...AFIN328 Financial Risk Management Department of Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies Faculty of Business and Economics Unit Guide D2 Day; Offered in Session 2, North Ryde 2012 Table of Content Table of Content General Information Convenor and teaching staff Credit Points Prerequisites Corequisites Co-badged status Unit Description 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Learning Outcomes Graduate Capabilities Problem Solving and Research Capability Creative and Innovative Effective Communication Commitment to Continuous Learning Discipline Specific Knowledge and Skills Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking Engaged and Ethical Local and Global citizens Capable of Professional and Personal Judgement and Initiative 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 Assessment Tasks Class Test 1 Class Test 2 Group assignment Final Examination 10 10 10 10 11 Unit Schedule Delivery and Resources Policies and Procedures Academic Honesty Grades Grading Appeals and Final Examination Script Viewing Special Consideration Policy Student Support Student Enquiry Service Equity Support IT Help 12 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 Research and Practice 16 Page 2 of 16 General Information Convenor and teaching staff Unit Convenor: Alan Rai Email: alan.rai@mq.edu.au Phone: 9850 1169 Office: E4A 228 Consultation Hours: 1-3pm Monday Lecturer: James McCulloch Email: james.mcculloch@mq.edu.au Consultation Hours: Consultation during tutorials or via email Credit Points 3 Prerequisites ACCG252...
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...Unlike traditional universities, WGU does not award degrees based on credit hours or on a certain set of required courses. Instead, you will earn your degree by demonstrating your skills, knowledge, and understanding of important concepts through a series of carefully designed courses. Progress through your degree program is governed not by classes but by satisfactory completion of the required courses that demonstrate your mastery of the competencies. Of course, you will need to engage in learning experiences as you brush up on competencies or develop knowledge and skills in areas in which you may be weak. For this learning and development, WGU has a rich array of learning resources in which you may engage under the direction of your student mentor. You will work closely with your mentor to schedule your program for completing the courses. You will also work closely with additional faculty members as you proceed through courses of study that are designed to lead you through the content you must master in order to pass the assessment(s) for each course. The benefit of this competency-based system is that it makes it possible for people who are knowledgeable about a particular subject to make accelerated progress toward completing a WGU degree, even if they lack college experience. You may have gained skills and knowledge of a subject while on the job,...
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...FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY Nicanor Reyes St., Sampaloc Manila Job Opportunities for Internal Auditing Graduates A Research Paper Presented to the Institute of Accounts, Business & Finance Proponents: Ballan, Mary Jane M. Bautista, Dennis V. Burce, Jayraldine D. Culaton, Mary Joy C. Dacillo, Jessmin P. (Leader) Maquinano, Jem Karol R. Ortiz, Maribel G. Quiros, Marco M. Reyes, Angela M. Palencia, Alfred Foster M. Pascual, Karl Alexis M. Villanueva, Christian Paul M. In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Internal Auditing Dr. FE R. OCHOTORENA, CPA Adviser First Semester Academic Year 2014-2015 Job Opportunities for Internal Auditing Graduates AIA0807/Group 3 Abstract Internal auditing helps the organization to achieve its future goals by improving the business process of the organizations. The purpose of this study is to determine the job opportunities of Internal Auditing graduates. This study used the descriptive method of research and used non-probability sampling technique specifically stratified random sampling. This study revealed that job opportunities for the Internal Auditing graduates are rising in foreign companies particularly for the positions of Junior Internal Auditors given that Internal Auditing is designed to add value by helping organizations achieve its objectives. We conclude that many companies are already appreciating the importance of internal auditing function...
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...29, 2014 “Preparing Graduate Students for Graduate-Level Study and Research” Summary The number of academically under prepared and at-risk college graduates completing graduate-level degrees is increasing. Many of the students are doomed to failure either because they are academically disqualified or because they lack the guidance to acquire new information necessary for involvement of their thesis and/or project. Ultimately the cost of losing students is worrisome to both university/college officials and program coordinators. One of the most common hindrances for graduate students is the completion of the thesis, which almost always involves complex reviews of subject area literature. This problem is often overlooked, since program coordinators, faculty advisors and other officials assume that students automatically have knowledge of procedures in obtaining previous data/research findings relevant to the thesis work. This could not be further from the truth. In lieu of reading this article for review Katherine O’Clair hypothesizes that providing graduate students with adequate resources and support, including the help from the library, is required for protecting and increasing return on investments for university graduate programs. Often, just simply involving a university/college librarian can help reduce graduate student attrition and improve degree completion rates. O’Clair had a simple question of, “does a course with given credit prompt graduate students to evaluate their...
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...Internship Fair 2015 lse.ac.uk/careers Contents Start today. Change tomorrow. 1 LSE Careers can help you find an internship Our work impacts are the highest level of global business. We advise some of the world’s most important organisations on the issues shaping tomorrow. 3 Map 5 Participants 6 It’s the perfect environment for graduates who want to make an impact on business and their own careers. Find out more and apply ukcareers.ey.com/graduates Upcoming events Internship Fair Thursday 15 October 5.30-9pm Finance Industry Overview seminar Wednesday 21 October 1-3pm Telephone screening seminar Wednesday 28 October 1-3pm How to perform well in group exercises seminar Thursday 29 October 1-3pm Read your weekly LSE Careers enews and stay up to date on careers seminars, employers on campus, job opportunities and much more! Contact details LSE Careers is open: Monday to Friday 9.30am-5pm Thursday 9.30am-8pm Telephone: +44 (0)20 7955 7135 © 2015 Ernst & Young LLP. All Rights Reserved. Assurance | Consulting | Tax | Transactions SAW 5.02 (Saw Swee Hock Student Centre) 1 Sheffield Street London WC2A 2AP careers@lse.ac.uk lse.ac.uk/careers @lsecareers facebook.com/LSECareers This brochure was correct at the time of going to print LSE Careers can help you find an internship 2 Internships are a great way to gain experience and see what it’s really like to work...
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...recent poll of high school seniors asking how many credit hours per semester they should take when they go to college; more than 50 percent indicated 12 hours as an ideal college course load. Though 12 hours is a full-time course load, it is impossible for a student to earn a bachelor's degree within four years unless a student takes an additional six hours during the summer. The primary route to earning a bachelor’s degree within four years is to successfully complete 15 credit hours per semester, for a total of 30 credit hours annually. To improve college graduation rates and encourage on-time completion, the state of Georgia has launched 15 to Finish, a proven advisement, retention, progression, and graduation initiative that encourages students to take 15 credits per semester, thereby spending less time and money to earn a degree. The goal of Complete College Georgia and 15 to Finish is to provide better information and educate all students on tuition and fees, graduation rates and job opportunities to ensure successful college completion. The 15 to Finish initiative is important because many students express a desire to graduate within four years. Colleges are referred to as either four-year or two-year institutions, but most students are taking longer to graduate. In fact, if 100 students entered college today in the state of Georgia, only 11 students would graduate on time at a four-year college and only five would graduate on time at a two-year college (Complete...
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...Discussion The proposed research will help create awareness of the various obstacles single mothers go through when trying to obtain a degree. The lack of social support from faculty and from other individuals could create difficulties for single mothers to graduate. Also, not being economically stable can make it harder for single mothers to attend college. Single mothers have many responsibilities to take and if they think about the roles they take might not let them concentrate in school. It is important to find ways on how to adjust the needs of single mothers, so they can be able to graduate. Even though there is a great majority of single mother attending college at higher rates, little research has been done on how to help single...
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...Professional development for you as you near graduation from the online MBA program. Most students report that the entire process takes only 2-4 hours. This zero-unit course contains your insights, which allow the online MBA faculty to evaluate the effectiveness of its program. It also requires you to reflect on and write about the way in which your selection of courses achieves the goals of the online MBA program. As the online MBA program collects and assesses student portfolios produced over a period of years, the faculty will be able to adjust the mix of electives and requirements that make up each major to more fully meet program goals. Other matters, such as grading standards or individual course requirements may also come up for discussion during the review of student portfolios. Thus, your particular portfolio will help shape the future of the online MBA program as well as help you review your own education. This course will also develop your career and professional aspirations via a career workshop and advisement session to prepare you for the next step in your professional life, which varies from student to student. ADMIN 995 Course Overview There are four components to the course which you must complete: 1. Portfolio of Academic Work 2. Reflective Essay 3. Career Development Activities 4. Exit Survey NOTE: You must pass all 4 parts of the course in order to graduate. Course Criteria • Grading: Credit / No Credit Important Contact Information |Name...
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...College Isn’t for Everyone. Let’s Stop Pretending It Is. by Michael Petrilli gives readers a look at how there are some students that may not benefit from a college education. He writes that the current school of thought is that communities should be preparing all students for college success, whether it be four-year or other post-secondary degree; therefore, the very last thing that should be told to students graduating high school is that they may not succeed in a college setting, even if that were true. He asks, “What if encouraging students to take a shot at the college track – despite very long odds of crossing its finish line – does them more harm than good?” If a student is way behind in reading and math when they graduate high school, they are less likely to succeed where they are expected to succeed in college level courses. “We shouldn’t force anyone into that route, but we also shouldn’t guilt kids with low odds of college success—regardless of their race or class—to keep trudging through...
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...When it comes to the topic of college tuition, most of us will readily agree that we should pay nothing. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of taxpayers. Whereas some are convinced that it should be free, others maintain that it should not. Many Americans tend to believe that receiving a free higher education could help boost the economy by having more college graduates that would create more jobs opportunities. In a recent article by International Business Times, Bernie Sanders, a presidential candidate senator, proposes the elimination of four-year college tuition. To introduce The College for All Act Bernie Sanders says, “[It] would give four years of tuition-free education to students at public colleges and universities.” It also argues...
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...Edward Harari Prof. Thompson LLEN 102 5/25/2018 Student Loan Debt – Is there a solution to the crisis? Many Americans view college as a rite of passage, a method to securing long term financial stability. With a bachelor’s degree becoming the new standard qualification for entry level jobs, more and more students are seeking them out. Many students resort to expensive loans to cover the cost of their schooling with the hopes that they will be able to quickly pay them off with their swanky out of school job. Student borrowing has become so rampant that it is now the second largest source of household debt behind housing. This research paper will discuss recent changes in student loan market and the potential of a crisis in the near future due...
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...Australian School of Business Banking and Finance FINS3630 BANK FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Course Outline Semester 2, 2012 FINS3630 – BANK FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1 Table of Contents PART A: COURSE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 STAFF CONTACT DETAILS COURSE DETAILS Teaching Times and Locations Units of Credit Summary of Course Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses Student Learning Outcomes LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 8 9 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 14 3.1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course 3.2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies 4 ASSESSMENT 4.1 Formal Requirements 4.2 Assessment Details 5 6 7 8 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 10 11 COURSE RESOURCES COURSE EVALUATION AND DEVELOPMENT COURSE SCHEDULE ACADEMIC HONESTY AND PLAGIARISM STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT Workload Attendance General Conduct and Behaviour Occupational Health and Safety Keeping Informed SPECIAL CONSIDERATION AND SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS STUDENT RESOURCES AND SUPPORT PART B: KEY POLICIES, STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND SUPPORT FINS3630 – BANK FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 2 PART A: COURSE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION 1 STAFF CONTACT DETAILS Lecturer-in-charge: Dr. Lixiong Guo Room: ASB East Wing 363 (Note: Please use the ASB entrance next to the University Bookstore) Phone No: 9385 5773 Email: lixiong.guo@unsw.edu.au Consultation Times: Tuesday 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm (or by appointment) Tutor names: A full list of tutors will be posted...
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...faculty of the Graduate school of business candidacy For the degree of masters of Education Definition of terms………………………………………………………………8 Significance of the study………………………………………………………...9 Organization of the study………………………………………………………..9 II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Current Literature…………………………………………………………………….13 III. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODLOGY Research methodology……………………………………………………………….16 IV. FINDINGS Results………………………………………………………………………………..17 V. CONCLUSION Introduction………………………………………………………………………….30 Summary and Conclusion……………………………………………………………31 Recommendations……………………………………………………………………32 REFERENCES References………………………………………………………………………...33 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Context of the problem Every year the statistics reveal that more high school students are dropping out of school at an alarming rate. There are many factors that contribute to the high school dropout rate such as: teen pregnancy, substance abuse and socio-economic standards, peer pressure and familial factors. Three-quarters of state prison inmates are high school drop outs, 90% of the 11,000 youth in adult detention facilities have no more than a ninth grade education. In 2010 only 55% of young adult dropouts were employed, compared with 74% of high school graduates and 87% of four-year college graduates. Dropouts cost...
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...My Personal Financial Plan I. Current A. Description Currently I am a full time student, and senior, at majoring in Accounting and Finance. I do not have a part time job and do not plan to work until I graduate. I currently have taken out student loans to support myself through the rest of my college education. My parents pay for insurance payments for my car, cover my phone bill, and provide me with medical insurance. I pay for all the rest of my expenses, including rent, food, gas, and all other daily expenses. I currently have no investments and no substantial assets with a value of over $1000. I graduate in May and have signed a contract with KPMG to start work as an auditor in August after I complete the CPA. I will be auditing companies in the telecommunications industry as well as the financial industry. My starting salary is $47,500 a year plus benefits. I use a car that my parents bought me to commute right now but will purchase my own car and become 100% financially independent of them when I start work in the fall. B. Balance Sheet- (Find in Appendices- #1) C. Cash Flows Statement/Income Statement- (Find in Appendices- #2) D. Mission/Vision Statement Mission Statement- To secure financial stability with minimal leverage by age 50. To have the ability to be generous with my money and consistently give a larger percentage away every year while maintaining my standard of living. Vision Statement- When I start my job I plan...
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...Graduate Employability and Student Attitudes and Orientations to the Labour Market Michael Tomlinson This article examines the way students, making the transition from higher education into the labour market, construct, understand and begin to manage their employability. It draws upon a qualitative study of 53 final year undergraduates in a pre-1992 university in the UK. It firstly explores students’ perceptions of the current labour market for graduates and how they understand future career progression. It examines their different orientations and attitudes to work and careers through the development of an ideal-type model. It then considers how these orientations influence the way students approach future work and careers and manage their employability, and further discusses some of the implications this has for current policies around higher education and the labour market in the UK context. Introduction This paper examines the perceptions, attitudes and orientations of higher education students to their future work, careers and employability. The employability of university graduates has dominated much educational and economic policy over the past decade (NCIHE, 1997; DfEE, 2000). Graduate employability is centrally located in the changing relationship between higher education and the labour market. The development of mass higher education has intersected with the shift towards a so-called knowledge-driven or post-industrial economy (Drucker, 1993; Amin, 1994)...
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