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Hpcl Stock Analysis


Submitted By Akshay137
Words 6972
Pages 28
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited * Stock Analysis

Contents About Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited 4 The Indian Oil and Gas Industry Overview – Why the industry is Superior 4 About the industry 4 Yearly Consumption 5 Yearly Domestic Production 6 Imports 7 Industry Prospects 8 HPCL – Superior Business from Superior Industry 9 Industry Growth vs Overall Economy Growth 10 HPCL’s Profitability vs other Players in the Industry 10 Net Profit Margin 11 Return on Capital Employed 11 Return on Net Worth 12 Earnings per Share 13 Net Cash from Operating Activities 14 Barriers to entry in the Oil and Gas Industry 15 Growth Prospects of HPCL 15 Valuation Measures of HPCL 16 Intangible Assets of HPCL 17 Risk Parameters of HPCL 17 Use of Leverage by HPCL 18 Debt Equity Ratio 18 Return on Equity & Earnings per Share 19 Barriers to Entry enjoyed by HPCL 20 Shareholders’ Objectives and Returns 21 Quality Management – ROE and Stock Price 22 Shareholding Pattern 23 Valuation of HPCL 24 Free Cash Flow to Firm Approach 24 Dividend Discount Model 27 Ratios – ROE/PE & PEG 28 ROE/PE 28 PEG 28 Scenario Analysis 29 Optimistic Scenario 29 Most Likely Scenario 29 Pessimistic Scenario 30 Conclusion 30 References 31

About Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited is a major player operating in the Indian Oil and Gas Industry with around 20% market share.
HPCL is a Government of India Enterprise with a Navratna Status, and a Fortune 500 and Forbes 2000 company, with an annual turnover of Rs. 1,90,048 Crores and sales/income from operations of Rs 2,15,675 Crores (US$ 39.726 Billions) during FY 2012-13, having about 20% Marketing share in India among PSUs and a strong market infrastructure. HPCL's Crude Thruput and Market Sales (including exports) are

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