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Diagnostic Medical Sonography

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April 6 of 2004, I was still asleep when I hear my brother Roberto asking my mother, “ mom are my jeans and my shirt ready” “ I can help you to get them ready” my mom just whispered, “ is not time yet Roberto” “ get ready to eat breakfast”. I could not believe how he was so happy about leaving our hometown to come to a war without guns. On the other hand, I was so sad that I could feel my tears wetting my face. When I get up my mother handle me a suitcase and said: “pack only what is necessary”. I opened that bag and thought, “how am I going to pack fifteen years of my life here?” after a few minutes, I started packing. First, I pack each of my relatives; they are the best way to give meaning to my life, to know where I come from and where …show more content…
I am currently enrolled at St. Philip’s College and my short time goal is to pass the classes I am taking with an A, and maintain my GPA score. Later in 2019, I am planning to apply for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program offered here at St. Philips. Once I completed the career, I will be able to look for my dreamed job. I will love to be part of a medical facility, where they allow me to practice the skills I learned, and which give me the opportunity to grow in the workplace and most important that provides me with the salary I need to support my family. Having a good pay job will give me the opportunity to spend more time with my loved ones, also it will allow me to pay a private Health insurance for me and my family, and most important I would like to build a promising future for my children. To obtain the AAS in Diagnostic Medical Sonography I plan to spend the spring and fall semester finishing prerequisites. Then complete the application before June 1st of 2019, and finally, if I got accepted into the program I would invest the next 21 months working hard on the classroom and the clinical rotations to learn the skills needed to become a good sonographer. I have chosen a career in Diagnostic Medical Sonography because Allied Healthcare salaries and the job growth rate continue to grow, it provides a multitude of career options …show more content…
It would help me achieve my prerequisites goals in the next year. It would reduce my stress about school and daily expenses, it would give me more time to study and learn which can increase my grades and therefore my GPA. I would have more time to enjoy school events and participate in my son daily activities. In addition, I may take a day off to take care of myself. Earning a scholarship can make me more attractive for employers; they will recognize my educational efforts to deserve this monetary help. Personally, it will give me more self-confidence, it would tell me that I have supporters that believe in my potential and it would be a very great personal achievement. In addition, it would motivate me to keep working hard to reach my dreams. Both my mother and my father would be proud of me; this would show them that my hard work is paying me back. I want to be a good leader to follow for future generations of my family especially for my son, winning this scholarship will help them realize that with dedication, sacrifice, and perseverance I could achieve all my

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