

Quick immediate operand

Immediate data within the instruction opcode

Immediate data
00 05 43 21

|02FFFF |XX |
|030000 |00 |
|030001 |05 |
|030002 |43 |
|030003 |21 |
|030004 |XX |


Logical selection

Operation/ process

After execution:
| |31 |15 |7 |
| |16 |8 |0 |
|D2 | |04 |50 |
|D3 | | | |
|D4 | |61 |82 |

+ 32 82

Before execution:
| |31 |15 |7 |
| |16 |8 |0 |
|D2 | |04 |50 |
|D3 | | | |
|D4 | |61 |32 |

Input / Output

Start terminal

Add the content (byte) of D2, to the content (Byte) of D4.
The result is placed in D4; the original data in D4 is replaced with the sum.
< D2.B + D4.B ( D4.B >

Before execution:
| |31 |15 |7 |
| |16 |8 |0 |
|D2 | |04 |50 |
|D3 | | | |
|D4 | |61 |32 |

|Mode |Generation |
|Register Direct Addressing | |
|Data Register Direct |EA = Dn |
|Address Register Direct |EA = An |
|Absolute Data Addressing | |
|Absolute Short |EA = (Next Word) |
|Absolute Long |EA = (Next Two Words) |
|Program Counter Relative Addressing | |
|Relative with offset |EA = (PC) + d16 |
|Relative with index and offset |EA = (PC) + (Xn) + d8 |
|Register Indirect Addressing | |
|Register Indirect |EA = (An) |
|Postincrement Register Indirect |EA = (An), An ( An + N |
|Predecrement Register Indirect |An ( An-N, EA=(An) |
|Register Indirect with Offset |EA = (An) + d16 |
|Indexed Register Indirect with Offset |EA = (An) + (Xn) + d8 |
|Immediate Data Addressing | |
|Immediate |DATA = Next Word(s) |
|Quick Immediate |Inherent Data |
|Implied Addressing | |
|Implied Register |EA = SR, USP, SP, PC |

|EA = Effective Address |SR = Status register |N = 1 for Bte, 2 for Words, and|
|An = Address Register |PC = Program Counter |4 for Longwords. |
|Dn = Data Address |( ) = Content of .. |( = Replaces |
|Xn = Address or Data Register used as |d8 = 8 bit offset (displacement) | |
|index Register |d16 = 16 bit offset (displacement) | |














0001 0000 A6
+ 0000 3600 d16 01 3600





Sign-extended for Ai.W or Di.W

Ai or Di



0 – Use data register for index
1 – Use an address register for index

Index register number

0 – 16 bit index
1 – 32 bit index


8-bit displacement

15 14 12 11 10 8 7 0


0 0 0




0000 1234 A3 0000 2400 D5.W
+ FFFF FFFE d8 00 3632









Operation: MOVE.W -2(A3,D5.W),$3600(A6)

($003632) ( ($013600)
($003633) ( ($013601)

Memory Location

Memory Location

After execution:



Before execution:



Assembler instruction : MOVE.W -2(A3,D5.W),$3600(A6) Machine code: Destination Source

Reg Mode Mode Reg

0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 = 0011-1101-0111-0011 = 3D73

D/A Reg W/L Displacement

0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 = 0101-0000-1111-1110 = 50FE Displacement: $3600

Overall Machine code: 3D7350FE3600


Extension word 8-bit displacement




Memory address

Assembler syntax : d(An,Ri.X) [X= W for 16-bit index or L for 32-bit index]
EA calculation : EA = (An) + (Ri.X) (sign-extended if X = W) + d (sign-extended to 32-bits)


Operation word n

52 54




Operation word










Memory Location


Memory Location



Table 4.2 Effective address accessible by Absolute short addressing mode.
|Ass. syntax| | |
|XXXX |EA |Comment |
|0000 |000000 | |
| | |XXXX: 0000 – FFFF |
| | |EA : 000000 – 007FFF (32K) |
| | | |
| | |This address space CAN be accessed with absolute |
| | |short addressing mode |
|0001 |000001 | |
|: |: | |
|0123 |000123 | |
|: |: | |
|7FFE |007FFE | |
|7FFF |007FFF | |
| |008000 | |
| | |EA : 008000 – FF7FFFF |
| | |This address space CANNOT be accessed with |
| | |absolute short addressing mode |
| |008001 | |
| |: | |
| |: | |
| |FF7FFE | |
| |FF7FFF | |
|8000 |FF8000 | |
| | |XXXX : 8000 – FFFF |
| | |EA : FF8000 – FFFFFF (32K) |
| | | |
| | |This address space CAN be accessed with absolute |
| | |short addressing mode |
|8001 |FF8001 | |
|: |: | |
|: |: | |

Longword of #$54321 = $00054321

After execution:
| |31 |15 |7 |
| |16 |8 |0 |
|D4 | |F9 |49 |
|D5 | | | |
| | | | |
| |31 |15 |
| |16 |0 |
|A3 | |0817 |

+ 0817 F949

Before execution:
| |31 |15 |7 |
| |16 |8 |0 |
|D4 | |F1 |32 |
|D5 | | | |
| | | | |
| |31 |15 |
| |16 |0 |
|A3 | |0817 |

Add the contents of A3, to the contents of D4. The result is placed in D4; the original data in D4 is replaced with the sum.
< A3.W + D4.W ( D4.W >

Machine code in Hex:

Assembler listing:

After execution:
| |31 |15 |7 |
| |16 |8 |0 |
|D2 | |04 |50 |
|D3 | | | |
|D4 | |65 |82 |

+ 6132 6582

Before execution:
| |31 |15 |7 |
| |16 |8 |0 |
|D2 | |04 |50 |
|D3 | | | |
|D4 | |61 |32 |

Add the content (word) of D2, to the content (word) of D4. The result is placed in D4; the original data in D4 is replaced with the sum.
< D2.W + D4.W ( D4.W >

Machine code in Hex:

After execution:



Before execution:







Memory address

Assembler syntax : d(An)
EA calculation : EA = (An) + d (sign-extended to 32-bits)


Operation word n


Assembler instruction : MOVE.B 18(A5),D3 Machine code: Destination Source

Reg Mode Mode Reg

0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 = 0001-0110-0010-1101 = 162D Displacement: 0012H (=18)

Overall Machine code: 162D0012



12 00


12 34



00 ( ($003457)

Memory Location

Memory Location

00002000 A5
+ 00000012 d16 002012


After execution:



Before execution:



Assembler instruction : CLR.B -(A3) Machine code: Size Mode Reg

0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 = 0100-0010-0010-0011 = 4223

Assembler instruction : CLR.B (A3)+ Machine code: Size Mode Reg

0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 = 0100-0010-0001-1011 = 421B

+ 1 for byte
+2 for word
+4 for longword

Assembler instruction : CLR.L (A3) Machine code: Size Mode Reg

0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 = 0100-0010-1001-0011= 4293




Memory address

Assembler syntax : (An)
EA calculation : EA = (An)


Operation word







Memory address

Assembler syntax : (An)+
EA calculation : EA = (An) ; (An) + 1, 2 or 4 ( An


Operation word n


- 1 for byte
- 2 for word
- 4 for longword



ADD.B D0,D1 ; D0 + D1 ( D1

From instruction list, the operation of this instruction:
ADD.B EA,Dn >> (EA) + Dn ( Dn

ADD.B D0,D1 >> D0 + D1 ( D1
D0 + D1 = $0C + $22 = $2E
D1 = $xxxxxx2E


Memory address

Assembler syntax : -(An)
EA calculation : EA = (An) - 1, 2 or 4 ( An ; EA = (An)


00 9A


Operation word n


Operation: : CLR.B (A3)+


00 ( ($012344)

Memory Location

Memory Location


78 9A

After execution:



Before execution:





Carriage return, or








003000 1005 MOVE.B D5,D0? LEA $1000,A1 (cr)

003000 1005 MOVE.B D5,D0?_

The existing data of loaction at address $003000, which represent instruction MOVE.B D5,D0

Start address at $003000, set by command MM 3000:DI

003000 1005 MOVE.B D5,D0?_

Tutor 1.3 > MM 3000;DI (cr)

Tutor 1.3 > _

LEA $1000,A1 ;Source block starts at $1000 LEA $2000,A2 ;Destination block starts at $2000 MOVE.L #16,D0 ;Block length equals 16 words
NXTPT MOVE.W (A1)+,(A2)+ ;Move word and point to next word. SUBQ.L #1,D0 ;Update count BNE NXTPT ;Repeat for next word BRA HERE ;Branch to label HERE

Tutor 1.3 > _

[NO] [] [;]

|Command mnemonics |Description |
|MD |Memory Display |
|MM, M |Memory Modify |
|MS |Memory Set |
|.A0 to .A7 |Display/Set Address Register |
|.D0 to .D7 |Display/Set Data Register |
|.PC |Display/Set Program Counter |
|.SR |Display/Set Status Register |
|.SS |Display/Set Supervisor Stack Pointer |
|.US |Display/Set User stack Pointer |
|DF |Display Formatted Registers |
|OF |Display Offsets |
|.R0 to .R6 |Display/Set Relative Offset Register |
|BF |Block of Memory Fill |
|BM |Block of Memory Move |
|BT |Block of Memory Test |
|BS |Block of Memory Search |
|DC |Data Conversion |
|BR |Breakpoint Set |
|NOBR |Breakpoint Remove |
|GO, G |Go |
|GT |Go Until Breakpoint |
|GD |Go Direct |
|TR, T |Trace |
|TT |Temporary Breakpoint Trace |
|PA |Printer Attach |
|NOPA |Reset Printer Attach |
|PF |Port Format |
|TM |Transparent Mode |
|* |Send Message to Port 2 |
|HE |Help |
|DU |Dump Memory |
|LO |Load |
|VE |Verify |

Next instruction

Call subroutine A

Subroutine A






First instruction












Set A









Set B





CLR.L ( ($001234)

Memory Location

Memory Location








After execution:



ORG $7000 ; The program initiled at address $7000 MOVE.B #12,D0 ; decimal data 12 stored in D0 MOVE.B #34,D1 ; decimal data 34 stored in D1 ADD.B D0,D1 ; D0 + D1 ( D1 MOVE.B D1,$7050 ; product of addition stored in memory at location $7050 END ; end program execution.

ORG $7000 MOVE.B #12,D0 MOVE.B #34,D1 ADD.B D0,D1 MOVE.B D1,$7050 END

Figure 4.17
Flow chart of instructions







The educational microcomputer board in your institution of studies may vary from the features of this system but the concept behind is the same. You are adviced to study the features provided by the educational system in your own institution.

The material in this unit just introduces the fundamental concept of programming, you are advised to further the skills of programming via lots of hands-on practises during the lab activities. Well, practice make perfect…




Before execution:


















0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 PC 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 A2
+ F F F F F F E C d8 0 3 0 2 1 E



After execution:





Before execution:



Index (Xn)
(limited to +838607 or -8388608 bytes)

Offset (d8)
(limited to +127 or -128 bytes)

| | |
|PC ( | |
| |Extension word |
| | |
| | |
| | |
|Table ( | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
|Address element ( | |
| | |




Points to the next instruction



Points to the extension word after the op word is fetched



00122002 PC
+ 00001200 d16 123202



After execution:





Instruction line to be entered

Before execution:



Table 4.3 Comparison of effective address accessible by absolute short and absolute long addressing mode.

|Address |Absolute short |Absolute Long |
| |addressing mode |addressing mode |
|000000 |XXXX: 0000 – FFFF | |
| |EA : 000000 – 007FFF (32K) |EA : 000000 – FFFFFF. |
| |CAN be accessed. |The whole 24-bits of |
| | |address space CAN be |
| | |accessed with absolute |
| | |Long addressing mode |
|: | | |
|007FFF | | |
|008000 |EA : 008000 – FF7FFFF | |
| |CANNOT be accessed. | |
|: | | |
|FF7FFF | | |
|FF8000 |XXXX : 8000 – FFFF | |
| |EA : FF8000 – FFFFFF (32K) | |
| |CAN be accessed. | |
|: | | |
|FFFFFF | | |

Figure 4.1 Internal registers of MC68000

|68000 |
|MA |PC |

|6789ABCD |D0 |
|: | |
|: | |
| |D7 |

|68000 |
|MA |PC |

|: | |
|: | |
| |D7 |

MOVE.L $1234,D0
($001234).L ( D0
6789ABCD ( D0

|Address |Memory |Instruction |
| |Content | |
|MA |2038 |MOVE.L $1234,D0 |
|MA+2 |1234 | |
|MA+4 |XXXX |Next instruction |
| |: | |
| |: | |
|001234 |6789 | |
|001236 |ABCD | |

|68000 |

|: | |
|: | |

|: | |
|: | |




16-bit displacement

TUTOR 1.3 > MM 3000;DI
003000 43F81000 LEA $1000,A1
003004 45F82000 LEA $2000,A2
003008 203C00000010 MOVE.L #16,D0
00300E 34D9 MOVE.W (A1)+,(A2)+
003010 5380 SUBQ.L #1,D0
003012 66FA BNE $300E
003014 60FE BRA *
003016 FFFF DC.W $FFFF? _

LEA $1000,A1 LEA $2000,A2 MOVE.L #16,D0

TUTOR 1.3 > MM 3000;DI
003000 43F81000 LEA $1000,A1
003004 45F82000 LEA $2000,A2
003008 203C00000010 MOVE.L #16,D0
00300E 34D9 MOVE.W (A1)+,(A2)+
003010 5380 SUBQ.L #1,D0
003012 66FA BNE $300E
003014 60FE BRA *
003016 FFFF DC.W $FFFF? _

TUTOR 1.3 > .PC 3000

TUTOR 1.3 > DF
PC=00003000 SR=2700=.S7….. US=FFFFFFFF SS=00000756
D0=0000FF0D D1=00000000 D2=12100010 D3=00000000
D4=00000231 D5=00000FFF D6=00000004 D7=00000000
A0=00010040 A1=00000000 A2=00000414 A3=00002500
A4=00009FAC A5=00000540 A6=00000540 A7=00000756
---------------------------------------003000 43F81000 LEA.L $00001000,A1

TUTOR 1.3 > TR
PC=00003004 SR=2700=.S7….. US=FFFFFFFF SS=00000756
D0=0000FF0D D1=00000000 D2=12100010 D3=00000000
D4=00000231 D5=00000FFF D6=00000004 D7=00000000
A0=00010040 A1=00001000 A2=00000414 A3=00002500
A4=00009FAC A5=00000540 A6=00000540 A7=00000756
---------------------------------------003004 43F82000 00000540 A7=00000756
---------------------------------------003004 43F82000 LEA.L $00002000,A2

TUTOR 1.3 > .PC

TUTOR 1.3 > _

Assembler syntax : XXXX ( 0 ≤ XXXX ≤ FFFF)
EA calculation : EA = XXXX (sign extended) (if XXXX: 0 ≤ 7FFF ( EA : 0 ≤ EA ≤ 007FFF) (if XXXX: 8000 ≤ FFFF ( EA : FF8000 ≤ EA ≤ FFFFFF )

Assembler listing:

Table 4.1 Addressing modes and the effective address generation. (Source: Fig 2.10, Pg 29, Walter)




Extension word

16-bit displacement


52 54


Tutor 1.3 > T (cr)

Tutor 1.3 > TR (cr)

003000 43F81000 LEA $1000,A1
003004 FFFF DC.W $FFFF ? _






Since we haven't identified the address of label "HERE", just type '*'
After we have identify the address, then replace the '*' with the address i.e. "$3016"


ORG $7000 ; The program initiled at address $7000
This is a assembler directive to store the opcodes of this program in the memory started at address $7000.

MOVE.B #12,D0 ; decimal data 12 stored in D0; end program execution.
From instruction list, the operation of this instruction:

MOVE.B #12,D0 >> #12( D0
Since: 1210 = 0CH; thus, D0 = $xxxxxx0C

MOVE.B #34,D1 ; decimal data 34 stored in D1

MOVE.B #34,D1 >> #34( D1
Since: 3410 = 22H; thus, D1 = $xxxxxx22



















MOVE.B D1,$7050 ; product of addition stored in memory at location $7050
From instruction list, the operation of this instruction:

MOVE.B D1,$7050 >> D1 ( M($7050)
$2E ( M($7050)









END ; end program execution.













Next instruction

Call subroutine A


Figure 4.35 Subroutine concept




(b) several Subroutines to be called within a program

Figure 4.36 Flow chart for Subroutine construct

(a) A subroutine to be called several times








(b) Execute task then check condition of loop

(c) Check condition of loop then execute task

(a) Basic loop

If Zero(END


If Not Zero

If Zero



















(b) Execute task then check condition of loop

(c) Check condition of loop then execute task

(a) Basic loop

















(a) Flow chart




(b) Instructions



(a) Execute task then check condition of loop








(b) Check condition of loop then execute task




If Not Zero

If Zero(END

Next instructon



Set Counter


NEXT : :

a) IF condition THEN action 1; b) IF condition THEN action 1 ELSE action 2; c) FOR counter = initial TO final value DO action 1; d) REPEAT action 1 UNTIL condition; e) WHILE condition DO action 1; f) CASE selector OF action 1, action 2, : action n;

Set Counter





If Not Zero,
Execute instructions



If Zero(END





IF A = 10 THEN Action 1

Action 1 : :



Action 1


Action 1

Action 2

NEXT1 : :
NEXT : :

IF A [< C >] [;< D>]

[A] < B > [< C >] [;< D>]

|Registers |Data |
|A3 |7080 1130 |
|A5 |2046 2258 |
|A6 |6789 0080 |
|D3 |1122 3344 |
|D5 |5566 7788 |

|Sample instruction |Source Operand |Destination Operand |
|CLR.B (A5) |EA = (A5) = 462258 |$00 ( (462258.B) |
| | |462258= 00 |
|CLR.W (A5) |EA = (A3) = 462258 |$0000 ( (462258.W) |
| | |462258= 00 |
| | |462259= 00 |
|CLR.L (A5) |EA = (A3) = 462258 |$0000 ( (462258.L) |
| | |462258= 00 |
| | |462259= 00 |
| | |46225A= 00 |
| | |46225B= 00 |

|Registers |Data |
|A3 |7080 1130 |
|A5 |2046 2258 |

|Registers |Data |
|A3 |7080 1130 |
|A5 |2046 2258 |
|A6 |6789 0080 |
|D3 |1122 3344 |
|D5 |5566 7788 |

|Sample instruction |Source Operand |Destination Operand |
|CLR.L (A3) |Nil |M(801130) |
|CLR.B (A3)+ | | |
|CLR.B –(A3) | | |
|MOVE.B 18(A5),D3 | | |
|MOVE.W -2(A3,D5.W), $3600(A6) | | |


|Sample instruction |Source Operand |Destination Operand |
|CLR.B (A3) |EA = (A3) = 801130 |$00 ( (801130.B) |
| | |801130 = 00 |
|CLR.W (A3) |EA = (A3) = 801130 |$0000 ( (801130.W) |
| | |801130 = 00 |
| | |801131 = 00 |
|CLR.L (A3) |EA = (A3) = 801130 |$0000 ( (801130.L) |
| | |801130 = 00 |
| | |801131 = 00 |
| | |801132 = 00 |
| | |801133 = 00 |

|Registers |Data |
|A3 |7080 1130 |
|A5 |2046 2258 |



• Logical selection Start terminal
• Operation/ process
• End terminal
• Connector
• Input / Output
• Sub-routine
• Connecting Arrows

a. Start terminal
b. Input / Output
c. Operation/ process
d. Logical selection
e. Sub-routine
f. Connector
g. Connecting Arrows
h. End terminal


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...working on it? How important can someone life with a plan? These are the questions when we want to plan something. We hesitate our self and set our mind into failure. In order to be what we want we have to build our own stairways to our goals. In this paper, I would like to share about what am I going to be in the next Twenty years, and what are the obstacles I have to go through. What weapon will I use. Of course it is my plan that became my weapon. However, is it even true that we have to reach what we want rather than just following the current nor the flow that other made? It is clear as a future leader I should create my own flow and strive through any kind of problems. Introduction Personally,...

Words: 1940 - Pages: 8

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...MY DREAM IS TO BECOME A TEACHER” The decision to enter a career in teaching is not something to be taken lightly. There are hundreds and hundreds of other careers to choose from. So I ask myself this question and ponder the reasons, why I want to become a teacher. Upon asking another teacher this question I got a quick response of June, July, and August. There has to be more to it than just summer vacation, right? Some of the other reasons people might give are such things like: they feel a calling to teach; a chance to positively impact the community; having a commitment to students; and being a good role model. But just what does all this mean to me and my pursuit to be an educator? Ultimately, I believe it will lead to a brighter future for me, and for my family. Let us take a little deeper look at some of the rewards of teaching. Everyone wants to be recognized for things they do in life, whether they are willing to admit it or not. I would love one day to have my name called out at an assembly to receive a certificate, plaque, or maybe even a banner, for being awarded Teacher of the Year. This would be a really great way to mark my accomplishments and distinguish myself among my colleagues. Teaching is not all about fame and recognition though. Knowing that I am doing a job that makes a difference, like teaching a child how to read and write, learn what respect is, and take responsibility for their actions will be meaningful...

Words: 771 - Pages: 4

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The Crash Of The American Dream Analysis

...The Crash of the American Dream When most people think of the American Dream the first thing that comes to mind is the house with the white picket fence, the 2.5 children, a nice reliable minivan or SUV, and the dog or cat. The American Dream is really not what it used to be, and it is getting harder and harder to obtain. With the effects of the economic crisis still shaping our everyday lifestyle, there is still little to no relief. We are still dealing with no jobs, and the ones you do get don’t pay nearly enough. The price to go back to school to try to improve your work situation has become more and more expensive, and to top it off you can barely get any kind of loans because you don’t make enough. It has become this vicious circle that...

Words: 1600 - Pages: 7

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Creating Your Dream Job

...Creating Your Dream Job Creating Your Dream Job Denise Frevert 12/15/2013 Bus 310 My Dream Job There is nothing more frustrating that waking up in the morning and going to work, but when you wake up to do what you love then you not working you are enjoying yourself. My dream job is to be a Register Nurse, ever since I was a little girl I dream of being a nurse to help people. Register Nurse is a nurse who has graduated from a nursing program at a college or university and has passed a national licensing exam. As a child I always play that I was the nurse and my cousins and brothers were my patients. I would provide care and medication to make them feel better: stickers were bandages and water or juice was the medication. It feels good helping others in need and it’s a pleasure to feel needed. Creating a job description and specifications for your dream job. When creating my dream job I need to know the basic functions of my job description and job specifications. Job description is a lists of tasks, duties and responsibilities that a particular job entails (Denisi /Griffin, 2012). A job specification focuses more on the individual who will perform the job, which indicate the knowledge, abilities, skills and other characteristics (Denisi/ Griffin, 2012). These are some of the job description and specification with this profession as registered nurses that I will typically be responsible in order to perform my job: * Record patients' medical histories and symptoms ...

Words: 1648 - Pages: 7

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Personal Narrative: A Career As A Nurse

...Once upon a time, I was a little girl who dreamed about saving the world. Over time these dreams have grown into something much bigger than I ever dreamed possible. Today I hope to relive those childhood dreams and save the world, just in a slightly different way. Working at St. Jude’s would check one thing off my bucket list. This hospital needs a nurse who has a great work ethic, a high patience level and an overall passion for the job. That is specifically why I deserve the job because there is no one else who fits the position as well as I do. Being a nurse to children struck with cancer is tough, however I work extremely hard at my job even with troubling circumstances. Throughout my life, I’ve never been fired and when I chose to leave...

Words: 1224 - Pages: 5

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Diagnostic Medical Sonography

...2004, I was still asleep when I hear my brother Roberto asking my mother, “ mom are my jeans and my shirt ready” “ I can help you to get them ready” my mom just whispered, “ is not time yet Roberto” “ get ready to eat breakfast”. I could not believe how he was so happy about leaving our hometown to come to a war without guns. On the other hand, I was so sad that I could feel my tears wetting my face. When I get up my mother handle me a suitcase and said: “pack only what is necessary”. I opened that bag and thought, “how am I going to pack fifteen years of my life here?” after a few minutes, I started packing. First, I pack each of my relatives; they are the best way to give meaning to my life, to know where I come from and where...

Words: 758 - Pages: 4

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Computer Graphics Designer media and Web technology major is the career that feed my passion, because this career will help me prepare in the field of digital design. I know that this professional field is the correct career for me, because according to the Learning Evaluation and Assessment Directory I took in the EDCP 100 Module Learning Preferences, my best learning style is Tactile, where my strengths have to do with everything that involve engaging physically learning. Therefore, is a fact that I’m a "hands-on learner" which means that I should look for a career where I can use my learning by doing style. I could separate my dreams in two kinds. First will be the dreams that I will like to achieve for my family and second the dreams I will like to achieve professionally work wise. For instances, my family dreams are been able to buy my mother a home and make her life comfortable. I want to be able to provide my wife and children with a good living. I want to be able to provide my children the tools they will need for their education. The dreams that I will like to achieve work wise after I become a college graduate are been able to work for a computer animation film studio. In the same time, I want to continue working on my education until I achieve my next goal, a Master degree in Digital Media. After achieving this goal, I want to start a computer animation film studio. When I have established successful my company, I...

Words: 1460 - Pages: 6

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Nursing Career Research Paper

...When growing up everyone always wants to fulfill in a dream job. When I was younger I would always say I wanted to achieve in a nursing job. Today I will achieve my goal by attending class and passing my quiz and test. I will work towards obtaining my career satisfaction. By doing this will have ambition in me planning a good college foundation. Becoming a nurse, it will help me pursue in helping others and their families. I want to be in the nursing industry because my mother has influenced me. My mother said being a nurse helps her keep going in life. She gets attached with her residents, and treat them as they are family. After I graduate from Spartanburg Methodist College. I want to be able to get a job as a nurse assistant to see...

Words: 283 - Pages: 2

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Opportunity Can Knock Twice

...distinguish career and living the American Dream, I am now an un-employed husband and a father of a 33 months old son. In May 2013, I moved from Middle Georgia to South Florida for better living and a good way of life for my new family. For over five and a half years, I was working for a major corporation that got their business from the Federal Government contracts by bidding and performing needed services at different locations around the world. Because of government cuts in Sept 2013, I lost my position due to the company's Workforce Reduction Policy and I became unemployed. Luckily, I had saved up a few month’s pay and the company gave me a severance package. From the time I received my official notice letter, I had been applying for different types of Information Technology jobs in the Miami area, attending job fairs, and attending interviews and it all comes down to... "I see you have a lot of experience in the IT field, but do you have this degree and certain certifications that’s required for this position?" I have to say no, but I am working to obtain the current certifications and attending classes toward my degree. Later, you get an email or a follow up call informing you of their non-selection for the position due to whatever reason or justification to fit their needs. Like any other man without a viable source of income, I have to do a new career paradigm and apply for jobs above my current education level. To get the best paying job in IT, you must have a degree in IT...

Words: 1197 - Pages: 5

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Comparing The American Dream In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

...My American Dream I remember when I was younger, on warm weekend nights, cuddled up on the couch with a bowl of buttery popcorn, watching Disney films pondering… what would life be like as a princess? To be constantly surrounded by the magic, to dance with my prince charming in the most magnificent palace with all eyes on me, to be the most beautiful and cherished girl in the whole kingdom. I'm sure nearly every little girl has the dream, but for most people it disappears over time. Not for me. True… it could be considered near impossible, but ever since those memorable nights I have dreamed to work as a Disney character at the resort.Transition needed here between your dream and theirs. Like nearly every person, real or fictional, George and Lennie have a dream. “ O.K. Someday—we're gonna get the jack together and we're gonna have a little house and a couple of acres and' a cow and some pigs and—" "An' live off the fatta the lan'," Lennie shouted” (Steinbeck 14). In John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men George Milton and Lennie Small find themselves traveling together in order to find work. Though some deem (since you used “find” in your last sentence) it strange that two men spend so much time together, George and Lennie compliment each other. George, the smaller yet intelligent one, helps Lennie to function with...

Words: 959 - Pages: 4

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American Study

...AMS 100 I am living in an age when dramatic changes have already occurred ever since society has ever started. I may not have witnessed these changes from the ancient times until that of last three decades of events, I know for a fact that those occurrences in the past will always have its impact in the manner that I live today. History has taught me many great discoveries about the past that will always have to affect me personally as well. As an individual living in the twenty-first century, the American economic definition of “dream” has greatly affected me in the ways that I consider wealth as an ideal lifestyle of a person living in America. This is evidently still applies until today especially that I strive hard only to achieve this so-called “American dream”. I was born in middle class, Chinese parents, who worked two jobs to feed three children, pay the house, fuel the car, and spend some leisure. I have witnessed how my parents struggled hard in order to maintain their lifestyle and status in the society. I remember how my father once celebrated his promotion that we had the chance to spend the summer in Disneyland. However, I have also witnessed how my mother fought with my father in 2009 because they were in the middle of bankruptcy. As I went to get a college education, I remember how my mother told me to strive hard so I will not experience the same thing. At first, I thought that I can do that and that I can do better than they did. Perhaps they were just wrong...

Words: 591 - Pages: 3

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Yobana Brianna Garcia Research Paper

...Andreina Garcia I believe that having a career is fundamental to success in the world these days. We live in a time when if you do not have a degree you probably will not work in the area of your interest, or get very far for that matter. Luckily, some people have found their dream job and have not required a university degree, but this is the exception, not the rule. An example of this is my mother, she has a medical degree from a technical school and she loves her job. She goes to villages that cannot even be accessed by car, and she is so committed to her job and helping others that she has been doing it for over thirty years. She wanted to go to college, but sadly her boss discriminated against her for being a woman and did not...

Words: 604 - Pages: 3

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American Dream

...American Dream: It is a well-known fact that the term “American Dream” first mentioned by James Trusslow Adams in 1931 (Wright 197) explains the model of an individual’s ideal existence, which is applied exclusively to the US – the country full of freedoms, possibilities, and opportunities. Nowadays the fame about the American dream reached all continents, and more and more people take the concept for granted dreaming about moving to America and spending the rest of their lives in a more favourable environment compared to their own. As many US citizens, they usually ignore the fact that hard work has always served as a background in the given concept (Warschauer) and look forward to gain all amenities of existence at once. Now I would like to express my commitment to the idea of American dream and briefly describe my negative work experience. Some may think of this experience as of something providing a push toward the perspective future, some may not agree. In any case, this is our contemporary reality that forms our perceptions of what we pursue and what we would like to achieve. Some years ago, I spent my summer vacations working as a sales assistant in a large food store that offered a full range of products. I was responsible for the department mostly with fresh and frozen meat. My duties included cutting, chopping, wrapping, and placing labels on the products, each specifying the product type. My uniform was pretty awkward: a green T-shirt and a white overall that probably...

Words: 1561 - Pages: 7