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How to Empower Individuals


Submitted By studentsb
Words 497
Pages 2
Quality management represents a notable undertaking for the organization. Although there are a number of tools and techniques that can be implemented in order to facilitate the development of quality, there are certain dimensions of organizational discourse and employee behavior which can help improve quality outcomes. In particular, empowerment of individuals and teams can help improve quality initiatives. Tari and Sabater (2006) in their review of quality management in the organization assert that human aspects of the organization will play a large role in the success of quality paradigms. When employees are empowered to engage in quality management, changes needed to improve products and services become an integral part of the employee’s daily goals and behaviors. Empowerment provides a foundation upon which employees can build skills, knowledge and expertise. When implemented these tools can markedly improve quality programs in the organization. Empowered cross-functional teams can also have a positive impact on the development of quality initiatives in the organization. Spreitzer (1995) provides a general review of cross-functional teams noting that these teams must posses a broad base of knowledge and skills. This is because cross-functional teams provide the organization with service in a number of different areas. Spreitzer goes on to argue that when cross-functional teams are empowered, they have the desire and capability for synthesizing information and knowledge across many domains in the organization. With this ability, cross-functional teams that are motivated toward improvement will have the ability and the resources to initiate and make positive changes to improve operations in the organization. Thus, the empowerment of cross-functional teams has notable benefits for the organization when it comes to the ability to improve overall operations.

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